[llvm] [BOLT][AArch64] Implemented createDummyReturnFunction. (PR #96626)

Pavel Samolysov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jun 29 06:00:42 PDT 2024

@@ -1582,6 +1607,12 @@ class AArch64MCPlusBuilder : public MCPlusBuilder {
     return Instrs;
+  InstructionListType createDummyReturnFunction(MCContext *Ctx) const override {
+    InstructionListType Insts(1);
+    createReturn(Insts[0]);
+    return Insts;
samolisov wrote:

The code is exactly the same as in `X86MCPlusBuilder.cpp`. What about to uplift the code into the implementation of the `MCPlusBuiler` base class?


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