[llvm] [LV] Teach the vectorizer to cost and vectorize modf and sincospi intrinsics (PR #129064)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 27 06:31:43 PST 2025

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Benjamin Maxwell (MacDue)


Follow on to #<!-- -->128035. It is a small extension to support vectorizing `llvm.modf.*` and `llvm.sincospi.*` too.

This renames the test files from `sincos.ll` -> `multiple-result-intrinsics.ll` to group together the similar tests (which make up most of this PR).


Patch is 78.07 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/129064.diff

6 Files Affected:

- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/BasicTTIImpl.h (+25-4) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Analysis/VectorUtils.cpp (+4) 
- (added) llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/multiple-result-intrinsics.ll (+579) 
- (removed) llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/sincos.ll (-251) 
- (added) llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/multiple-result-intrinsics.ll (+330) 
- (removed) llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/sincos.ll (-157) 

diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/BasicTTIImpl.h b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/BasicTTIImpl.h
index d679409770ca1..563953516a354 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/BasicTTIImpl.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/BasicTTIImpl.h
@@ -2056,12 +2056,33 @@ class BasicTTIImplBase : public TargetTransformInfoImplCRTPBase<T> {
     case Intrinsic::experimental_vector_match:
       return thisT()->getTypeBasedIntrinsicInstrCost(ICA, CostKind);
-    case Intrinsic::sincos: {
+    case Intrinsic::modf:
+    case Intrinsic::sincos:
+    case Intrinsic::sincospi: {
       Type *Ty = getContainedTypes(RetTy).front();
       EVT VT = getTLI()->getValueType(DL, Ty);
-      RTLIB::Libcall LC = RTLIB::getSINCOS(VT.getScalarType());
-      if (auto Cost =
-              getMultipleResultIntrinsicVectorLibCallCost(ICA, CostKind, LC))
+      RTLIB::Libcall LC = [&] {
+        switch (ICA.getID()) {
+        case Intrinsic::modf:
+          return RTLIB::getMODF;
+        case Intrinsic::sincos:
+          return RTLIB::getSINCOS;
+        case Intrinsic::sincospi:
+          return RTLIB::getSINCOSPI;
+        default:
+          llvm_unreachable("unexpected intrinsic");
+        }
+      }()(VT.getScalarType());
+      std::optional<unsigned> CallRetElementIndex;
+      // The first element of the modf result is returned by value in the
+      // libcall.
+      if (ICA.getID() == Intrinsic::modf)
+        CallRetElementIndex = 0;
+      if (auto Cost = getMultipleResultIntrinsicVectorLibCallCost(
+              ICA, CostKind, LC, CallRetElementIndex))
         return *Cost;
       // Otherwise, fallback to default scalarization cost.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Analysis/VectorUtils.cpp b/llvm/lib/Analysis/VectorUtils.cpp
index dcfd3d5a8bd6e..ede0fca4d51b0 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Analysis/VectorUtils.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Analysis/VectorUtils.cpp
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ bool llvm::isTriviallyVectorizable(Intrinsic::ID ID) {
   case Intrinsic::sin:
   case Intrinsic::cos:
   case Intrinsic::sincos:
+  case Intrinsic::sincospi:
   case Intrinsic::tan:
   case Intrinsic::sinh:
   case Intrinsic::cosh:
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ bool llvm::isTriviallyVectorizable(Intrinsic::ID ID) {
   case Intrinsic::maxnum:
   case Intrinsic::minimum:
   case Intrinsic::maximum:
+  case Intrinsic::modf:
   case Intrinsic::copysign:
   case Intrinsic::floor:
   case Intrinsic::ceil:
@@ -186,7 +188,9 @@ bool llvm::isVectorIntrinsicWithOverloadTypeAtArg(
   case Intrinsic::ucmp:
   case Intrinsic::scmp:
     return OpdIdx == -1 || OpdIdx == 0;
+  case Intrinsic::modf:
   case Intrinsic::sincos:
+  case Intrinsic::sincospi:
   case Intrinsic::is_fpclass:
   case Intrinsic::vp_is_fpclass:
     return OpdIdx == 0;
diff --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/multiple-result-intrinsics.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/multiple-result-intrinsics.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..544ef5c82c7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/multiple-result-intrinsics.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --filter "(:|sincos|modf|extractvalue|store)" --version 5
+; RUN: opt -passes=loop-vectorize -mtriple=aarch64-gnu-linux -mcpu=neoverse-v1 -mattr=+sve < %s -S -o - -debug-only=loop-vectorize 2>%t.1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK
+; RUN: opt -passes=loop-vectorize -mtriple=aarch64-gnu-linux -mcpu=neoverse-v1 -mattr=+sve -vector-library=ArmPL < %s -S -o - -debug-only=loop-vectorize 2>%t.2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-ARMPL
+; RUN: FileCheck --input-file=%t.1 --check-prefix=CHECK-COST %s
+; RUN: FileCheck --input-file=%t.2 --check-prefix=CHECK-COST-ARMPL %s
+; REQUIRES: asserts
+; CHECK-COST-LABEL: sincos_f32
+; CHECK-COST: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of 26 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of 58 for VF 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 26 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 12 for VF 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 13 for VF vscale x 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+define void @sincos_f32(ptr noalias %in, ptr noalias writeonly %out_a, ptr noalias writeonly %out_b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @sincos_f32(
+; CHECK-SAME: ptr noalias [[IN:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_A:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_B:%.*]]) #[[ATTR0:[0-9]+]] {
+; CHECK:  [[ENTRY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[VECTOR_PH:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[VECTOR_BODY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } @llvm.sincos.v2f32(<2 x float> [[WIDE_LOAD:%.*]])
+; CHECK:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = extractvalue { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } [[TMP3]], 0
+; CHECK:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractvalue { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } [[TMP3]], 1
+; CHECK:    store <2 x float> [[TMP4]], ptr [[TMP7:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK:    store <2 x float> [[TMP5]], ptr [[TMP9:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK:  [[SCALAR_PH:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[FOR_BODY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:    [[CALL:%.*]] = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float [[IN_VAL:%.*]])
+; CHECK:    [[EXTRACT_A:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 0
+; CHECK:    [[EXTRACT_B:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 1
+; CHECK:    store float [[EXTRACT_A]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK:    store float [[EXTRACT_B]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK:  [[EXIT:.*:]]
+; CHECK-ARMPL-LABEL: define void @sincos_f32(
+; CHECK-ARMPL-SAME: ptr noalias [[IN:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_A:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_B:%.*]]) #[[ATTR0:[0-9]+]] {
+; CHECK-ARMPL:  [[ENTRY:.*:]]
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = call { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } @llvm.sincos.nxv4f32(<vscale x 4 x float> [[WIDE_LOAD:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = call { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } @llvm.sincos.nxv4f32(<vscale x 4 x float> [[WIDE_LOAD1:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } [[TMP12]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP15:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } [[TMP13]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP16:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } [[TMP12]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP17:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } [[TMP13]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 4 x float> [[TMP14]], ptr [[TMP19:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 4 x float> [[TMP15]], ptr [[TMP22:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 4 x float> [[TMP16]], ptr [[TMP24:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 4 x float> [[TMP17]], ptr [[TMP27:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[CALL:%.*]] = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float [[IN_VAL:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[EXTRACT_A:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[EXTRACT_B:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store float [[EXTRACT_A]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store float [[EXTRACT_B]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:  [[EXIT:.*:]]
+  br label %for.body
+  %iv = phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [ %iv.next, %for.body ]
+  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %in, i64 %iv
+  %in_val = load float, ptr %arrayidx, align 4
+  %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float %in_val)
+  %extract_a = extractvalue { float, float } %call, 0
+  %extract_b = extractvalue { float, float } %call, 1
+  %arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %out_a, i64 %iv
+  store float %extract_a, ptr %arrayidx2, align 4
+  %arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %out_b, i64 %iv
+  store float %extract_b, ptr %arrayidx4, align 4
+  %iv.next = add nuw nsw i64 %iv, 1
+  %exitcond.not = icmp eq i64 %iv.next, 1024
+  br i1 %exitcond.not, label %exit, label %for.body
+  ret void
+; CHECK-COST-LABEL: sincos_f64
+; CHECK-COST: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { double, double } @llvm.sincos.f64(double %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of 26 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { double, double } @llvm.sincos.f64(double %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 12 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 13 for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+define void @sincos_f64(ptr noalias %in, ptr noalias writeonly %out_a, ptr noalias writeonly %out_b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @sincos_f64(
+; CHECK-SAME: ptr noalias [[IN:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_A:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_B:%.*]]) #[[ATTR0]] {
+; CHECK:  [[ENTRY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[VECTOR_PH:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[VECTOR_BODY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call { <2 x double>, <2 x double> } @llvm.sincos.v2f64(<2 x double> [[WIDE_LOAD:%.*]])
+; CHECK:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = extractvalue { <2 x double>, <2 x double> } [[TMP3]], 0
+; CHECK:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractvalue { <2 x double>, <2 x double> } [[TMP3]], 1
+; CHECK:    store <2 x double> [[TMP4]], ptr [[TMP7:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK:    store <2 x double> [[TMP5]], ptr [[TMP9:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK:  [[SCALAR_PH:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[FOR_BODY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:    [[CALL:%.*]] = tail call { double, double } @llvm.sincos.f64(double [[IN_VAL:%.*]])
+; CHECK:    [[EXTRACT_A:%.*]] = extractvalue { double, double } [[CALL]], 0
+; CHECK:    [[EXTRACT_B:%.*]] = extractvalue { double, double } [[CALL]], 1
+; CHECK:    store double [[EXTRACT_A]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK:    store double [[EXTRACT_B]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK:  [[EXIT:.*:]]
+; CHECK-ARMPL-LABEL: define void @sincos_f64(
+; CHECK-ARMPL-SAME: ptr noalias [[IN:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_A:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_B:%.*]]) #[[ATTR0]] {
+; CHECK-ARMPL:  [[ENTRY:.*:]]
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = call { <vscale x 2 x double>, <vscale x 2 x double> } @llvm.sincos.nxv2f64(<vscale x 2 x double> [[WIDE_LOAD:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = call { <vscale x 2 x double>, <vscale x 2 x double> } @llvm.sincos.nxv2f64(<vscale x 2 x double> [[WIDE_LOAD1:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 2 x double>, <vscale x 2 x double> } [[TMP12]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP15:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 2 x double>, <vscale x 2 x double> } [[TMP13]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP16:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 2 x double>, <vscale x 2 x double> } [[TMP12]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP17:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 2 x double>, <vscale x 2 x double> } [[TMP13]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 2 x double> [[TMP14]], ptr [[TMP19:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 2 x double> [[TMP15]], ptr [[TMP22:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 2 x double> [[TMP16]], ptr [[TMP24:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store <vscale x 2 x double> [[TMP17]], ptr [[TMP27:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[CALL:%.*]] = tail call { double, double } @llvm.sincos.f64(double [[IN_VAL:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[EXTRACT_A:%.*]] = extractvalue { double, double } [[CALL]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[EXTRACT_B:%.*]] = extractvalue { double, double } [[CALL]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store double [[EXTRACT_A]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store double [[EXTRACT_B]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]], align 8
+; CHECK-ARMPL:  [[EXIT:.*:]]
+  br label %for.body
+  %iv = phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [ %iv.next, %for.body ]
+  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double, ptr %in, i64 %iv
+  %in_val = load double, ptr %arrayidx, align 8
+  %call = tail call { double, double } @llvm.sincos.f64(double %in_val)
+  %extract_a = extractvalue { double, double } %call, 0
+  %extract_b = extractvalue { double, double } %call, 1
+  %arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds double, ptr %out_a, i64 %iv
+  store double %extract_a, ptr %arrayidx2, align 8
+  %arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds double, ptr %out_b, i64 %iv
+  store double %extract_b, ptr %arrayidx4, align 8
+  %iv.next = add nuw nsw i64 %iv, 1
+  %exitcond.not = icmp eq i64 %iv.next, 1024
+  br i1 %exitcond.not, label %exit, label %for.body
+  ret void
+; CHECK-COST-LABEL: predicated_sincos
+; CHECK-COST: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of 26 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of 58 for VF 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL-LABEL: predicated_sincos
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 26 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 12 for VF 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 13 for VF vscale x 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.sincos(ir<%in_val>)
+define void @predicated_sincos(float %x, ptr noalias %in, ptr noalias writeonly %out_a, ptr noalias writeonly %out_b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @predicated_sincos(
+; CHECK-SAME: float [[X:%.*]], ptr noalias [[IN:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_A:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_B:%.*]]) #[[ATTR0]] {
+; CHECK:  [[ENTRY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[FOR_BODY:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[IF_THEN:.*:]]
+; CHECK:    [[CALL:%.*]] = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float [[IN_VAL:%.*]])
+; CHECK:    [[EXTRACT_A:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 0
+; CHECK:    [[EXTRACT_B:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 1
+; CHECK:    store float [[EXTRACT_A]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK:    store float [[EXTRACT_B]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK:  [[IF_MERGE:.*:]]
+; CHECK:  [[FOR_END:.*:]]
+; CHECK-ARMPL-LABEL: define void @predicated_sincos(
+; CHECK-ARMPL-SAME: float [[X:%.*]], ptr noalias [[IN:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_A:%.*]], ptr noalias writeonly [[OUT_B:%.*]]) #[[ATTR0]] {
+; CHECK-ARMPL:  [[ENTRY:.*:]]
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP15:%.*]] = call { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } @llvm.sincos.nxv4f32(<vscale x 4 x float> [[WIDE_MASKED_LOAD:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP16:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } [[TMP15]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[TMP17:%.*]] = extractvalue { <vscale x 4 x float>, <vscale x 4 x float> } [[TMP15]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    call void @llvm.masked.store.nxv4f32.p0(<vscale x 4 x float> [[TMP16]], ptr [[TMP19:%.*]], i32 4, <vscale x 4 x i1> [[TMP14:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    call void @llvm.masked.store.nxv4f32.p0(<vscale x 4 x float> [[TMP17]], ptr [[TMP21:%.*]], i32 4, <vscale x 4 x i1> [[TMP14]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:  [[IF_THEN:.*:]]
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[CALL:%.*]] = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float [[IN_VAL:%.*]])
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[EXTRACT_A:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 0
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    [[EXTRACT_B:%.*]] = extractvalue { float, float } [[CALL]], 1
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store float [[EXTRACT_A]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX2:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:    store float [[EXTRACT_B]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]], align 4
+; CHECK-ARMPL:  [[FOR_END:.*:]]
+  br label %for.body
+  %iv = phi i64 [ %iv.next, %if.merge ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %in, i64 %iv
+  %in_val = load float, ptr %arrayidx, align 4
+  %if_cond = fcmp olt float %in_val, %x
+  br i1 %if_cond, label %if.then, label %if.merge
+  %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.sincos.f32(float %in_val)
+  %extract_a = extractvalue { float, float } %call, 0
+  %extract_b = extractvalue { float, float } %call, 1
+  %arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %out_a, i64 %iv
+  store float %extract_a, ptr %arrayidx2, align 4
+  %arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %out_b, i64 %iv
+  store float %extract_b, ptr %arrayidx4, align 4
+  br label %if.merge
+  %iv.next = add nuw nsw i64 %iv, 1
+  %cond = icmp slt i64 %iv.next, 1024
+  br i1 %cond, label %for.body, label %for.end
+  ret void
+; CHECK-COST-LABEL: modf_f32
+; CHECK-COST: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.modf.f32(float %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of 26 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of 58 for VF 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: LV: Found an estimated cost of 10 for VF 1 For instruction:   %call = tail call { float, float } @llvm.modf.f32(float %in_val)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 26 for VF 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 11 for VF 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 1: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of Invalid for VF vscale x 2: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+; CHECK-COST-ARMPL: Cost of 12 for VF vscale x 4: WIDEN-INTRINSIC ir<%call> = call llvm.modf(ir<%in_val>)
+define void @modf_f32(ptr noalias %in, ptr noalias writeonly %out_a, ptr noalias writeonly %out_b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @modf_f32(
+; CHECK-SAME: ptr noalias [...




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