[llvm] [BOLT][NFC] Add documentation on BOLT options (PR #92117)

Sjoerd Meijer via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 14 12:09:37 PDT 2024

sjoerdmeijer wrote:

> Great! Thank you. Is there a plan on synchronizing this document with new options or modifications to existing options?

My 2 cents as a BOLT user (i.e. not a developer): 
if they are user-facing options, that would be good, yes. 

I don't know if BOLT has a distinction between user-facing options, hidden/developer options, and/or debugging/printing options. Perhaps not all of these options need to be documented, or maybe separately. 

But I would very much welcome any attempt to add some documentation for user-facing options. For example, I was interested in trying to reduce the binary size, and I already forgot which option it was, but I believe the --lite option might help. My point: any documentation is very much welcome IMHO. I understand I can just look at the source, but that's not for all users and this is much more convenient. 


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