[llvm] [Exegesis][RISCV] Add initial RVV support (PR #128767)

Craig Topper via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 27 10:07:07 PST 2025

@@ -24,10 +32,574 @@
 namespace llvm {
 namespace exegesis {
+static cl::opt<bool>
+    OnlyUsesVLMAXForVL("riscv-vlmax-for-vl",
+                       cl::desc("Only enumerate VLMAX for VL operand"),
+                       cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
+static cl::opt<bool>
+    EnumerateRoundingModes("riscv-enumerate-rounding-modes",
+                           cl::desc("Enumerate different FRM and VXRM"),
+                           cl::init(true), cl::Hidden);
+static cl::opt<std::string>
+    FilterConfig("riscv-filter-config",
+                 cl::desc("Show only the configs matching this regex"),
+                 cl::init(""), cl::Hidden);
 #include "RISCVGenExegesis.inc"
 namespace {
+template <class BaseT> class RISCVSnippetGenerator : public BaseT {
+  static void printRoundingMode(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Val, bool UsesVXRM) {
+    if (UsesVXRM) {
+      assert(RISCVVXRndMode::isValidRoundingMode(Val));
+      OS << RISCVVXRndMode::roundingModeToString(
+          static_cast<RISCVVXRndMode::RoundingMode>(Val));
+    } else {
+      assert(RISCVFPRndMode::isValidRoundingMode(Val));
+      OS << RISCVFPRndMode::roundingModeToString(
+          static_cast<RISCVFPRndMode::RoundingMode>(Val));
+    }
+  }
+  static constexpr unsigned MinSEW = 8;
+  // ELEN is basically SEW_max.
+  unsigned ELEN = 64;
+  // We can't know the real min/max VLEN w/o a Function, so we're
+  // using the VLen from Zvl.
+  unsigned ZvlVLen = 32;
+  /// Mask for registers that are NOT standalone registers like X0 and V0
+  BitVector AggregateRegisters;
+  // Returns true when opcode is available in any of the FBs.
+  static bool
+  isOpcodeAvailableIn(unsigned Opcode,
+                      ArrayRef<RISCV_MC::SubtargetFeatureBits> FBs) {
+    FeatureBitset RequiredFeatures = RISCV_MC::computeRequiredFeatures(Opcode);
+    for (uint8_t FB : FBs) {
+      if (RequiredFeatures[FB])
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  static bool isRVVFloatingPointOp(unsigned Opcode) {
+    return isOpcodeAvailableIn(Opcode,
+                               {RISCV_MC::Feature_HasVInstructionsAnyFBit});
+  }
+  // Get the element group width of each vector cryptor extension.
+  static unsigned getZvkEGWSize(unsigned Opcode, unsigned SEW) {
+    using namespace RISCV_MC;
+    if (isOpcodeAvailableIn(Opcode, {Feature_HasStdExtZvkgBit,
+                                     Feature_HasStdExtZvknedBit,
+                                     Feature_HasStdExtZvksedBit}))
+      return 128U;
+    if (isOpcodeAvailableIn(Opcode, {Feature_HasStdExtZvkshBit}))
+      return 256U;
+    if (isOpcodeAvailableIn(Opcode, {Feature_HasStdExtZvknhaOrZvknhbBit}))
+      // In Zvknh[ab], when SEW=64 is used (i.e. Zvknhb), EGW is 256.
+      // Otherwise it's 128.
+      return SEW == 64 ? 256U : 128U;
+    llvm_unreachable("Unsupported opcode");
+  }
+  // A handy utility to multiply or divide an integer by LMUL.
+  template <typename T> static T multiplyLMul(T Val, RISCVVType::VLMUL VLMul) {
+    auto [LMul, IsFractional] = RISCVVType::decodeVLMUL(VLMul);
+    return IsFractional ? Val / LMul : Val * LMul;
+  }
+  /// Return the denominator of the fractional (i.e. the `x` in .vfx suffix) or
+  /// nullopt if BaseOpcode is not a vector sext/zext.
+  static std::optional<unsigned> isRVVSignZeroExtend(unsigned BaseOpcode) {
+    switch (BaseOpcode) {
+    case RISCV::VSEXT_VF2:
+    case RISCV::VZEXT_VF2:
+      return 2;
+    case RISCV::VSEXT_VF4:
+    case RISCV::VZEXT_VF4:
+      return 4;
+    case RISCV::VSEXT_VF8:
+    case RISCV::VZEXT_VF8:
+      return 8;
+    default:
+      return std::nullopt;
+    }
+  }
+  void annotateWithVType(const CodeTemplate &CT, const Instruction &Instr,
+                         unsigned BaseOpcode,
+                         const BitVector &ForbiddenRegisters,
+                         std::vector<CodeTemplate> &Result) const;
+  RISCVSnippetGenerator(const LLVMState &State,
+                        const SnippetGenerator::Options &Opts)
+      : BaseT(State, Opts),
+        AggregateRegisters(State.getRegInfo().getNumRegs(), /*initVal=*/true) {
+    // Initialize standalone registers mask.
+    const MCRegisterInfo &RegInfo = State.getRegInfo();
+    const unsigned StandaloneRegClasses[] = {
+        RISCV::GPRRegClassID, RISCV::FPR16RegClassID, RISCV::VRRegClassID};
+    for (unsigned RegClassID : StandaloneRegClasses)
+      for (unsigned Reg : RegInfo.getRegClass(RegClassID))
+        AggregateRegisters.reset(Reg);
+    // Initialize ELEN and VLEN.
+    // FIXME: We could have obtained these two constants from RISCVSubtarget
+    // but in order to get that from TargetMachine, we need a Function.
+    const MCSubtargetInfo &STI = State.getSubtargetInfo();
+    ELEN = STI.checkFeatures("+zve64x") ? 64 : 32;
+    std::string ZvlQuery;
+    for (unsigned I = 5U, Size = (1 << I); I < 17U; ++I, Size <<= 1) {
+      ZvlQuery = "+zvl";
+      raw_string_ostream SS(ZvlQuery);
+      SS << Size << "b";
+      if (STI.checkFeatures(SS.str()) && ZvlVLen < Size)
+        ZvlVLen = Size;
+    }
+  }
+  Expected<std::vector<CodeTemplate>>
+  generateCodeTemplates(InstructionTemplate Variant,
+                        const BitVector &ForbiddenRegisters) const override;
+static bool isMaskedSibling(unsigned MaskedOp, unsigned UnmaskedOp) {
+  const auto *RVVMasked = RISCV::getMaskedPseudoInfo(MaskedOp);
+  return RVVMasked && RVVMasked->UnmaskedPseudo == UnmaskedOp;
+// There are primarily two kinds of opcodes that are not eligible
+// in a serial snippet:
+// (1) Has a use operand that can not overlap with the def operand
+// (i.e. early clobber).
+// (2) The register file of the only use operand is different from
+// that of the def operand. For instance, use operand is vector and
+// the result is a scalar.
+static bool isIneligibleOfSerialSnippets(unsigned BaseOpcode,
+                                         const Instruction &I) {
+  if (llvm::any_of(I.Operands,
+                   [](const Operand &Op) { return Op.isEarlyClobber(); }))
+    return true;
+  switch (BaseOpcode) {
+  case RISCV::VCPOP_M:
+  case RISCV::VCPOP_V:
+  // The permutation instructions listed below cannot have destination
+  // overlapping with the source.
+    return true;
+  default:
+    return false;
+  }
+static bool isZvfhminZvfbfminOpcodes(unsigned BaseOpcode) {
+  switch (BaseOpcode) {
+  case RISCV::VFNCVT_F_F_W:
+  case RISCV::VFWCVT_F_F_V:
+  case RISCV::VFNCVTBF16_F_F_W:
+  case RISCV::VFWCVTBF16_F_F_V:
+    return true;
+  default:
+    return false;
+  }
+static bool isVectorReduction(unsigned BaseOpcode) {
+  switch (BaseOpcode) {
+    return true;
+  default:
+    return false;
+  }
+template <class BaseT>
+void RISCVSnippetGenerator<BaseT>::annotateWithVType(
+    const CodeTemplate &OrigCT, const Instruction &Instr, unsigned BaseOpcode,
+    const BitVector &ForbiddenRegisters,
+    std::vector<CodeTemplate> &Result) const {
+  const MCSubtargetInfo &STI = SnippetGenerator::State.getSubtargetInfo();
+  unsigned VPseudoOpcode = Instr.getOpcode();
+  bool IsSerial = std::is_same_v<BaseT, SerialSnippetGenerator>;
+  const MCInstrDesc &MIDesc = Instr.Description;
+  const uint64_t TSFlags = MIDesc.TSFlags;
+  RISCVVType::VLMUL VLMul = RISCVII::getLMul(TSFlags);
+  const size_t StartingResultSize = Result.size();
+  SmallPtrSet<const Operand *, 4> VTypeOperands;
+  std::optional<AliasingConfigurations> SelfAliasing;
+  // Exegesis see instructions with tied operands being inherently serial.
+  // But for RVV instructions, those tied operands are passthru rather
+  // than real read operands. So we manually put dependency between
+  // destination (i.e. def) and any of the non-tied/SEW/policy/AVL/RM
+  // operands.
+  auto assignSerialRVVOperands = [&, this](InstructionTemplate &IT) {
+    // Initialize SelfAliasing on first use.
+    if (!SelfAliasing.has_value()) {
+      BitVector ExcludeRegs = ForbiddenRegisters;
+      ExcludeRegs |= AggregateRegisters;
+      SelfAliasing = AliasingConfigurations(Instr, Instr, ExcludeRegs);
+      bool EmptyUses = false;
+      for (auto &ARO : SelfAliasing->Configurations) {
+        auto &Uses = ARO.Uses;
+        for (auto ROA = Uses.begin(); ROA != Uses.end();) {
+          const Operand *Op = ROA->Op;
+          // Exclude tied operand(s).
+          if (Op->isTied()) {
+            ROA = Uses.erase(ROA);
+            continue;
+          }
+          // Special handling for reduction operations: for a given reduction
+          // `vredop vd, vs2, vs1`, we don't want vd to be aliased with vs1
+          // since we're only reading `vs1[0]` and many implementations
+          // optimize for this case (e.g. chaining). Instead, we're forcing
+          // it to create alias between vd and vs2.
+          if (isVectorReduction(BaseOpcode) &&
+              // vs1's operand index is always 3.
+              Op->getIndex() == 3) {
+            ROA = Uses.erase(ROA);
+            continue;
+          }
+          // Exclude any special operands like SEW and VL -- we've already
+          // assigned values to them.
+          if (VTypeOperands.count(Op)) {
+            ROA = Uses.erase(ROA);
+            continue;
+          }
+          ++ROA;
+        }
+        // If any of the use operand candidate lists is empty, there is
+        // no point to assign self aliasing registers.
+        if (Uses.empty()) {
+          EmptyUses = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (EmptyUses)
+        SelfAliasing->Configurations.clear();
+    }
+    // This is a self aliasing instruction so defs and uses are from the same
+    // instance, hence twice IT in the following call.
+    if (!SelfAliasing->empty() && !SelfAliasing->hasImplicitAliasing())
+      setRandomAliasing(*SelfAliasing, IT, IT);
+  };
+  // We are going to create a CodeTemplate (configuration) for each supported
+  // SEW, policy, and VL.
+  // FIXME: Account for EEW and EMUL.
+  SmallVector<std::optional<unsigned>, 4> Log2SEWs;
+  SmallVector<std::optional<unsigned>, 4> Policies;
+  SmallVector<std::optional<int>, 3> AVLs;
+  SmallVector<std::optional<unsigned>, 8> RoundingModes;
+  bool HasSEWOp = RISCVII::hasSEWOp(TSFlags);
+  bool HasPolicyOp = RISCVII::hasVecPolicyOp(TSFlags);
+  bool HasVLOp = RISCVII::hasVLOp(TSFlags);
+  bool HasRMOp = RISCVII::hasRoundModeOp(TSFlags);
+  bool UsesVXRM = RISCVII::usesVXRM(TSFlags);
+  if (HasSEWOp) {
+    const Operand &SEWOp = Instr.Operands[RISCVII::getSEWOpNum(MIDesc)];
+    VTypeOperands.insert(&SEWOp);
+    if (SEWOp.Info->OperandType == RISCVOp::OPERAND_SEW_MASK) {
+      // If it's a mask-producing instruction, the SEW operand is always zero.
+      Log2SEWs.push_back(0);
+    } else {
+      SmallVector<unsigned, 4> SEWCandidates;
+      // (RVV spec 3.4.2) For fractional LMUL, the supported SEW are between
+      // [SEW_min, LMUL * ELEN].
+      unsigned SEWUpperBound =
+          VLMul >= RISCVVType::LMUL_F8 ? multiplyLMul(ELEN, VLMul) : ELEN;
+      for (unsigned SEW = MinSEW; SEW <= SEWUpperBound; SEW <<= 1) {
+        SEWCandidates.push_back(SEW);
+        // Some scheduling classes already integrate SEW; only put
+        // their corresponding SEW values at the SEW operands.
+        // NOTE: It is imperative to put this condition in the front, otherwise
+        // it is tricky and difficult to know if there is an integrated
+        // SEW after other rules are applied to filter the candidates.
+        const auto *RVVBase =
+            RISCVVInversePseudosTable::getBaseInfo(BaseOpcode, VLMul, SEW);
+        if (RVVBase && (RVVBase->Pseudo == VPseudoOpcode ||
+                        isMaskedSibling(VPseudoOpcode, RVVBase->Pseudo) ||
+                        isMaskedSibling(RVVBase->Pseudo, VPseudoOpcode))) {
+          // There is an integrated SEW, remove all but the SEW pushed last.
+          SEWCandidates.erase(SEWCandidates.begin(), SEWCandidates.end() - 1);
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // Filter out some candidates.
+      for (auto SEW = SEWCandidates.begin(); SEW != SEWCandidates.end();) {
+        // For floating point operations, only select SEW of the supported FLEN.
+        if (isRVVFloatingPointOp(VPseudoOpcode)) {
+          bool Supported = false;
+          Supported |= isZvfhminZvfbfminOpcodes(BaseOpcode) && *SEW == 16;
+          Supported |= STI.hasFeature(RISCV::FeatureStdExtZvfh) && *SEW == 16;
+          Supported |= STI.hasFeature(RISCV::FeatureStdExtF) && *SEW == 32;
+          Supported |= STI.hasFeature(RISCV::FeatureStdExtD) && *SEW == 64;
+          if (!Supported) {
+            SEW = SEWCandidates.erase(SEW);
+            continue;
+          }
+        }
+        // The EEW for source operand in VSEXT and VZEXT is a fraction
+        // of the SEW, hence only SEWs that will lead to valid EEW are allowed.
+        if (auto Frac = isRVVSignZeroExtend(BaseOpcode))
+          if (*SEW / *Frac < MinSEW) {
+            SEW = SEWCandidates.erase(SEW);
+            continue;
+          }
+        // Most vector crypto 1.0 instructions only work on SEW=32.
+        using namespace RISCV_MC;
+        if (isOpcodeAvailableIn(BaseOpcode, {Feature_HasStdExtZvkgBit,
+                                             Feature_HasStdExtZvknedBit,
+                                             Feature_HasStdExtZvknhaOrZvknhbBit,
+                                             Feature_HasStdExtZvksedBit,
+                                             Feature_HasStdExtZvkshBit})) {
+          if (*SEW != 32)
+            // Zvknhb supports SEW=64 as well.
+            if (*SEW != 64 || !STI.hasFeature(RISCV::FeatureStdExtZvknhb) ||
+                !isOpcodeAvailableIn(BaseOpcode,
+                                     {Feature_HasStdExtZvknhaOrZvknhbBit})) {
+              SEW = SEWCandidates.erase(SEW);
+              continue;
+            }
+          // We're also enforcing the requirement of `LMUL * VLEN >= EGW` here,
+          // because some of the extensions have SEW-dependant EGW.
+          unsigned EGW = getZvkEGWSize(BaseOpcode, *SEW);
+          if (multiplyLMul(ZvlVLen, VLMul) < EGW) {
+            SEW = SEWCandidates.erase(SEW);
+            continue;
+          }
+        }
+        ++SEW;
+      }
+      // We're not going to produce any result with zero SEW candidate.
+      if (SEWCandidates.empty())
+        return;
+      for (unsigned SEW : SEWCandidates)
+        Log2SEWs.push_back(Log2_32(SEW));
+    }
+  } else {
+    Log2SEWs.push_back(std::nullopt);
+  }
+  if (HasPolicyOp) {
+    VTypeOperands.insert(&Instr.Operands[RISCVII::getVecPolicyOpNum(MIDesc)]);
+  } else {
+    Policies.push_back(std::nullopt);
+  }
+  if (HasVLOp) {
+    VTypeOperands.insert(&Instr.Operands[RISCVII::getVLOpNum(MIDesc)]);
+    if (OnlyUsesVLMAXForVL)
+      AVLs.push_back(-1);
+    else
+      AVLs = {// 5-bit immediate value
+              1,
+              // VLMAX
+              -1,
+              // Non-X0 register
+              0};
+  } else {
+    AVLs.push_back(std::nullopt);
+  }
+  if (HasRMOp) {
+    VTypeOperands.insert(&Instr.Operands[RISCVII::getVLOpNum(MIDesc) - 1]);
+    // If we're not enumerating all rounding modes,
+    // use zero (rne in FRM and rnu in VXRM) as the default
+    // mode.
+    RoundingModes = {0U};
topperc wrote:

Use the name constants from the enums? You'll have to pull the `UsesVXRM` check out and duplicate some code for each.


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