[flang] [llvm] [mlir] [mlir][OpenMP] - MLIR to LLVMIR translation support for delayed privatization of allocatables in `omp.target` ops (PR #116576)
Sergio Afonso via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 11 07:43:32 PST 2024
@@ -3840,6 +3888,56 @@ convertOmpTarget(Operation &opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
bool isOffloadEntry =
isTargetDevice || !ompBuilder->Config.TargetTriples.empty();
+ // For some private variables, the MapsForPrivatizedVariablesPass
+ // creates MapInfoOp instances. Go through the private variables and
+ // the mapped variables so that during codegeneration we are able
+ // to quickly look up the corresponding map variable, if any for each
+ // private variable.
+ if (!targetOp.getPrivateVars().empty() && !targetOp.getMapVars().empty()) {
+ auto argIface = llvm::cast<omp::BlockArgOpenMPOpInterface>(*targetOp);
+ OperandRange privateVars = targetOp.getPrivateVars();
+ std::optional<ArrayAttr> privateSyms = targetOp.getPrivateSyms();
+ std::optional<DenseI64ArrayAttr> privateMapIndices =
+ targetOp.getPrivateMapsAttr();
+ for (auto [privVarIdx, privVarSymPair] :
+ llvm::enumerate(llvm::zip_equal(privateVars, *privateSyms))) {
+ auto privVar = std::get<0>(privVarSymPair);
+ auto privSym = std::get<1>(privVarSymPair);
+ SymbolRefAttr privatizerName = llvm::cast<SymbolRefAttr>(privSym);
+ omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizer =
+ findPrivatizer(targetOp, privatizerName);
+ if (!privatizer.needsMap())
+ continue;
+ mlir::Value mappedValue =
+ targetOp.getMappedValueForPrivateVar(privVarIdx);
+ assert(mappedValue && "Expected to find mapped value for a privatized "
+ "variable that needs mapping");
+ // The MapInfoOp defining the map var isn't really needed later.
+ // So, we don't store it in any datastructure. Instead, we just
+ // do some sanity checks on it right now.
+ auto mapInfoOp = mappedValue.getDefiningOp<omp::MapInfoOp>();
+ Type varType = mapInfoOp.getVarType();
+ // Check #1: Check that the type of the private variable matches
+ // the type of the variable being mapped.
+ if (!isa<LLVM::LLVMPointerType>(privVar.getType()))
+ assert(
+ varType == privVar.getType() &&
+ "Type of private var doesn't match the type of the mapped value");
+ // Ok, only 1 sanity check for now.
+ // Record the index of the block argument corresponding to this
+ // mapvar.
+ mappedPrivateVars.insert({privVar, argIface.getMapBlockArgsStart() +
+ (*privateMapIndices)[privVarIdx]});
skatrak wrote:
mappedPrivateVars.insert({privVar, targetRegion.getArgument(argIface.getMapBlockArgsStart() + (*privateMapIndices)[privVarIdx]}));
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