[llvm] [BOLT][AArch64] Fixes assertion errors occurred when perf2bolt was executed (PR #83394)

Ádám Kallai via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 18 08:45:24 PDT 2024

@@ -752,6 +764,19 @@ class AArch64MCPlusBuilder : public MCPlusBuilder {
       return true;
+    if (DefJTBaseAdd->getOpcode() == AArch64::ADR) {
+      // TODO: handle that case when we do not have adrp/add pair.
+      // It also occurs when the binary is static.
+      //  adr     x13, 0x215a18 <_nl_value_type_LC_COLLATE+0x50>
kaadam wrote:

Thanks for the review. Done.


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