[llvm] [Offload] Introduce offload-tblgen and initial new API implementation (PR #108413)

Joseph Huber via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 12 09:19:17 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OFFLOAD_APICALL";
+  let desc = "Calling convention for all API functions";
+  let condition = "defined(_WIN32)";
+  let value = "__cdecl";
+  let alt_value = "";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OFFLOAD_APIEXPORT";
+  let desc = "Microsoft-specific dllexport storage-class attribute";
+  let condition = "defined(_WIN32)";
+  let value = "__declspec(dllexport)";
+  let alt_value = "";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OFFLOAD_DLLEXPORT";
+  let desc = "Microsoft-specific dllexport storage-class attribute";
+  let condition = "defined(_WIN32)";
+  let value = "__declspec(dllexport)";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OFFLOAD_DLLEXPORT";
+  let desc = "GCC-specific dllexport storage-class attribute";
+  let condition = "__GNUC__ >= 4";
+  let value = "__attribute__ ((visibility (\"default\")))";
+  let alt_value = "";
+def : Typedef {
+  let name = "offload_bool_t";
jhuber6 wrote:

Do we really need this? I highly doubt that we care about any compilers that don't have `stdint.h` at this point.


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