[LLVMdev] misc. patches
Morten Ofstad
morten at hue.no
Mon Dec 13 05:30:00 PST 2004
here are some minor patches that for various reasons I've not submitted
yet - I'm just trying to clear my list of differences before christmas...
First of all the clear.patch file contains a patch that enables the JIT
to drop all global mappings. I need this because when I have N threads I
compile N different versions of my functions using different memory
areas for global variables - it's also useful in other dynamic
recompilation scenarios.
Next the warnings.patch file contains some minor modification to make
Visual Studio shut up (and possibly to make LLVM more 64bit friendly). I
chose to typedef a size_type on the LLVM containers that try to mimic
the std:: containers, while in the other case I just made a simple cast.
Finally the leaks.patch file contains a destructor for the
JITMemoryManager that frees system memory and a minor modification to
how one particular singleton object gets instantiated in CommandLine.cpp
to stop the VS leak detector complaining.
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