[llvm] [SandboxVec] Add option -sbvec-allow-file for bisection debugging (PR #129127)
via llvm-commits
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Thu Feb 27 13:43:19 PST 2025
llvmbot wrote:
Author: vporpo (vporpo)
This new option lets you specify an allow-list of source files and disables vectorization if the IR is not in the list. This can be used for debugging miscompiles.
Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/129127.diff
3 Files Affected:
- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.h (+3)
- (modified) llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.cpp (+42)
- (added) llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/allow_files.ll (+39)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.h
index 7ea9386f08bee..fea53329719b9 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.h
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ class SandboxVectorizerPass : public PassInfoMixin<SandboxVectorizerPass> {
// within FPM may register/unregister callbacks, so they need access to
// Context.
sandboxir::FunctionPassManager FPM;
+ /// \Returns true if we should attempt to vectorize \p SrcFilePath based on
+ /// `AllowFiles` option.
+ bool allowFile(const std::string &SrcFilePath);
bool runImpl(Function &F);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.cpp
index 5837cc16fcbac..bffb9f187e882 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.cpp
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
#include "llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizer.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/SandboxIR/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SandboxVectorizerPassBuilder.h"
+#include <regex>
using namespace llvm;
@@ -29,6 +31,22 @@ static cl::opt<std::string> UserDefinedPassPipeline(
cl::desc("Comma-separated list of vectorizer passes. If not set "
"we run the predefined pipeline."));
+// This option is useful for bisection debugging.
+// For example you may use it to figure out which filename is the one causing a
+// miscompile. You can specify a regex for the filename like: "/[a-m][^/]*"
+// which will enable any file name starting with 'a' to 'm' and disable the
+// rest. If the miscompile goes away, then we try "/[n-z][^/]*" for the other
+// half of the range, from 'n' to 'z'. If we can reproduce the miscompile then
+// we can keep looking in [n-r] and [s-z] and so on, in a binary-search fashion.
+// Please note that we are using [^/]* and not .* to make sure that we are
+// matching the actual filename and not some other directory in the path.
+cl::opt<std::string> AllowFiles(
+ "sbvec-allow-files", cl::init(".*"), cl::Hidden,
+ cl::desc("Run the vectorizer only on file paths that match any in the "
+ "list of comma-separated regex's."));
+static constexpr const char AllowFilesDelim = ',';
SandboxVectorizerPass::SandboxVectorizerPass() : FPM("fpm") {
if (UserDefinedPassPipeline == DefaultPipelineMagicStr) {
// TODO: Add passes to the default pipeline. It currently contains:
@@ -66,6 +84,23 @@ PreservedAnalyses SandboxVectorizerPass::run(Function &F,
return PA;
+bool SandboxVectorizerPass::allowFile(const std::string &SrcFilePath) {
+ // Iterate over all files in AllowFiles separated by `AllowFilesDelim`.
+ size_t DelimPos = 0;
+ do {
+ size_t LastPos = DelimPos != 0 ? DelimPos + 1 : DelimPos;
+ DelimPos = AllowFiles.find(AllowFilesDelim, LastPos);
+ auto FileNameToMatch = AllowFiles.substr(LastPos, DelimPos - LastPos);
+ if (FileNameToMatch.empty())
+ return false;
+ // Note: This only runs when debugging so its OK not to reuse the regex.
+ std::regex FileNameRegex(std::string(".*") + FileNameToMatch);
+ if (std::regex_match(SrcFilePath, FileNameRegex))
+ return true;
+ } while (DelimPos != std::string::npos);
+ return false;
bool SandboxVectorizerPass::runImpl(Function &LLVMF) {
if (Ctx == nullptr)
Ctx = std::make_unique<sandboxir::Context>(LLVMF.getContext());
@@ -75,6 +110,13 @@ bool SandboxVectorizerPass::runImpl(Function &LLVMF) {
return false;
+ // This is used for debugging.
+ if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(AllowFiles != ".*")) {
+ const auto &SrcFilePath = LLVMF.getParent()->getSourceFileName();
+ if (!allowFile(SrcFilePath))
+ return false;
+ }
// If the target claims to have no vector registers early return.
if (!TTI->getNumberOfRegisters(TTI->getRegisterClassForType(true))) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "SBVec: Target has no vector registers, return.\n");
diff --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/allow_files.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/allow_files.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0929eca6a1047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/allow_files.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" -sbvec-allow-files="some_other_file" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ALLOW_OTHER
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" -sbvec-allow-files="allow_files.ll" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ALLOW_THIS
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" -sbvec-allow-files="al.*_files.ll" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ALLOW_REGEX
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" -sbvec-allow-files="some_file,.*_files.ll,some_other_file" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ALLOW_REGEX_CSV
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" -sbvec-allow-files="allow" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ALLOW_BAD_REGEX
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" -sbvec-allow-files="some_file,some_other_file1,some_other_file2" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ALLOW_OTHER_CSV
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" -sbvec-allow-files="" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ALLOW_EMPTY
+; RUN: opt -passes=sandbox-vectorizer -sbvec-vec-reg-bits=1024 -sbvec-allow-non-pow2 -sbvec-passes="seed-collection<tr-save,bottom-up-vec,tr-accept>" %s -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=DEFAULT
+; Checks the command-line option `-sbvec-allow-files`.
+define void @widen(ptr %ptr) {
+; ALLOW_OTHER: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_OTHER: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_THIS: store <2 x float> {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_REGEX: store <2 x float> {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_REGEX_CSV: store <2 x float> {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_BAD_REGEX: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_BAD_REGEX: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_OTHER_CSV: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_OTHER_CSV: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_EMPTY: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; ALLOW_EMPTY: store float {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+; DEFAULT: store <2 x float> {{%.*}}, ptr {{%.*}}, align 4
+ %ptr0 = getelementptr float, ptr %ptr, i32 0
+ %ptr1 = getelementptr float, ptr %ptr, i32 1
+ %ld0 = load float, ptr %ptr0
+ %ld1 = load float, ptr %ptr1
+ store float %ld0, ptr %ptr0
+ store float %ld1, ptr %ptr1
+ ret void
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