[llvm] [amdgpu] Add llvm.amdgcn.init.whole.wave intrinsic (PR #105822)

Nicolai Hähnle via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 9 08:57:31 PDT 2024

@@ -208,6 +208,19 @@ def int_amdgcn_init_exec_from_input : Intrinsic<[],
   [IntrConvergent, IntrHasSideEffects, IntrNoMem, IntrNoCallback,
    IntrNoFree, IntrWillReturn, ImmArg<ArgIndex<1>>]>;
+// Sets the function into whole-wave-mode and returns whether the lane was
+// active when entering the function. A branch depending on this return will
+// revert the EXEC mask to what it was when entering the function, thus
+// resulting in a no-op. This pattern is used to optimize branches when function
+// tails need to be run in whole-wave-mode. It may also have other consequences
+// (mostly related to WWM CSR handling) that differentiate it from using
+// a plain `amdgcn.init.exec -1`.
+// Using this intrinsic without immediately branching on its return value is an
+// error.
nhaehnle wrote:

Remove this part of the comment.


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