[clang] [llvm] Intrinsic: introduce minimumnum and maximumnum (PR #93841)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 20 21:33:54 PDT 2024

@@ -798,6 +804,12 @@
 # DEBUG-NEXT: .. opcode {{[0-9]+}} is aliased to {{[0-9]+}}
 # DEBUG-NEXT: .. type index coverage check SKIPPED: user-defined predicate detected
 # DEBUG-NEXT: .. imm index coverage check SKIPPED: user-defined predicate detected
+# DEBUG-NEXT: G_VECREDUCE_FMAXIMUMNUM (opcode 276): 2 type indices, 0 imm indices
+# DEBUG-NEXT: .. type index coverage check SKIPPED: no rules defined
+# DEBUG-NEXT: .. imm index coverage check SKIPPED: no rules defined
+# DEBUG-NEXT: G_VECREDUCE_FMINIMUMNUM (opcode 277): 2 type indices, 0 imm indices
dyung wrote:

The opcodes for G_VECREDUCE_FMAXIMUMNUM and G_VECREDUCE_FMINIMUMNUM should be a regex to be consistent with the rest of the test and to make it more flexible.


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