[llvm] [SPIRV] Add trig function lowering (PR #95973)

Farzon Lotfi via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 19 12:03:13 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+; RUN: llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv-unknown-unknown %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: %if spirv-tools %{ llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv-unknown-unknown %s -o - -filetype=obj | spirv-val %}
+; CHECK-DAG: %[[#op_ext_glsl:]] = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+; CHECK-DAG: %[[#float_32:]] = OpTypeFloat 32
+; CHECK-DAG: %[[#float_16:]] = OpTypeFloat 16
+; CHECK-DAG: %[[#vec4_float_32:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#float_32]] 4
+; CHECK-DAG: %[[#vec4_float_16:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#float_16]] 4
+define noundef float @acos_float(float noundef %a) {
+; CHECK: %[[#arg0:]] = OpFunctionParameter %[[#]]
+; CHECK: %[[#]] = OpExtInst %[[#float_32]] %[[#op_ext_glsl]] Acos %[[#arg0]]
+  %elt.acos = call float @llvm.acos.f32(float %a)
+  ret float %elt.acos
+define noundef half @acos_half(half noundef %a) {
+; CHECK: %[[#arg0:]] = OpFunctionParameter %[[#]]
+; CHECK: %[[#]] = OpExtInst %[[#float_16]] %[[#op_ext_glsl]] Acos %[[#arg0]]
+  %elt.acos = call half @llvm.acos.f16(half %a)
+  ret half %elt.acos
+define noundef <4 x float> @acos_float4(<4 x float> noundef %a) {
+  ; CHECK: %[[#arg0:]] = OpFunctionParameter %[[#]]
+  ; CHECK: %[[#]] = OpExtInst %[[#vec4_float_32]] %[[#op_ext_glsl]] Acos %[[#arg0]]
+  %elt.acos = call <4 x float> @llvm.acos.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
+  ret <4 x float> %elt.acos
+define noundef <4 x half> @acos_half4(<4 x half> noundef %a) {
+  ; CHECK: %[[#arg0:]] = OpFunctionParameter %[[#]]
+  ; CHECK: %[[#]] = OpExtInst %[[#vec4_float_16]] %[[#op_ext_glsl]] Acos %[[#arg0]]
+  %elt.acos = call <4 x half> @llvm.acos.v4f16(<4 x half> %a)
+  ret <4 x half> %elt.acos
+declare half @llvm.acos.f16(half)
+declare float @llvm.acos.f32(float)
+declare <4 x half> @llvm.acos.v4f16(<4 x half>)
+declare <4 x float> @llvm.acos.v4f32(<4 x float>)
farzonl wrote:

I don't know, but we don't expose a double  in `clang/lib/Headers/hlsl/hlsl_intrinsics.h` so its a moot point. We would need a way of  expanding or limiting apis by target if we wanted to go that route.


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