[llvm] 37813e0 - [clang][dataflow] Make `CNFFormula` externally accessible. (#92401)
via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 21 02:34:13 PDT 2024
Author: martinboehme
Date: 2024-05-21T11:34:08+02:00
New Revision: 37813e09fa8b67ec858ad3c82dcf72a8ff306b03
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/37813e09fa8b67ec858ad3c82dcf72a8ff306b03
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/37813e09fa8b67ec858ad3c82dcf72a8ff306b03.diff
LOG: [clang][dataflow] Make `CNFFormula` externally accessible. (#92401)
This component can be useful when creating implementations of `Solver`,
as some
SAT solvers require the input to be in 3-CNF.
As part of making `CNFFormula` externally accessible, I have moved some
variables out of it that aren't really part of the representation of a
formula and thus live better elsewhere:
* `WatchedHead` and `NextWatched` have been moved to
`WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl`, as they're part of the specific algorithm
by that SAT solver.
* `Atomics` has become an output parameter of `buildCNF()` because it
has to do
with the relationship between a `CNFFormula` and the set of `Formula`s
it is
derived from rather than being an integral part of the representation of
3-CNF formula.
I have also made all member variables private and added appropriate
diff --git a/clang/docs/tools/clang-formatted-files.txt b/clang/docs/tools/clang-formatted-files.txt
index b747adfb6992e..dee51e402b687 100644
--- a/clang/docs/tools/clang-formatted-files.txt
+++ b/clang/docs/tools/clang-formatted-files.txt
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ clang/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/CFGReachabilityAnalysis.h
@@ -621,6 +622,7 @@ clang/tools/libclang/CXCursor.h
@@ -632,6 +634,7 @@ clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TestingSupport.cpp
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.h b/clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fb13e774c67fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+//===- CNFFormula.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// A representation of a boolean formula in 3-CNF.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <vector>
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Formula.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace dataflow {
+/// Boolean variables are represented as positive integers.
+using Variable = uint32_t;
+/// A null boolean variable is used as a placeholder in various data structures
+/// and algorithms.
+constexpr Variable NullVar = 0;
+/// Literals are represented as positive integers. Specifically, for a boolean
+/// variable `V` that is represented as the positive integer `I`, the positive
+/// literal `V` is represented as the integer `2*I` and the negative literal
+/// `!V` is represented as the integer `2*I+1`.
+using Literal = uint32_t;
+/// A null literal is used as a placeholder in various data structures and
+/// algorithms.
+constexpr Literal NullLit = 0;
+/// Clause identifiers are represented as positive integers.
+using ClauseID = uint32_t;
+/// A null clause identifier is used as a placeholder in various data structures
+/// and algorithms.
+constexpr ClauseID NullClause = 0;
+/// Returns the positive literal `V`.
+inline constexpr Literal posLit(Variable V) { return 2 * V; }
+/// Returns the negative literal `!V`.
+inline constexpr Literal negLit(Variable V) { return 2 * V + 1; }
+/// Returns whether `L` is a positive literal.
+inline constexpr bool isPosLit(Literal L) { return 0 == (L & 1); }
+/// Returns whether `L` is a negative literal.
+inline constexpr bool isNegLit(Literal L) { return 1 == (L & 1); }
+/// Returns the negated literal `!L`.
+inline constexpr Literal notLit(Literal L) { return L ^ 1; }
+/// Returns the variable of `L`.
+inline constexpr Variable var(Literal L) { return L >> 1; }
+/// A boolean formula in 3-CNF (conjunctive normal form with at most 3 literals
+/// per clause).
+class CNFFormula {
+ /// `LargestVar` is equal to the largest positive integer that represents a
+ /// variable in the formula.
+ const Variable LargestVar;
+ /// Literals of all clauses in the formula.
+ ///
+ /// The element at index 0 stands for the literal in the null clause. It is
+ /// set to 0 and isn't used. Literals of clauses in the formula start from the
+ /// element at index 1.
+ ///
+ /// For example, for the formula `(L1 v L2) ^ (L2 v L3 v L4)` the elements of
+ /// `Clauses` will be `[0, L1, L2, L2, L3, L4]`.
+ std::vector<Literal> Clauses;
+ /// Start indices of clauses of the formula in `Clauses`.
+ ///
+ /// The element at index 0 stands for the start index of the null clause. It
+ /// is set to 0 and isn't used. Start indices of clauses in the formula start
+ /// from the element at index 1.
+ ///
+ /// For example, for the formula `(L1 v L2) ^ (L2 v L3 v L4)` the elements of
+ /// `ClauseStarts` will be `[0, 1, 3]`. Note that the literals of the first
+ /// clause always start at index 1. The start index for the literals of the
+ /// second clause depends on the size of the first clause and so on.
+ std::vector<size_t> ClauseStarts;
+ /// Indicates that we already know the formula is unsatisfiable.
+ /// During construction, we catch simple cases of conflicting unit-clauses.
+ bool KnownContradictory;
+ explicit CNFFormula(Variable LargestVar);
+ /// Adds the `L1 v ... v Ln` clause to the formula.
+ /// Requirements:
+ ///
+ /// `Li` must not be `NullLit`.
+ ///
+ /// All literals in the input that are not `NullLit` must be distinct.
+ void addClause(ArrayRef<Literal> lits);
+ /// Returns whether the formula is known to be contradictory.
+ /// This is the case if any of the clauses is empty.
+ bool knownContradictory() const { return KnownContradictory; }
+ /// Returns the largest variable in the formula.
+ Variable largestVar() const { return LargestVar; }
+ /// Returns the number of clauses in the formula.
+ /// Valid clause IDs are in the range [1, `numClauses()`].
+ ClauseID numClauses() const { return ClauseStarts.size() - 1; }
+ /// Returns the number of literals in clause `C`.
+ size_t clauseSize(ClauseID C) const {
+ return C == ClauseStarts.size() - 1 ? Clauses.size() - ClauseStarts[C]
+ : ClauseStarts[C + 1] - ClauseStarts[C];
+ }
+ /// Returns the literals of clause `C`.
+ /// If `knownContradictory()` is false, each clause has at least one literal.
+ llvm::ArrayRef<Literal> clauseLiterals(ClauseID C) const {
+ size_t S = clauseSize(C);
+ if (S == 0)
+ return llvm::ArrayRef<Literal>();
+ return llvm::ArrayRef<Literal>(&Clauses[ClauseStarts[C]], S);
+ }
+ /// An iterator over all literals of all clauses in the formula.
+ /// The iterator allows mutation of the literal through the `*` operator.
+ /// This is to support solvers that mutate the formula during solving.
+ class Iterator {
+ friend class CNFFormula;
+ CNFFormula *CNF;
+ size_t Idx;
+ Iterator(CNFFormula *CNF, size_t Idx) : CNF(CNF), Idx(Idx) {}
+ public:
+ Iterator(const Iterator &) = default;
+ Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &) = default;
+ Iterator &operator++() {
+ ++Idx;
+ assert(Idx < CNF->Clauses.size() && "Iterator out of bounds");
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Iterator next() const {
+ Iterator I = *this;
+ ++I;
+ return I;
+ }
+ Literal &operator*() const { return CNF->Clauses[Idx]; }
+ };
+ friend class Iterator;
+ /// Returns an iterator to the first literal of clause `C`.
+ Iterator startOfClause(ClauseID C) { return Iterator(this, ClauseStarts[C]); }
+/// Converts the conjunction of `Vals` into a formula in conjunctive normal
+/// form where each clause has at least one and at most three literals.
+/// `Atomics` is populated with a mapping from `Variables` to the corresponding
+/// `Atom`s for atomic booleans in the input formulas.
+CNFFormula buildCNF(const llvm::ArrayRef<const Formula *> &Formulas,
+ llvm::DenseMap<Variable, Atom> &Atomics);
+} // namespace dataflow
+} // namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.h b/clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.h
index b5cd7aa10fd7d..d74380b78e935 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.h
@@ -17,16 +17,17 @@
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Formula.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Solver.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include <limits>
namespace clang {
namespace dataflow {
/// A SAT solver that is an implementation of Algorithm D from Knuth's The Art
/// of Computer Programming Volume 4: Satisfiability, Fascicle 6. It is based on
-/// the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) algorithm, keeps references to a
-/// single "watched" literal per clause, and uses a set of "active" variables
+/// the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) algorithm [1], keeps references to
+/// a single "watched" literal per clause, and uses a set of "active" variables
/// for unit propagation.
+// [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPLL_algorithm
class WatchedLiteralsSolver : public Solver {
// Count of the iterations of the main loop of the solver. This spans *all*
// calls to the underlying solver across the life of this object. It is
diff --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CMakeLists.txt b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CMakeLists.txt
index 6631fe27f3d90..f89d4e57e5819 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ add_clang_library(clangAnalysisFlowSensitive
+ CNFFormula.cpp
diff --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.cpp b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2410ce1e7bd60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+//===- CNFFormula.cpp -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// A representation of a boolean formula in 3-CNF.
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
+#include <queue>
+namespace clang {
+namespace dataflow {
+namespace {
+/// Applies simplifications while building up a BooleanFormula.
+/// We keep track of unit clauses, which tell us variables that must be
+/// true/false in any model that satisfies the overall formula.
+/// Such variables can be dropped from subsequently-added clauses, which
+/// may in turn yield more unit clauses or even a contradiction.
+/// The total added complexity of this preprocessing is O(N) where we
+/// for every clause, we do a lookup for each unit clauses.
+/// The lookup is O(1) on average. This method won't catch all
+/// contradictory formulas, more passes can in principle catch
+/// more cases but we leave all these and the general case to the
+/// proper SAT solver.
+struct CNFFormulaBuilder {
+ // Formula should outlive CNFFormulaBuilder.
+ explicit CNFFormulaBuilder(CNFFormula &CNF) : Formula(CNF) {}
+ /// Adds the `L1 v ... v Ln` clause to the formula. Applies
+ /// simplifications, based on single-literal clauses.
+ ///
+ /// Requirements:
+ ///
+ /// `Li` must not be `NullLit`.
+ ///
+ /// All literals must be distinct.
+ void addClause(ArrayRef<Literal> Literals) {
+ // We generate clauses with up to 3 literals in this file.
+ assert(!Literals.empty() && Literals.size() <= 3);
+ // Contains literals of the simplified clause.
+ llvm::SmallVector<Literal> Simplified;
+ for (auto L : Literals) {
+ assert(L != NullLit &&
+ llvm::all_of(Simplified, [L](Literal S) { return S != L; }));
+ auto X = var(L);
+ if (trueVars.contains(X)) { // X must be true
+ if (isPosLit(L))
+ return; // Omit clause `(... v X v ...)`, it is `true`.
+ else
+ continue; // Omit `!X` from `(... v !X v ...)`.
+ }
+ if (falseVars.contains(X)) { // X must be false
+ if (isNegLit(L))
+ return; // Omit clause `(... v !X v ...)`, it is `true`.
+ else
+ continue; // Omit `X` from `(... v X v ...)`.
+ }
+ Simplified.push_back(L);
+ }
+ if (Simplified.empty()) {
+ // Simplification made the clause empty, which is equivalent to `false`.
+ // We already know that this formula is unsatisfiable.
+ Formula.addClause(Simplified);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Simplified.size() == 1) {
+ // We have new unit clause.
+ const Literal lit = Simplified.front();
+ const Variable v = var(lit);
+ if (isPosLit(lit))
+ trueVars.insert(v);
+ else
+ falseVars.insert(v);
+ }
+ Formula.addClause(Simplified);
+ }
+ /// Returns true if we observed a contradiction while adding clauses.
+ /// In this case then the formula is already known to be unsatisfiable.
+ bool isKnownContradictory() { return Formula.knownContradictory(); }
+ CNFFormula &Formula;
+ llvm::DenseSet<Variable> trueVars;
+ llvm::DenseSet<Variable> falseVars;
+} // namespace
+CNFFormula::CNFFormula(Variable LargestVar)
+ : LargestVar(LargestVar), KnownContradictory(false) {
+ Clauses.push_back(0);
+ ClauseStarts.push_back(0);
+void CNFFormula::addClause(ArrayRef<Literal> lits) {
+ assert(llvm::all_of(lits, [](Literal L) { return L != NullLit; }));
+ if (lits.empty())
+ KnownContradictory = true;
+ const size_t S = Clauses.size();
+ ClauseStarts.push_back(S);
+ Clauses.insert(Clauses.end(), lits.begin(), lits.end());
+CNFFormula buildCNF(const llvm::ArrayRef<const Formula *> &Formulas,
+ llvm::DenseMap<Variable, Atom> &Atomics) {
+ // The general strategy of the algorithm implemented below is to map each
+ // of the sub-values in `Vals` to a unique variable and use these variables in
+ // the resulting CNF expression to avoid exponential blow up. The number of
+ // literals in the resulting formula is guaranteed to be linear in the number
+ // of sub-formulas in `Vals`.
+ // Map each sub-formula in `Vals` to a unique variable.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const Formula *, Variable> FormulaToVar;
+ // Store variable identifiers and Atom of atomic booleans.
+ Variable NextVar = 1;
+ {
+ std::queue<const Formula *> UnprocessedFormulas;
+ for (const Formula *F : Formulas)
+ UnprocessedFormulas.push(F);
+ while (!UnprocessedFormulas.empty()) {
+ Variable Var = NextVar;
+ const Formula *F = UnprocessedFormulas.front();
+ UnprocessedFormulas.pop();
+ if (!FormulaToVar.try_emplace(F, Var).second)
+ continue;
+ ++NextVar;
+ for (const Formula *Op : F->operands())
+ UnprocessedFormulas.push(Op);
+ if (F->kind() == Formula::AtomRef)
+ Atomics[Var] = F->getAtom();
+ }
+ }
+ auto GetVar = [&FormulaToVar](const Formula *F) {
+ auto ValIt = FormulaToVar.find(F);
+ assert(ValIt != FormulaToVar.end());
+ return ValIt->second;
+ };
+ CNFFormula CNF(NextVar - 1);
+ std::vector<bool> ProcessedSubVals(NextVar, false);
+ CNFFormulaBuilder builder(CNF);
+ // Add a conjunct for each variable that represents a top-level conjunction
+ // value in `Vals`.
+ for (const Formula *F : Formulas)
+ builder.addClause(posLit(GetVar(F)));
+ // Add conjuncts that represent the mapping between newly-created variables
+ // and their corresponding sub-formulas.
+ std::queue<const Formula *> UnprocessedFormulas;
+ for (const Formula *F : Formulas)
+ UnprocessedFormulas.push(F);
+ while (!UnprocessedFormulas.empty()) {
+ const Formula *F = UnprocessedFormulas.front();
+ UnprocessedFormulas.pop();
+ const Variable Var = GetVar(F);
+ if (ProcessedSubVals[Var])
+ continue;
+ ProcessedSubVals[Var] = true;
+ switch (F->kind()) {
+ case Formula::AtomRef:
+ break;
+ case Formula::Literal:
+ CNF.addClause(F->literal() ? posLit(Var) : negLit(Var));
+ break;
+ case Formula::And: {
+ const Variable LHS = GetVar(F->operands()[0]);
+ const Variable RHS = GetVar(F->operands()[1]);
+ if (LHS == RHS) {
+ // `X <=> (A ^ A)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (X v !A)` which is
+ // already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
+ // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS)});
+ } else {
+ // `X <=> (A ^ B)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (!X v B) ^ (X v !A v
+ // !B)` which is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each
+ // of the conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(RHS)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS), negLit(RHS)});
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Formula::Or: {
+ const Variable LHS = GetVar(F->operands()[0]);
+ const Variable RHS = GetVar(F->operands()[1]);
+ if (LHS == RHS) {
+ // `X <=> (A v A)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (X v !A)` which is
+ // already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
+ // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS)});
+ } else {
+ // `X <=> (A v B)` is equivalent to `(!X v A v B) ^ (X v !A) ^ (X v
+ // !B)` which is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each
+ // of the conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(RHS)});
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Formula::Not: {
+ const Variable Operand = GetVar(F->operands()[0]);
+ // `X <=> !Y` is equivalent to `(!X v !Y) ^ (X v Y)` which is
+ // already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
+ // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), negLit(Operand)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), posLit(Operand)});
+ break;
+ }
+ case Formula::Implies: {
+ const Variable LHS = GetVar(F->operands()[0]);
+ const Variable RHS = GetVar(F->operands()[1]);
+ // `X <=> (A => B)` is equivalent to
+ // `(X v A) ^ (X v !B) ^ (!X v !A v B)` which is already in
+ // conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts of
+ // the latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(RHS)});
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), negLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
+ break;
+ }
+ case Formula::Equal: {
+ const Variable LHS = GetVar(F->operands()[0]);
+ const Variable RHS = GetVar(F->operands()[1]);
+ if (LHS == RHS) {
+ // `X <=> (A <=> A)` is equivalent to `X` which is already in
+ // conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts of the
+ // latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause(posLit(Var));
+ // No need to visit the sub-values of `Val`.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // `X <=> (A <=> B)` is equivalent to
+ // `(X v A v B) ^ (X v !A v !B) ^ (!X v A v !B) ^ (!X v !A v B)` which
+ // is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
+ // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), posLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
+ builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS), negLit(RHS)});
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS), negLit(RHS)});
+ builder.addClause({negLit(Var), negLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (builder.isKnownContradictory()) {
+ return CNF;
+ }
+ for (const Formula *Child : F->operands())
+ UnprocessedFormulas.push(Child);
+ }
+ // Unit clauses that were added later were not
+ // considered for the simplification of earlier clauses. Do a final
+ // pass to find more opportunities for simplification.
+ CNFFormula FinalCNF(NextVar - 1);
+ CNFFormulaBuilder FinalBuilder(FinalCNF);
+ // Collect unit clauses.
+ for (ClauseID C = 1; C <= CNF.numClauses(); ++C) {
+ if (CNF.clauseSize(C) == 1) {
+ FinalBuilder.addClause(CNF.clauseLiterals(C)[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add all clauses that were added previously, preserving the order.
+ for (ClauseID C = 1; C <= CNF.numClauses(); ++C) {
+ FinalBuilder.addClause(CNF.clauseLiterals(C));
+ if (FinalBuilder.isKnownContradictory()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // It is possible there were new unit clauses again, but
+ // we stop here and leave the rest to the solver algorithm.
+ return FinalCNF;
+} // namespace dataflow
+} // namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.cpp b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.cpp
index 3ef3637535324..a39f0e0b29ad1 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.cpp
@@ -12,105 +12,31 @@
#include <cassert>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <queue>
#include <vector>
+#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CNFFormula.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Formula.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Solver.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
namespace clang {
namespace dataflow {
-// `WatchedLiteralsSolver` is an implementation of Algorithm D from Knuth's
-// The Art of Computer Programming Volume 4: Satisfiability, Fascicle 6. It is
-// based on the backtracking DPLL algorithm [1], keeps references to a single
-// "watched" literal per clause, and uses a set of "active" variables to perform
-// unit propagation.
-// The solver expects that its input is a boolean formula in conjunctive normal
-// form that consists of clauses of at least one literal. A literal is either a
-// boolean variable or its negation. Below we define types, data structures, and
-// utilities that are used to represent boolean formulas in conjunctive normal
-// form.
-// [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPLL_algorithm
-/// Boolean variables are represented as positive integers.
-using Variable = uint32_t;
-/// A null boolean variable is used as a placeholder in various data structures
-/// and algorithms.
-static constexpr Variable NullVar = 0;
-/// Literals are represented as positive integers. Specifically, for a boolean
-/// variable `V` that is represented as the positive integer `I`, the positive
-/// literal `V` is represented as the integer `2*I` and the negative literal
-/// `!V` is represented as the integer `2*I+1`.
-using Literal = uint32_t;
-/// A null literal is used as a placeholder in various data structures and
-/// algorithms.
-[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr Literal NullLit = 0;
-/// Returns the positive literal `V`.
-static constexpr Literal posLit(Variable V) { return 2 * V; }
-static constexpr bool isPosLit(Literal L) { return 0 == (L & 1); }
-static constexpr bool isNegLit(Literal L) { return 1 == (L & 1); }
-/// Returns the negative literal `!V`.
-static constexpr Literal negLit(Variable V) { return 2 * V + 1; }
-/// Returns the negated literal `!L`.
-static constexpr Literal notLit(Literal L) { return L ^ 1; }
-/// Returns the variable of `L`.
-static constexpr Variable var(Literal L) { return L >> 1; }
-/// Clause identifiers are represented as positive integers.
-using ClauseID = uint32_t;
-/// A null clause identifier is used as a placeholder in various data structures
-/// and algorithms.
-static constexpr ClauseID NullClause = 0;
+namespace {
-/// A boolean formula in conjunctive normal form.
-struct CNFFormula {
- /// `LargestVar` is equal to the largest positive integer that represents a
- /// variable in the formula.
- const Variable LargestVar;
- /// Literals of all clauses in the formula.
- ///
- /// The element at index 0 stands for the literal in the null clause. It is
- /// set to 0 and isn't used. Literals of clauses in the formula start from the
- /// element at index 1.
- ///
- /// For example, for the formula `(L1 v L2) ^ (L2 v L3 v L4)` the elements of
- /// `Clauses` will be `[0, L1, L2, L2, L3, L4]`.
- std::vector<Literal> Clauses;
+class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
+ /// Stores the variable identifier and Atom for atomic booleans in the
+ /// formula.
+ llvm::DenseMap<Variable, Atom> Atomics;
- /// Start indices of clauses of the formula in `Clauses`.
- ///
- /// The element at index 0 stands for the start index of the null clause. It
- /// is set to 0 and isn't used. Start indices of clauses in the formula start
- /// from the element at index 1.
- ///
- /// For example, for the formula `(L1 v L2) ^ (L2 v L3 v L4)` the elements of
- /// `ClauseStarts` will be `[0, 1, 3]`. Note that the literals of the first
- /// clause always start at index 1. The start index for the literals of the
- /// second clause depends on the size of the first clause and so on.
- std::vector<size_t> ClauseStarts;
+ /// A boolean formula in conjunctive normal form that the solver will attempt
+ /// to prove satisfiable. The formula will be modified in the process.
+ CNFFormula CNF;
/// Maps literals (indices of the vector) to clause identifiers (elements of
/// the vector) that watch the respective literals.
@@ -127,328 +53,6 @@ struct CNFFormula {
/// clauses in the formula start from the element at index 1.
std::vector<ClauseID> NextWatched;
- /// Stores the variable identifier and Atom for atomic booleans in the
- /// formula.
- llvm::DenseMap<Variable, Atom> Atomics;
- /// Indicates that we already know the formula is unsatisfiable.
- /// During construction, we catch simple cases of conflicting unit-clauses.
- bool KnownContradictory;
- explicit CNFFormula(Variable LargestVar,
- llvm::DenseMap<Variable, Atom> Atomics)
- : LargestVar(LargestVar), Atomics(std::move(Atomics)),
- KnownContradictory(false) {
- Clauses.push_back(0);
- ClauseStarts.push_back(0);
- NextWatched.push_back(0);
- const size_t NumLiterals = 2 * LargestVar + 1;
- WatchedHead.resize(NumLiterals + 1, 0);
- }
- /// Adds the `L1 v ... v Ln` clause to the formula.
- /// Requirements:
- ///
- /// `Li` must not be `NullLit`.
- ///
- /// All literals in the input that are not `NullLit` must be distinct.
- void addClause(ArrayRef<Literal> lits) {
- assert(!lits.empty());
- assert(llvm::all_of(lits, [](Literal L) { return L != NullLit; }));
- const ClauseID C = ClauseStarts.size();
- const size_t S = Clauses.size();
- ClauseStarts.push_back(S);
- Clauses.insert(Clauses.end(), lits.begin(), lits.end());
- // Designate the first literal as the "watched" literal of the clause.
- NextWatched.push_back(WatchedHead[lits.front()]);
- WatchedHead[lits.front()] = C;
- }
- /// Returns the number of literals in clause `C`.
- size_t clauseSize(ClauseID C) const {
- return C == ClauseStarts.size() - 1 ? Clauses.size() - ClauseStarts[C]
- : ClauseStarts[C + 1] - ClauseStarts[C];
- }
- /// Returns the literals of clause `C`.
- llvm::ArrayRef<Literal> clauseLiterals(ClauseID C) const {
- return llvm::ArrayRef<Literal>(&Clauses[ClauseStarts[C]], clauseSize(C));
- }
-/// Applies simplifications while building up a BooleanFormula.
-/// We keep track of unit clauses, which tell us variables that must be
-/// true/false in any model that satisfies the overall formula.
-/// Such variables can be dropped from subsequently-added clauses, which
-/// may in turn yield more unit clauses or even a contradiction.
-/// The total added complexity of this preprocessing is O(N) where we
-/// for every clause, we do a lookup for each unit clauses.
-/// The lookup is O(1) on average. This method won't catch all
-/// contradictory formulas, more passes can in principle catch
-/// more cases but we leave all these and the general case to the
-/// proper SAT solver.
-struct CNFFormulaBuilder {
- // Formula should outlive CNFFormulaBuilder.
- explicit CNFFormulaBuilder(CNFFormula &CNF)
- : Formula(CNF) {}
- /// Adds the `L1 v ... v Ln` clause to the formula. Applies
- /// simplifications, based on single-literal clauses.
- ///
- /// Requirements:
- ///
- /// `Li` must not be `NullLit`.
- ///
- /// All literals must be distinct.
- void addClause(ArrayRef<Literal> Literals) {
- // We generate clauses with up to 3 literals in this file.
- assert(!Literals.empty() && Literals.size() <= 3);
- // Contains literals of the simplified clause.
- llvm::SmallVector<Literal> Simplified;
- for (auto L : Literals) {
- assert(L != NullLit &&
- llvm::all_of(Simplified,
- [L](Literal S) { return S != L; }));
- auto X = var(L);
- if (trueVars.contains(X)) { // X must be true
- if (isPosLit(L))
- return; // Omit clause `(... v X v ...)`, it is `true`.
- else
- continue; // Omit `!X` from `(... v !X v ...)`.
- }
- if (falseVars.contains(X)) { // X must be false
- if (isNegLit(L))
- return; // Omit clause `(... v !X v ...)`, it is `true`.
- else
- continue; // Omit `X` from `(... v X v ...)`.
- }
- Simplified.push_back(L);
- }
- if (Simplified.empty()) {
- // Simplification made the clause empty, which is equivalent to `false`.
- // We already know that this formula is unsatisfiable.
- Formula.KnownContradictory = true;
- // We can add any of the input literals to get an unsatisfiable formula.
- Formula.addClause(Literals[0]);
- return;
- }
- if (Simplified.size() == 1) {
- // We have new unit clause.
- const Literal lit = Simplified.front();
- const Variable v = var(lit);
- if (isPosLit(lit))
- trueVars.insert(v);
- else
- falseVars.insert(v);
- }
- Formula.addClause(Simplified);
- }
- /// Returns true if we observed a contradiction while adding clauses.
- /// In this case then the formula is already known to be unsatisfiable.
- bool isKnownContradictory() { return Formula.KnownContradictory; }
- CNFFormula &Formula;
- llvm::DenseSet<Variable> trueVars;
- llvm::DenseSet<Variable> falseVars;
-/// Converts the conjunction of `Vals` into a formula in conjunctive normal
-/// form where each clause has at least one and at most three literals.
-CNFFormula buildCNF(const llvm::ArrayRef<const Formula *> &Vals) {
- // The general strategy of the algorithm implemented below is to map each
- // of the sub-values in `Vals` to a unique variable and use these variables in
- // the resulting CNF expression to avoid exponential blow up. The number of
- // literals in the resulting formula is guaranteed to be linear in the number
- // of sub-formulas in `Vals`.
- // Map each sub-formula in `Vals` to a unique variable.
- llvm::DenseMap<const Formula *, Variable> SubValsToVar;
- // Store variable identifiers and Atom of atomic booleans.
- llvm::DenseMap<Variable, Atom> Atomics;
- Variable NextVar = 1;
- {
- std::queue<const Formula *> UnprocessedSubVals;
- for (const Formula *Val : Vals)
- UnprocessedSubVals.push(Val);
- while (!UnprocessedSubVals.empty()) {
- Variable Var = NextVar;
- const Formula *Val = UnprocessedSubVals.front();
- UnprocessedSubVals.pop();
- if (!SubValsToVar.try_emplace(Val, Var).second)
- continue;
- ++NextVar;
- for (const Formula *F : Val->operands())
- UnprocessedSubVals.push(F);
- if (Val->kind() == Formula::AtomRef)
- Atomics[Var] = Val->getAtom();
- }
- }
- auto GetVar = [&SubValsToVar](const Formula *Val) {
- auto ValIt = SubValsToVar.find(Val);
- assert(ValIt != SubValsToVar.end());
- return ValIt->second;
- };
- CNFFormula CNF(NextVar - 1, std::move(Atomics));
- std::vector<bool> ProcessedSubVals(NextVar, false);
- CNFFormulaBuilder builder(CNF);
- // Add a conjunct for each variable that represents a top-level conjunction
- // value in `Vals`.
- for (const Formula *Val : Vals)
- builder.addClause(posLit(GetVar(Val)));
- // Add conjuncts that represent the mapping between newly-created variables
- // and their corresponding sub-formulas.
- std::queue<const Formula *> UnprocessedSubVals;
- for (const Formula *Val : Vals)
- UnprocessedSubVals.push(Val);
- while (!UnprocessedSubVals.empty()) {
- const Formula *Val = UnprocessedSubVals.front();
- UnprocessedSubVals.pop();
- const Variable Var = GetVar(Val);
- if (ProcessedSubVals[Var])
- continue;
- ProcessedSubVals[Var] = true;
- switch (Val->kind()) {
- case Formula::AtomRef:
- break;
- case Formula::Literal:
- CNF.addClause(Val->literal() ? posLit(Var) : negLit(Var));
- break;
- case Formula::And: {
- const Variable LHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[0]);
- const Variable RHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[1]);
- if (LHS == RHS) {
- // `X <=> (A ^ A)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (X v !A)` which is
- // already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
- // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS)});
- } else {
- // `X <=> (A ^ B)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (!X v B) ^ (X v !A v
- // !B)` which is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each
- // of the conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(RHS)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS), negLit(RHS)});
- }
- break;
- }
- case Formula::Or: {
- const Variable LHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[0]);
- const Variable RHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[1]);
- if (LHS == RHS) {
- // `X <=> (A v A)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (X v !A)` which is
- // already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
- // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS)});
- } else {
- // `X <=> (A v B)` is equivalent to `(!X v A v B) ^ (X v !A) ^ (X v
- // !B)` which is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each
- // of the conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(RHS)});
- }
- break;
- }
- case Formula::Not: {
- const Variable Operand = GetVar(Val->operands()[0]);
- // `X <=> !Y` is equivalent to `(!X v !Y) ^ (X v Y)` which is
- // already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
- // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), negLit(Operand)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), posLit(Operand)});
- break;
- }
- case Formula::Implies: {
- const Variable LHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[0]);
- const Variable RHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[1]);
- // `X <=> (A => B)` is equivalent to
- // `(X v A) ^ (X v !B) ^ (!X v !A v B)` which is already in
- // conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts of
- // the latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), posLit(LHS)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(RHS)});
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), negLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
- break;
- }
- case Formula::Equal: {
- const Variable LHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[0]);
- const Variable RHS = GetVar(Val->operands()[1]);
- if (LHS == RHS) {
- // `X <=> (A <=> A)` is equivalent to `X` which is already in
- // conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts of the
- // latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause(posLit(Var));
- // No need to visit the sub-values of `Val`.
- continue;
- }
- // `X <=> (A <=> B)` is equivalent to
- // `(X v A v B) ^ (X v !A v !B) ^ (!X v A v !B) ^ (!X v !A v B)` which
- // is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
- // conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), posLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
- builder.addClause({posLit(Var), negLit(LHS), negLit(RHS)});
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), posLit(LHS), negLit(RHS)});
- builder.addClause({negLit(Var), negLit(LHS), posLit(RHS)});
- break;
- }
- }
- if (builder.isKnownContradictory()) {
- return CNF;
- }
- for (const Formula *Child : Val->operands())
- UnprocessedSubVals.push(Child);
- }
- // Unit clauses that were added later were not
- // considered for the simplification of earlier clauses. Do a final
- // pass to find more opportunities for simplification.
- CNFFormula FinalCNF(NextVar - 1, std::move(CNF.Atomics));
- CNFFormulaBuilder FinalBuilder(FinalCNF);
- // Collect unit clauses.
- for (ClauseID C = 1; C < CNF.ClauseStarts.size(); ++C) {
- if (CNF.clauseSize(C) == 1) {
- FinalBuilder.addClause(CNF.clauseLiterals(C)[0]);
- }
- }
- // Add all clauses that were added previously, preserving the order.
- for (ClauseID C = 1; C < CNF.ClauseStarts.size(); ++C) {
- FinalBuilder.addClause(CNF.clauseLiterals(C));
- if (FinalBuilder.isKnownContradictory()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // It is possible there were new unit clauses again, but
- // we stop here and leave the rest to the solver algorithm.
- return FinalCNF;
-class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
- /// A boolean formula in conjunctive normal form that the solver will attempt
- /// to prove satisfiable. The formula will be modified in the process.
- CNFFormula CNF;
/// The search for a satisfying assignment of the variables in `Formula` will
/// proceed in levels, starting from 1 and going up to `Formula.LargestVar`
/// (inclusive). The current level is stored in `Level`. At each level the
@@ -501,20 +105,37 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
explicit WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl(
const llvm::ArrayRef<const Formula *> &Vals)
- : CNF(buildCNF(Vals)), LevelVars(CNF.LargestVar + 1),
- LevelStates(CNF.LargestVar + 1) {
+ // `Atomics` needs to be initialized first so that we can use it as an
+ // output argument of `buildCNF()`.
+ : Atomics(), CNF(buildCNF(Vals, Atomics)),
+ LevelVars(CNF.largestVar() + 1), LevelStates(CNF.largestVar() + 1) {
+ // Skip initialization if the formula is known to be contradictory.
+ if (CNF.knownContradictory())
+ return;
+ // Initialize `NextWatched` and `WatchedHead`.
+ NextWatched.push_back(0);
+ const size_t NumLiterals = 2 * CNF.largestVar() + 1;
+ WatchedHead.resize(NumLiterals + 1, 0);
+ for (ClauseID C = 1; C <= CNF.numClauses(); ++C) {
+ // Designate the first literal as the "watched" literal of the clause.
+ Literal FirstLit = CNF.clauseLiterals(C).front();
+ NextWatched.push_back(WatchedHead[FirstLit]);
+ WatchedHead[FirstLit] = C;
+ }
// Initialize the state at the root level to a decision so that in
// `reverseForcedMoves` we don't have to check that `Level >= 0` on each
// iteration.
LevelStates[0] = State::Decision;
// Initialize all variables as unassigned.
- VarAssignments.resize(CNF.LargestVar + 1, Assignment::Unassigned);
+ VarAssignments.resize(CNF.largestVar() + 1, Assignment::Unassigned);
// Initialize the active variables.
- for (Variable Var = CNF.LargestVar; Var != NullVar; --Var) {
+ for (Variable Var = CNF.largestVar(); Var != NullVar; --Var) {
if (isWatched(posLit(Var)) || isWatched(negLit(Var)))
@@ -523,7 +144,7 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
// Returns the `Result` and the number of iterations "remaining" from
// `MaxIterations` (that is, `MaxIterations` - iterations in this call).
std::pair<Solver::Result, std::int64_t> solve(std::int64_t MaxIterations) && {
- if (CNF.KnownContradictory) {
+ if (CNF.knownContradictory()) {
// Short-cut the solving process. We already found out at CNF
// construction time that the formula is unsatisfiable.
return std::make_pair(Solver::Result::Unsatisfiable(), MaxIterations);
@@ -625,7 +246,7 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
/// Returns a satisfying truth assignment to the atoms in the boolean formula.
llvm::DenseMap<Atom, Solver::Result::Assignment> buildSolution() {
llvm::DenseMap<Atom, Solver::Result::Assignment> Solution;
- for (auto &Atomic : CNF.Atomics) {
+ for (auto &Atomic : Atomics) {
// A variable may have a definite true/false assignment, or it may be
// unassigned indicating its truth value does not affect the result of
// the formula. Unassigned variables are assigned to true as a default.
@@ -661,24 +282,25 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
const Literal FalseLit = VarAssignments[Var] == Assignment::AssignedTrue
? negLit(Var)
: posLit(Var);
- ClauseID FalseLitWatcher = CNF.WatchedHead[FalseLit];
- CNF.WatchedHead[FalseLit] = NullClause;
+ ClauseID FalseLitWatcher = WatchedHead[FalseLit];
+ WatchedHead[FalseLit] = NullClause;
while (FalseLitWatcher != NullClause) {
- const ClauseID NextFalseLitWatcher = CNF.NextWatched[FalseLitWatcher];
+ const ClauseID NextFalseLitWatcher = NextWatched[FalseLitWatcher];
// Pick the first non-false literal as the new watched literal.
- const size_t FalseLitWatcherStart = CNF.ClauseStarts[FalseLitWatcher];
- size_t NewWatchedLitIdx = FalseLitWatcherStart + 1;
- while (isCurrentlyFalse(CNF.Clauses[NewWatchedLitIdx]))
- ++NewWatchedLitIdx;
- const Literal NewWatchedLit = CNF.Clauses[NewWatchedLitIdx];
+ const CNFFormula::Iterator FalseLitWatcherStart =
+ CNF.startOfClause(FalseLitWatcher);
+ CNFFormula::Iterator NewWatchedLitIter = FalseLitWatcherStart.next();
+ while (isCurrentlyFalse(*NewWatchedLitIter))
+ ++NewWatchedLitIter;
+ const Literal NewWatchedLit = *NewWatchedLitIter;
const Variable NewWatchedLitVar = var(NewWatchedLit);
// Swap the old watched literal for the new one in `FalseLitWatcher` to
// maintain the invariant that the watched literal is at the beginning of
// the clause.
- CNF.Clauses[NewWatchedLitIdx] = FalseLit;
- CNF.Clauses[FalseLitWatcherStart] = NewWatchedLit;
+ *NewWatchedLitIter = FalseLit;
+ *FalseLitWatcherStart = NewWatchedLit;
// If the new watched literal isn't watched by any other clause and its
// variable isn't assigned we need to add it to the active variables.
@@ -686,8 +308,8 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
VarAssignments[NewWatchedLitVar] == Assignment::Unassigned)
- CNF.NextWatched[FalseLitWatcher] = CNF.WatchedHead[NewWatchedLit];
- CNF.WatchedHead[NewWatchedLit] = FalseLitWatcher;
+ NextWatched[FalseLitWatcher] = WatchedHead[NewWatchedLit];
+ WatchedHead[NewWatchedLit] = FalseLitWatcher;
// Go to the next clause that watches `FalseLit`.
FalseLitWatcher = NextFalseLitWatcher;
@@ -697,8 +319,8 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
/// Returns true if and only if one of the clauses that watch `Lit` is a unit
/// clause.
bool watchedByUnitClause(Literal Lit) const {
- for (ClauseID LitWatcher = CNF.WatchedHead[Lit]; LitWatcher != NullClause;
- LitWatcher = CNF.NextWatched[LitWatcher]) {
+ for (ClauseID LitWatcher = WatchedHead[Lit]; LitWatcher != NullClause;
+ LitWatcher = NextWatched[LitWatcher]) {
llvm::ArrayRef<Literal> Clause = CNF.clauseLiterals(LitWatcher);
// Assert the invariant that the watched literal is always the first one
@@ -728,9 +350,7 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
/// Returns true if and only if `Lit` is watched by a clause in `Formula`.
- bool isWatched(Literal Lit) const {
- return CNF.WatchedHead[Lit] != NullClause;
- }
+ bool isWatched(Literal Lit) const { return WatchedHead[Lit] != NullClause; }
/// Returns an assignment for an unassigned variable.
Assignment decideAssignment(Variable Var) const {
@@ -742,8 +362,8 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
/// Returns a set of all watched literals.
llvm::DenseSet<Literal> watchedLiterals() const {
llvm::DenseSet<Literal> WatchedLiterals;
- for (Literal Lit = 2; Lit < CNF.WatchedHead.size(); Lit++) {
- if (CNF.WatchedHead[Lit] == NullClause)
+ for (Literal Lit = 2; Lit < WatchedHead.size(); Lit++) {
+ if (WatchedHead[Lit] == NullClause)
@@ -783,6 +403,8 @@ class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
+} // namespace
WatchedLiteralsSolver::solve(llvm::ArrayRef<const Formula *> Vals) {
if (Vals.empty())
diff --git a/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/BUILD.gn b/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/BUILD.gn
index 22433459a7878..393596186c0c6 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/BUILD.gn
+++ b/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/BUILD.gn
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ static_library("FlowSensitive") {
+ "CNFFormula.cpp",
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