[LLVMdev] Primer with LLVM

Francisco Puentes fpuentes at udc.es
Sat Jan 8 07:49:33 PST 2005

> > Would be great if we append into the documentation several "patters"
> > to show how perform with LLVM. It would accelerate the learn curve for
> > beginners like me, avoiding basic errors and mistakes. If I reach a
> > good level with LLVM I can make these.
> I'm not sure if I understand what you mean.  Are you looking for an
> "LLVM programmer's guide"?  If so, we have one of those:
>   http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/docs/ProgrammersManual.html

I am a recently LLVM user, and I found that LLVM is hard to use at first
sight. It would be nice if people like me can have documents like "howto"
but code-oriented (versus manual-oriented). Something like code extracts
with common (and basic) problems.

Last URL is a document to generate code from scratch until a "Module", and I
need generate it from a "Module" thru native code....

> There are a lot of documents, both for extending LLVM and building new
> projects _with_ LLVM here:
>   http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/docs/

... and nothing of these cover this topic.

(If I am wrong get right me!!)

> > Have you a sample to generate code into memory?
> Take a look at llvm/examples/HowToUseJIT and llvm/examples/Fibonacci in
> the LLVM distribution, or online via cvsweb.

Looking................ (each dot is a minute)

Well, these examples are JIT-based. I really need generate into memory
native code, extract the address of a function (aka "main") and execute it.

> --
> Misha Brukman :: http://misha.brukman.net :: http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu

Apologize my inexperience with LLVM, but I *really* don't find an example to
generate code into memory from a "Module".

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