[llvm] [WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj] Avoid setting import_name where possible (PR #128564)

Sam Clegg via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 24 13:13:33 PST 2025

https://github.com/sbc100 updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/128564

>From 5779a1a8d0d1358d1305a80a320dae1512c579fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam Clegg <sbc at chromium.org>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 11:47:41 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] [WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj] Avoid setting import_name
 where possible

Most of these symbols are just normal C symbols that get imported from
wither libcompiler-rt or from emscripten's JS library code.  In most
cases it should not be necessary to give them explicit import names.

The advantage of doing this is that we can wasm-ld can/will fail with
a useful error message when these symbols are missing.  As opposed to
today where it will simply import them and defer errors until later
(when they are less specific).
 .../WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj.cpp      | 28 +++++++++++--------
 .../WebAssembly/lower-em-ehsjlj-options.ll    |  4 ---
 .../test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-sjlj.ll |  5 ----
 .../CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-wasm-ehsjlj.ll  |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj.cpp
index c60cf69c30104..4b697aed3ea27 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj.cpp
@@ -440,9 +440,13 @@ static std::string getSignature(FunctionType *FTy) {
   return Sig;
+static Function *getFunction(FunctionType *Ty, const Twine &Name, Module *M) {
+  return Function::Create(Ty, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, Name, M);
 static Function *getEmscriptenFunction(FunctionType *Ty, const Twine &Name,
                                        Module *M) {
-  Function* F = Function::Create(Ty, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, Name, M);
+  Function *F = getFunction(Ty, Name, M);
   // Tell the linker that this function is expected to be imported from the
   // 'env' module.
   if (!F->hasFnAttribute("wasm-import-module")) {
@@ -927,11 +931,11 @@ bool WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj::runOnModule(Module &M) {
   // exception handling and setjmp/longjmp handling
   ThrewGV = getGlobalVariable(M, getAddrIntType(&M), TM, "__THREW__");
   ThrewValueGV = getGlobalVariable(M, IRB.getInt32Ty(), TM, "__threwValue");
-  GetTempRet0F = getEmscriptenFunction(
-      FunctionType::get(IRB.getInt32Ty(), false), "getTempRet0", &M);
-  SetTempRet0F = getEmscriptenFunction(
-      FunctionType::get(IRB.getVoidTy(), IRB.getInt32Ty(), false),
-      "setTempRet0", &M);
+  GetTempRet0F = getFunction(FunctionType::get(IRB.getInt32Ty(), false),
+                             "getTempRet0", &M);
+  SetTempRet0F =
+      getFunction(FunctionType::get(IRB.getVoidTy(), IRB.getInt32Ty(), false),
+                  "setTempRet0", &M);
@@ -942,13 +946,13 @@ bool WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj::runOnModule(Module &M) {
     // Register __resumeException function
     FunctionType *ResumeFTy =
         FunctionType::get(IRB.getVoidTy(), IRB.getPtrTy(), false);
-    ResumeF = getEmscriptenFunction(ResumeFTy, "__resumeException", &M);
+    ResumeF = getFunction(ResumeFTy, "__resumeException", &M);
     // Register llvm_eh_typeid_for function
     FunctionType *EHTypeIDTy =
         FunctionType::get(IRB.getInt32Ty(), IRB.getPtrTy(), false);
-    EHTypeIDF = getEmscriptenFunction(EHTypeIDTy, "llvm_eh_typeid_for", &M);
+    EHTypeIDF = getFunction(EHTypeIDTy, "llvm_eh_typeid_for", &M);
   // Functions that contains calls to setjmp but don't have other longjmpable
@@ -988,14 +992,14 @@ bool WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj::runOnModule(Module &M) {
       // Register emscripten_longjmp function
       FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(
           IRB.getVoidTy(), {getAddrIntType(&M), IRB.getInt32Ty()}, false);
-      EmLongjmpF = getEmscriptenFunction(FTy, "emscripten_longjmp", &M);
+      EmLongjmpF = getFunction(FTy, "emscripten_longjmp", &M);
     } else { // EnableWasmSjLj
       Type *Int8PtrTy = IRB.getPtrTy();
       // Register __wasm_longjmp function, which calls __builtin_wasm_longjmp.
       FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(
           IRB.getVoidTy(), {Int8PtrTy, IRB.getInt32Ty()}, false);
-      WasmLongjmpF = getEmscriptenFunction(FTy, "__wasm_longjmp", &M);
+      WasmLongjmpF = getFunction(FTy, "__wasm_longjmp", &M);
@@ -1009,11 +1013,11 @@ bool WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj::runOnModule(Module &M) {
       FunctionType *FTy = FunctionType::get(
           IRB.getVoidTy(), {SetjmpFTy->getParamType(0), Int32Ty, Int32PtrTy},
-      WasmSetjmpF = getEmscriptenFunction(FTy, "__wasm_setjmp", &M);
+      WasmSetjmpF = getFunction(FTy, "__wasm_setjmp", &M);
       // Register __wasm_setjmp_test function
       FTy = FunctionType::get(Int32Ty, {Int32PtrTy, Int32PtrTy}, false);
-      WasmSetjmpTestF = getEmscriptenFunction(FTy, "__wasm_setjmp_test", &M);
+      WasmSetjmpTestF = getFunction(FTy, "__wasm_setjmp_test", &M);
       // wasm.catch() will be lowered down to wasm 'catch' instruction in
       // instruction selection.
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-ehsjlj-options.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-ehsjlj-options.ll
index 66872a5422986..2c4d52937d944 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-ehsjlj-options.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-ehsjlj-options.ll
@@ -12,11 +12,7 @@ target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
 ; EH-NOT: .import_name  __invoke_void_i32
 ; SJLJ: .functype  emscripten_longjmp (i32, i32) -> ()
-; SJLJ: .import_module  emscripten_longjmp, env
-; SJLJ: .import_name  emscripten_longjmp, emscripten_longjmp
 ; SJLJ-NOT: .functype  emscripten_longjmp_jmpbuf
-; SJLJ-NOT: .import_module  emscripten_longjmp_jmpbuf
-; SJLJ-NOT: .import_name  emscripten_longjmp_jmpbuf
 %struct.__jmp_buf_tag = type { [6 x i32], i32, [32 x i32] }
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-sjlj.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-sjlj.ll
index 27ec95a2c462a..b584342adc91f 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-sjlj.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-em-sjlj.ll
@@ -292,12 +292,7 @@ attributes #0 = { returns_twice }
 attributes #1 = { noreturn }
 attributes #2 = { nounwind }
 attributes #3 = { allocsize(0) }
-; CHECK-DAG: attributes #{{[0-9]+}} = { nounwind "wasm-import-module"="env" "wasm-import-name"="getTempRet0" }
-; CHECK-DAG: attributes #{{[0-9]+}} = { nounwind "wasm-import-module"="env" "wasm-import-name"="setTempRet0" }
 ; CHECK-DAG: attributes #{{[0-9]+}} = { "wasm-import-module"="env" "wasm-import-name"="__invoke_void" }
-; CHECK-DAG: attributes #{{[0-9]+}} = { "wasm-import-module"="env" "wasm-import-name"="__wasm_setjmp" }
-; CHECK-DAG: attributes #{{[0-9]+}} = { "wasm-import-module"="env" "wasm-import-name"="__wasm_setjmp_test" }
-; CHECK-DAG: attributes #{{[0-9]+}} = { noreturn "wasm-import-module"="env" "wasm-import-name"="emscripten_longjmp" }
 ; CHECK-DAG: attributes #{{[0-9]+}} = { "wasm-import-module"="env" "wasm-import-name"="__invoke_ptr_i32_ptr" }
 ; CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[ALLOCSIZE_ATTR]] = { allocsize(1) }
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-wasm-ehsjlj.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-wasm-ehsjlj.ll
index bd8db83a0e57e..b4c93c49a97c2 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-wasm-ehsjlj.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/lower-wasm-ehsjlj.ll
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ catch:                                            ; preds = %catch.start
   catchret from %2 to label %catchret.dest
 ; CHECK: catch:                                            ; preds = %catch.start
 ; CHECK-NEXT:   %exn = load ptr, ptr %exn.slot6, align 4
-; CHECK-NEXT:   %5 = call ptr @__cxa_begin_catch(ptr %exn) #6 [ "funclet"(token %2) ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:   %5 = call ptr @__cxa_begin_catch(ptr %exn) #3 [ "funclet"(token %2) ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:   invoke void @__cxa_end_catch() [ "funclet"(token %2) ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:           to label %.noexc unwind label %catch.dispatch.longjmp

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