[compiler-rt] [compiler-rt][rtsan] Record pc and bp higher up in the stack (PR #107014)

Chris Apple via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 2 15:01:11 PDT 2024

@@ -85,12 +89,13 @@ bool __rtsan::Context::InRealtimeContext() const { return realtime_depth_ > 0; }
 bool __rtsan::Context::IsBypassed() const { return bypass_depth_ > 0; }
-void __rtsan::PrintDiagnostics(const char *intercepted_function_name) {
+void __rtsan::PrintDiagnostics(const char *intercepted_function_name, uptr pc,
cjappl wrote:

The full names of these are "program counter" and "base pointer". We can use their full names, but it would be breaking with the rest of the code,

> rg "ProgramCounter|program_counter|programCounter"| wc -l
> rg "uptr pc" | wc -l

(The comparison with base pointer is a little harder to illustrate with a bulk search for this as the term is a little overloaded.)


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