[llvm] [AArch64] Improve code generation of bool vector reduce operations (PR #115713)

Nikita Popov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 11 02:02:36 PST 2024

=?utf-8?q?Csanád_Hajdú?= <csanad.hajdu at arm.com>,
=?utf-8?q?Csanád_Hajdú?= <csanad.hajdu at arm.com>
In-Reply-To: <llvm.org/llvm/llvm-project/pull/115713 at github.com>

@@ -15841,11 +15841,27 @@ static SDValue getVectorBitwiseReduce(unsigned Opcode, SDValue Vec, EVT VT,
       return getVectorBitwiseReduce(Opcode, HalfVec, VT, DL, DAG);
-    // Vectors that are less than 64 bits get widened to neatly fit a 64 bit
-    // register, so e.g. <4 x i1> gets lowered to <4 x i16>. Sign extending to
+    // Results of setcc operations get widened to 128 bits for xor reduce if
+    // their input operands are 128 bits wide, otherwise vectors that are less
+    // than 64 bits get widened to neatly fit a 64 bit register, so e.g.
+    // <4 x i1> gets lowered to either <4 x i16> or <4 x i32>. Sign extending to
     // this element size leads to the best codegen, since e.g. setcc results
     // might need to be truncated otherwise.
-    EVT ExtendedVT = MVT::getIntegerVT(std::max(64u / NumElems, 8u));
+    unsigned ExtendedWidth = 64;
+    if (ScalarOpcode == ISD::XOR && Vec.getOpcode() == ISD::SETCC &&
+        Vec.getOperand(0).getValueSizeInBits() >= 128) {
+      ExtendedWidth = 128;
+    }
+    EVT ExtendedVT = MVT::getIntegerVT(std::max(ExtendedWidth / NumElems, 8u));
+    // Negate the reduced vector value for reduce and operations that use
+    // fcmp.
+    if (ScalarOpcode == ISD::AND && NumElems < 16) {
+      Vec = DAG.getNode(
+          ISD::XOR, DL, VecVT, Vec,
+          DAG.getSplatVector(
+              VecVT, DL, DAG.getConstant(APInt::getAllOnes(32), DL, MVT::i32)));
nikic wrote:

FYI there is a `DAG.getAllOnesConstant(DL, MVT::i32)` helper for this.


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