[lld] lld: add support for NOCROSSREFS(_TO) (PR #95714)

Daniel Thornburgh via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 17 17:03:07 PDT 2024

@@ -2358,3 +2358,62 @@ template void elf::scanRelocations<ELF32LE>();
 template void elf::scanRelocations<ELF32BE>();
 template void elf::scanRelocations<ELF64LE>();
 template void elf::scanRelocations<ELF64BE>();
+static bool isNoCrefFromSection(const CrossRefList &list,
+                                const OutputSection *section) {
+  const auto *begin =
+      list.firstOnly ? list.refs.begin() + 1 : list.refs.begin();
+  return std::find(begin, list.refs.end(), section->name) != list.refs.end();
+static bool isNoCrefToSection(const CrossRefList &list,
+                              const OutputSection *section) {
+  if (list.firstOnly)
+    return list.refs[0] == section->name;
+  return std::find(list.refs.begin(), list.refs.end(), section->name) !=
+         list.refs.end();
+void elf::checkNoCrossRefs() {
+  // Basic brute-force algorithm, since in reality NOCROSSRES lists are quite
+  // small.
+  //
+  // Idea is to traverse all relocations in all sections and report if
+  // prohibited reference was found. Note that NOCROSSREFS works with output section
+  // names.
+  for (ELFFileBase *file : ctx.objectFiles) {
+    auto sections = file->getSections();
+    std::string message = "";
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
+      if (sections[i]) {
+        StringRef sectionName = sections[i]->name;
+        if (const auto *outSec = dyn_cast_or_null<OutputSection>(sections[i]->parent)) {
+          for (const auto &refs : script->nocrossrefs) {
mysterymath wrote:

`refs` -> `list`, since the type is `[No]CrossRefList`.


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