[llvm] [RegAllocFast] Handle single-vdef instrs faster (PR #96284)

Matt Arsenault via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 21 01:18:53 PDT 2024

@@ -1306,14 +1302,27 @@ void RegAllocFastImpl::findAndSortDefOperandIndexes(const MachineInstr &MI) {
-    if (MO.isDef()) {
-      if (Reg.isVirtual() && shouldAllocateRegister(Reg))
-        DefOperandIndexes.push_back(I);
-      addRegClassDefCounts(RegClassDefCounts, Reg);
-    }
+    if (MO.isDef() && Reg.isVirtual() && shouldAllocateRegister(Reg))
+      DefOperandIndexes.push_back(I);
+  // Most instructions only have one virtual def, so there's no point in
+  // computing the possible number of defs for every register class.
+  if (DefOperandIndexes.size() <= 1)
+    return;
+  // Track number of defs which may consume a register from the class. This is
+  // used to assign registers for possibly-too-small classes first. Example:
+  // defs are eax, 3 * gr32_abcd, 2 * gr32 => we want to assign the gr32_abcd
+  // registers first so that the gr32 don't use the gr32_abcd registers before
+  // we assign these.
+  std::vector<unsigned> RegClassDefCounts(TRI->getNumRegClasses(), 0);
arsenm wrote:

This should be a SmallVector.

We also probably should have a typedef in MachineInstr for the maximum number of operands type. Currently it's an uint32_t with an implied maximum of 24-bits but that seems like it could change 


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