[LLVMdev] LLVM & Incremental Compilation

Sébastien Pierre sebastien-lists at type-z.org
Mon Jan 17 05:33:31 PST 2005

Le 17 janv. 05, à 00:38, Vikram Adve a écrit :

> I think the code for closures (and therefore any first-class 
> functions) requires excessive use of void pointers and casts.

And is there any chance that closure implementation could be made 
easier ?
If LLVM is to be used as a platform for new computer languages, tis 
would be important. I think that closures would be on the top of the 
expected features list for a "modern" language.

  -- Sébastien

«Le soleil est Dieu»
<http://www.type-z.org>             -- Turner, avant de mourir

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