[llvm] [llvm]Add a simple Telemetry framework (PR #102323)
James Henderson via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 11 01:29:32 PST 2024
@@ -70,120 +69,168 @@ Key components
The framework consists of four important classes:
-* `llvm::telemetry::Telemeter`: The class responsible for collecting and
+* ``llvm::telemetry::Manager``: The class responsible for collecting and
transmitting telemetry data. This is the main point of interaction between the
- framework and any tool that wants to enable telemery.
-* `llvm::telemetry::TelemetryInfo`: Data courier
-* `llvm::telemetry::Destination`: Data sink to which the Telemetry framework
+ framework and any tool that wants to enable telemetry.
+* ``llvm::telemetry::TelemetryInfo``: Data courier
+* ``llvm::telemetry::Destination``: Data sink to which the Telemetry framework
sends data.
Its implementation is transparent to the framework.
It is up to the vendor to decide which pieces of data to forward and where
- to forward them to their final storage.
-* `llvm::telemetry::Config`: Configurations on the `Telemeter`.
+ to forward them to for their final storage.
+* ``llvm::telemetry::Config``: Configurations for the ``Manager``.
.. image:: llvm_telemetry_design.png
How to implement and interact with the API
-To use Telemetry in your tool, you need to provide a concrete implementation of the `Telemeter` class and `Destination`.
+To use Telemetry in your tool, you need to provide a concrete implementation of the ``Manager`` class and ``Destination``.
-1) Define a custom `Telemeter` and `Destination`
+1) Define a custom ``Serializer``, ``Manager``, ``Destination`` and optionally a subclass of ``TelemetryInfo``
.. code-block:: c++
- // This destination just prints the given entry to a stdout.
- // In "real life", this would be where you forward the data to your
- // custom data storage.
- class MyStdoutDestination : public llvm::telemetry::Destination {
- public:
- Error emitEntry(const TelemetryInfo* Entry) override {
- return sendToBlackBox(Entry);
- }
- private:
- Error sendToBlackBox(const TelemetryInfo* Entry) {
- // This could send the data anywhere.
- // But we're simply sending it to stdout for the example.
- llvm::outs() << entryToString(Entry) << "\n";
- return llvm::success();
- }
- std::string entryToString(const TelemetryInfo* Entry) {
- // make a string-representation of the given entry.
+ class JsonSerializer : public Serializer {
+ public:
+ json::Object *getOutputObject() { return object.get(); }
+ llvm::Error start() override {
+ if (started)
+ return createStringError("Serializer already in use");
+ started = true;
+ object = std::make_unique<json::Object>();
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ void writeBool(StringRef KeyName, bool Value) override {
+ writeHelper(KeyName, Value);
+ }
+ void writeInt32(StringRef KeyName, int Value) override {
+ writeHelper(KeyName, Value);
+ }
+ void writeSizeT(StringRef KeyName, size_t Value) override {
+ writeHelper(KeyName, Value);
+ }
+ void writeString(StringRef KeyName, StringRef Value) override {
+ writeHelper(KeyName, Value);
+ }
+ void writeKeyValueMap(StringRef KeyName,
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> Value) override {
+ json::Object Inner;
+ for (auto kv : Value) {
+ Inner.try_emplace(kv.first, kv.second);
- };
- // This defines a custom TelemetryInfo that has an addition Msg field.
- struct MyTelemetryInfo : public llvm::telemetry::TelemetryInfo {
- std::string Msg;
+ writeHelper(KeyName, json::Value(std::move(Inner)));
+ }
+ llvm::Error finish() override {
+ if (!started)
+ return createStringError("Serializer not currently in use");
+ started = false;
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ private:
+ template <typename T> void writeHelper(StringRef Name, T Value) {
+ assert(started && "serializer not started");
+ object->try_emplace(Name, Value);
+ }
+ bool started = false;
+ std::unique_ptr<json::Object> object;
+ };
+ class MyManager : public telemery::Manager {
+ public:
+ static std::unique_ptr<MyManager> createInstatnce(telemetry::Config* config) {
+ // If Telemetry is not enabled, then just return null;
+ if (!config->EnableTelemetry) return nullptr;
+ return std::make_unique<MyManager>();
+ }
+ MyManager() = default;
+ Error dispatch(TelemetryInfo* Entry) const override {
+ Entry->SessionId = SessionId;
+ emitToAllDestinations(Entry);
+ }
- json::Object serializeToJson() const {
- json::Object Ret = TelemeteryInfo::serializeToJson();
- Ret.emplace_back("MyMsg", Msg);
- return std::move(Ret);
+ void addDestination(std::unique_ptr<Destination> dest) override {
+ destinations.push_back(std::move(dest));
+ }
+ // You can also define additional instrumentation points.
+ void logStartup(TelemetryInfo* Entry) {
+ // Add some additional data to entry.
+ Entry->Msg = "Some message";
+ dispatch(Entry);
+ }
+ void logAdditionalPoint(TelemetryInfo* Entry) {
+ // .... code here
+ }
+ private:
+ void emitToAllDestinations(const TelemetryInfo* Entry) {
+ for (Destination* Dest : Destinations)
+ Dest->receiveEntry(Entry);
jh7370 wrote:
GitHub unhelpfully highlighted the wrong bracket, making me think there was one missing...
In general, it may be worth locally putting all this sample code in a source file, then running the compiler and clang-format on it, so that there are no fundamental errors and the style is consistent with LLVM (there are plenty of minor formatting issues that I haven't commented on). You can put it back in the docs again after verifying things.
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