[LLVMdev] Fixes for windows version

Morten Ofstad morten at hue.no
Tue Nov 16 01:25:50 PST 2004

>>I've also determined why VC++ complains about deprecated destructors
>>when using hash_map.  Because it's not ANSI (yet), Microsoft decided to
>>move it from the std namespace to the stdext namespace.  Use of
>>std::hash_map is therefore deprecated.  Similar shenanigans have been
>>committed by gcc from one version to another.  I see where this is
>>handled (llvm/ADT/hash_map), but it isn't clear how to add support for
>>VC++ to the auto config magic.
> Yeah, there's tests in autoconf/m4/cxx_hash_map to dictate which naming
> style needs to be used. You'll have to haxor it in there if you're not
> using the configure script.

I created a special configure project in the Visual Studio solution 
which uses sed to directly enter the correct configuration values for 
the Visual Studio build. It seems quite unnecessary to have all the auto 
detection stuff work on windows since it's a fairly homogenous build 
environment ;) But in fact I use the stdext:: namespace and I still get 
deprecation warning, I think it is because the hash function for 
pointers is deprecated (although it still works) - I'm actually 
generating code now with LLVM and it works fine, so I'm not too worried 
about these warnings (as they are not showing up when you use the 
libs+header files)

And thanks a lot for the fixes, Jeff - also thanks to Reid and Chris for 
swift response when I submit patches!


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