[lldb] [llvm] [LLDB][Minidump] Add 64b support to LLDB's minidump file builder. (PR #95312)

Greg Clayton via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 17 16:49:50 PDT 2024

@@ -480,71 +559,64 @@ class ArchThreadContexts {
-// Function returns start and size of the memory region that contains
-// memory location pointed to by the current stack pointer.
-llvm::Expected<std::pair<addr_t, addr_t>>
-findStackHelper(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp, uint64_t rsp) {
-  MemoryRegionInfo range_info;
-  Status error = process_sp->GetMemoryRegionInfo(rsp, range_info);
-  // Skip failed memory region requests or any regions with no permissions.
-  if (error.Fail() || range_info.GetLLDBPermissions() == 0)
-    return llvm::createStringError(
-        std::errc::not_supported,
-        "unable to load stack segment of the process");
-  // This is a duplicate of the logic in
-  // Process::SaveOffRegionsWithStackPointers but ultimately, we need to only
-  // save up from the start of the stack down to the stack pointer
-  const addr_t range_end = range_info.GetRange().GetRangeEnd();
-  const addr_t red_zone = process_sp->GetABI()->GetRedZoneSize();
-  const addr_t stack_head = rsp - red_zone;
-  if (stack_head > range_info.GetRange().GetRangeEnd()) {
-    range_info.GetRange().SetRangeBase(stack_head);
-    range_info.GetRange().SetByteSize(range_end - stack_head);
-  }
-  const addr_t addr = range_info.GetRange().GetRangeBase();
-  const addr_t size = range_info.GetRange().GetByteSize();
-  if (size == 0)
-    return llvm::createStringError(std::errc::not_supported,
-                                   "stack segment of the process is empty");
-  return std::make_pair(addr, size);
+Status MinidumpFileBuilder::FixThreadStacks() {
+  Status error;
+  // If we have anything in the heap flush it.
+  FlushBufferToDisk();
+  m_core_file->SeekFromStart(m_thread_list_start);
+  for (auto &pair : m_thread_by_range_end) {
+    // The thread objects will get a new memory descriptor added
+    // When we are emitting the memory list and then we write it here
+    const llvm::minidump::Thread &thread = pair.second;
+    size_t bytes_to_write = sizeof(llvm::minidump::Thread);
+    size_t bytes_written = bytes_to_write;
+    error = m_core_file->Write(&thread, bytes_written);
clayborg wrote:

We should probably change the underlying `Write(...)` function to not use `size_t` if it is as this will fail on 32 bit architectures, or we need to write at most SIZET_MAX


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