[llvm] [Offload] Add MPI Plugin (PR #90890)

Joseph Huber via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 9 05:43:07 PDT 2024

Jhonatan =?utf-8?q?Cléto?= <j256444 at dac.unicamp.br>,
Jhonatan =?utf-8?q?Cléto?= <j256444 at dac.unicamp.br>,Guilherme Valarini
 <guilherme.a.valarini at gmail.com>
In-Reply-To: <llvm.org/llvm/llvm-project/pull/90890 at github.com>

@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+//===------RTLs/mpi/src/rtl.cpp - Target RTLs Implementation - C++ ------*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// RTL NextGen for MPI applications
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <optional>
+#include <string>
+#include "GlobalHandler.h"
+#include "OpenMP/OMPT/Callback.h"
+#include "PluginInterface.h"
+#include "Shared/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPDeviceConstants.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
+#include "EventSystem.h"
+namespace llvm::omp::target::plugin {
+/// Forward declarations for all specialized data structures.
+struct MPIPluginTy;
+struct MPIDeviceTy;
+struct MPIDeviceImageTy;
+struct MPIKernelTy;
+class MPIGlobalHandlerTy;
+// TODO: Should this be defined inside the EventSystem?
+using MPIEventQueue = SmallVector<EventTy>;
+using MPIEventQueuePtr = MPIEventQueue *;
+/// Class implementing the MPI device images properties.
+struct MPIDeviceImageTy : public DeviceImageTy {
+  /// Create the MPI image with the id and the target image pointer.
+  MPIDeviceImageTy(int32_t ImageId, GenericDeviceTy &Device,
+                   const __tgt_device_image *TgtImage)
+      : DeviceImageTy(ImageId, Device, TgtImage), DeviceImageAddrs(getSize()) {}
+  llvm::SmallVector<void *> DeviceImageAddrs;
+class MPIGlobalHandlerTy final : public GenericGlobalHandlerTy {
+  Error getGlobalMetadataFromDevice(GenericDeviceTy &GenericDevice,
+                                    DeviceImageTy &Image,
+                                    GlobalTy &DeviceGlobal) override {
+    const char *GlobalName = DeviceGlobal.getName().data();
+    MPIDeviceImageTy &MPIImage = static_cast<MPIDeviceImageTy &>(Image);
+    if (GlobalName == nullptr) {
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to get name for global %p", &DeviceGlobal);
+    }
+    void *EntryAddress = nullptr;
+    __tgt_offload_entry *Begin = MPIImage.getTgtImage()->EntriesBegin;
+    __tgt_offload_entry *End = MPIImage.getTgtImage()->EntriesEnd;
+    int I = 0;
+    for (auto &Entry = Begin; Entry < End; ++Entry) {
+      if (!strcmp(Entry->name, GlobalName)) {
+        EntryAddress = MPIImage.DeviceImageAddrs[I];
+        break;
+      }
+      I++;
+    }
+    if (EntryAddress == nullptr) {
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to find global %s", GlobalName);
+    }
+    // Save the pointer to the symbol.
+    DeviceGlobal.setPtr(EntryAddress);
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+struct MPIKernelTy : public GenericKernelTy {
+  /// Construct the kernel with a name and an execution mode.
+  MPIKernelTy(const char *Name, EventSystemTy &EventSystem)
+      : GenericKernelTy(Name), Func(nullptr), EventSystem(EventSystem) {}
+  /// Initialize the kernel.
+  Error initImpl(GenericDeviceTy &Device, DeviceImageTy &Image) override {
+    // Functions have zero size.
+    GlobalTy Global(getName(), 0);
+    // Get the metadata (address) of the kernel function.
+    GenericGlobalHandlerTy &GHandler = Device.Plugin.getGlobalHandler();
+    if (auto Err = GHandler.getGlobalMetadataFromDevice(Device, Image, Global))
+      return Err;
+    // Check that the function pointer is valid.
+    if (!Global.getPtr())
+      return Plugin::error("Invalid function for kernel %s", getName());
+    // Save the function pointer.
+    Func = (void (*)())Global.getPtr();
+    // TODO: Check which settings are appropriate for the mpi plugin
+    // for now we are using the Elf64 plugin configuration
+    KernelEnvironment.Configuration.ExecMode = OMP_TGT_EXEC_MODE_GENERIC;
+    KernelEnvironment.Configuration.MayUseNestedParallelism = /* Unknown */ 2;
+    KernelEnvironment.Configuration.UseGenericStateMachine = /* Unknown */ 2;
+    // Set the maximum number of threads to a single.
+    MaxNumThreads = 1;
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Launch the kernel.
+  Error launchImpl(GenericDeviceTy &GenericDevice, uint32_t NumThreads,
+                   uint64_t NumBlocks, KernelArgsTy &KernelArgs, void *Args,
+                   AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) const override;
+  /// The kernel function to execute.
+  void (*Func)(void);
+  EventSystemTy &EventSystem;
+/// MPI resource reference and queue. These are the objects handled by the
+/// MPIQueue Manager for the MPI plugin.
+template <typename ResourceTy>
+struct MPIResourceRef final : public GenericDeviceResourceRef {
+  /// The underlying handler type for the resource.
+  using HandleTy = ResourceTy *;
+  /// Create a empty reference to an invalid resource.
+  MPIResourceRef() : Resource(nullptr) {}
+  /// Create a reference to an existing resource.
+  MPIResourceRef(HandleTy Queue) : Resource(Queue) {}
+  /// Create a new resource and save the reference.
+  Error create(GenericDeviceTy &Device) override {
+    if (Resource)
+      return Plugin::error("Recreating an existing resource");
+    Resource = new ResourceTy;
+    if (!Resource)
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to allocated a new resource");
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Destroy the resource and invalidate the reference.
+  Error destroy(GenericDeviceTy &Device) override {
+    if (!Resource)
+      return Plugin::error("Destroying an invalid resource");
+    delete Resource;
+    Resource = nullptr;
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  operator HandleTy() const { return Resource; }
+  HandleTy Resource;
+/// Class implementing the device functionalities for remote x86_64 processes.
+struct MPIDeviceTy : public GenericDeviceTy {
+  /// Create a MPI Device with a device id and the default MPI grid values.
+  MPIDeviceTy(GenericPluginTy &Plugin, int32_t DeviceId, int32_t NumDevices,
+              EventSystemTy &EventSystem)
+      : GenericDeviceTy(Plugin, DeviceId, NumDevices, MPIGridValues),
+        MPIEventQueueManager(*this), MPIEventManager(*this),
+        EventSystem(EventSystem) {}
+  /// Initialize the device, its resources and get its properties.
+  Error initImpl(GenericPluginTy &Plugin) override {
+    if (auto Err = MPIEventQueueManager.init(OMPX_InitialNumStreams))
+      return Err;
+    if (auto Err = MPIEventManager.init(OMPX_InitialNumEvents))
+      return Err;
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Deinitizalize the device and release its resources.
+  Error deinitImpl() override {
+    if (auto Err = MPIEventQueueManager.deinit())
+      return Err;
+    if (auto Err = MPIEventManager.deinit())
+      return Err;
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  Error setContext() override { return Plugin::success(); }
+  /// Load the binary image into the device and allocate an image object.
+  Expected<DeviceImageTy *> loadBinaryImpl(const __tgt_device_image *TgtImage,
+                                           int32_t ImageId) override {
+    // Allocate and initialize the image object.
+    MPIDeviceImageTy *Image = Plugin.allocate<MPIDeviceImageTy>();
+    new (Image) MPIDeviceImageTy(ImageId, *this, TgtImage);
+    auto Event = EventSystem.createEvent(OriginEvents::loadBinary, DeviceId,
+                                         TgtImage, &(Image->DeviceImageAddrs));
+    if (Event.empty()) {
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to create loadBinary event for image %p",
+                           TgtImage);
+    }
+    Event.wait();
+    if (auto Error = Event.getError(); Error) {
+      return Plugin::error("Event failed during loadBinary. %s\n",
+                           toString(std::move(Error)).c_str());
+    }
+    return Image;
+  }
+  /// Allocate memory on the device or related to the device.
+  void *allocate(size_t Size, void *, TargetAllocTy Kind) override {
+    if (Size == 0)
+      return nullptr;
+    void *BufferAddress = nullptr;
+    std::optional<Error> Err = std::nullopt;
+    EventTy Event{nullptr};
+    switch (Kind) {
+      Event = EventSystem.createEvent(OriginEvents::allocateBuffer, DeviceId,
+                                      Size, &BufferAddress);
+      if (Event.empty()) {
+        Err = Plugin::error("Failed to create alloc event with size %z", Size);
+        break;
+      }
+      Event.wait();
+      Err = Event.getError();
+      break;
+      BufferAddress = memAllocHost(Size);
+      Err = Plugin::check(BufferAddress == nullptr,
+                          "Failed to allocate host memory");
+      break;
+      Err = Plugin::error("Incompatible memory type %d", Kind);
+      break;
+    }
+    if (*Err) {
+      REPORT("Failed to allocate memory: %s\n",
+             toString(std::move(*Err)).c_str());
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    return BufferAddress;
+  }
+  /// Deallocate memory on the device or related to the device.
+  int free(void *TgtPtr, TargetAllocTy Kind) override {
+    if (TgtPtr == nullptr)
+      return OFFLOAD_SUCCESS;
+    std::optional<Error> Err = std::nullopt;
+    EventTy Event{nullptr};
+    switch (Kind) {
+      Event =
+          EventSystem.createEvent(OriginEvents::deleteBuffer, DeviceId, TgtPtr);
+      if (Event.empty()) {
+        Err = Plugin::error("Failed to create delete event");
+        break;
+      }
+      Event.wait();
+      Err = Event.getError();
+      break;
+      Err = Plugin::check(memFreeHost(TgtPtr), "Failed to free host memory");
+      break;
+      Err = createStringError(inconvertibleErrorCode(),
+                              "Incompatible memory type %d", Kind);
+      break;
+    }
+    if (*Err) {
+      REPORT("Failed to free memory: %s\n", toString(std::move(*Err)).c_str());
+      return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+    }
+    return OFFLOAD_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  /// Submit data to the device (host to device transfer).
+  Error dataSubmitImpl(void *TgtPtr, const void *HstPtr, int64_t Size,
+                       AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) override {
+    MPIEventQueuePtr Queue = nullptr;
+    if (auto Err = getQueue(AsyncInfoWrapper, Queue))
+      return Err;
+    // Copy HstData to a buffer with event-managed lifetime.
+    void *SubmitBuffer = std::malloc(Size);
+    std::memcpy(SubmitBuffer, HstPtr, Size);
+    EventDataHandleTy DataHandle(SubmitBuffer, &std::free);
+    auto Event = EventSystem.createEvent(OriginEvents::submit, DeviceId,
+                                         DataHandle, TgtPtr, Size);
+    if (Event.empty())
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to create submit event");
+    Queue->push_back(Event);
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Retrieve data from the device (device to host transfer).
+  Error dataRetrieveImpl(void *HstPtr, const void *TgtPtr, int64_t Size,
+                         AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) override {
+    MPIEventQueuePtr Queue = nullptr;
+    if (auto Err = getQueue(AsyncInfoWrapper, Queue))
+      return Err;
+    auto Event = EventSystem.createEvent(OriginEvents::retrieve, DeviceId,
+                                         HstPtr, TgtPtr, Size);
+    if (Event.empty())
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to create retrieve event");
+    Queue->push_back(Event);
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Exchange data between two devices directly. In the MPI plugin, this
+  /// function will create an event for the host to tell the devices about the
+  /// exchange. Then, the devices will do the transfer themselves and let the
+  /// host know when it's done.
+  Error dataExchangeImpl(const void *SrcPtr, GenericDeviceTy &DstDev,
+                         void *DstPtr, int64_t Size,
+                         AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) override {
+    MPIEventQueuePtr Queue = nullptr;
+    if (auto Err = getQueue(AsyncInfoWrapper, Queue))
+      return Err;
+    auto Event = EventSystem.createExchangeEvent(
+        DeviceId, SrcPtr, DstDev.getDeviceId(), DstPtr, Size);
+    if (Event.empty())
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to create exchange event");
+    Queue->push_back(Event);
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Allocate and construct a MPI kernel.
+  Expected<GenericKernelTy &> constructKernel(const char *Name) override {
+    // Allocate and construct the kernel.
+    MPIKernelTy *MPIKernel = Plugin.allocate<MPIKernelTy>();
+    if (!MPIKernel)
+      return Plugin::error("Failed to allocate memory for MPI kernel");
+    new (MPIKernel) MPIKernelTy(Name, EventSystem);
+    return *MPIKernel;
+  }
+  /// Create an event.
+  Error createEventImpl(void **EventStoragePtr) override {
+    if (!EventStoragePtr)
+      return Plugin::error("Received invalid event storage pointer");
+    EventTy **NewEvent = reinterpret_cast<EventTy **>(EventStoragePtr);
+    auto Err = MPIEventManager.getResource(*NewEvent);
+    if (Err)
+      return Plugin::error("Could not allocate a new synchronization event");
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Destroy a previously created event.
+  Error destroyEventImpl(void *Event) override {
+    if (!Event)
+      return Plugin::error("Received invalid event pointer");
+    return MPIEventManager.returnResource(reinterpret_cast<EventTy *>(Event));
+  }
+  /// Record the event.
+  Error recordEventImpl(void *Event,
+                        AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) override {
+    if (!Event)
+      return Plugin::error("Received invalid event pointer");
+    MPIEventQueuePtr Queue = nullptr;
+    if (auto Err = getQueue(AsyncInfoWrapper, Queue))
+      return Err;
+    if (Queue->empty())
+      return Plugin::success();
+    auto &RecordedEvent = *reinterpret_cast<EventTy *>(Event);
+    RecordedEvent = Queue->back();
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Make the queue wait on the event.
+  Error waitEventImpl(void *Event,
+                      AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) override {
+    if (!Event)
+      return Plugin::error("Received invalid event pointer");
+    auto &RecordedEvent = *reinterpret_cast<EventTy *>(Event);
+    auto SyncEvent = OriginEvents::sync(RecordedEvent);
+    MPIEventQueuePtr Queue = nullptr;
+    if (auto Err = getQueue(AsyncInfoWrapper, Queue))
+      return Err;
+    Queue->push_back(SyncEvent);
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Synchronize the current thread with the event
+  Error syncEventImpl(void *Event) override {
+    if (!Event)
+      return Plugin::error("Received invalid event pointer");
+    auto &RecordedEvent = *reinterpret_cast<EventTy *>(Event);
+    auto SyncEvent = OriginEvents::sync(RecordedEvent);
+    SyncEvent.wait();
+    return SyncEvent.getError();
+  }
+  /// Synchronize current thread with the pending operations on the async info.
+  Error synchronizeImpl(__tgt_async_info &AsyncInfo) override {
+    auto *Queue = reinterpret_cast<MPIEventQueue *>(AsyncInfo.Queue);
+    for (auto &Event : *Queue) {
+      Event.wait();
+      if (auto Error = Event.getError(); Error)
+        return Plugin::error("Event failed during synchronization. %s\n",
+                             toString(std::move(Error)).c_str());
+    }
+    // Once the queue is synchronized, return it to the pool and reset the
+    // AsyncInfo. This is to make sure that the synchronization only works
+    // for its own tasks.
+    AsyncInfo.Queue = nullptr;
+    return MPIEventQueueManager.returnResource(Queue);
+  }
+  /// Query for the completion of the pending operations on the async info.
+  Error queryAsyncImpl(__tgt_async_info &AsyncInfo) override {
+    auto *Queue = reinterpret_cast<MPIEventQueue *>(AsyncInfo.Queue);
+    // Returns success when there are pending operations in the AsyncInfo.
+    if (!Queue->empty() && !Queue->back().done())
+      return Plugin::success();
+    // Once the queue is synchronized, return it to the pool and reset the
+    // AsyncInfo. This is to make sure that the synchronization only works
+    // for its own tasks.
+    AsyncInfo.Queue = nullptr;
+    return MPIEventQueueManager.returnResource(Queue);
+  }
+  Expected<void *> dataLockImpl(void *HstPtr, int64_t Size) override {
+    return HstPtr;
+  }
+  /// Indicate that the buffer is not pinned.
+  Expected<bool> isPinnedPtrImpl(void *HstPtr, void *&BaseHstPtr,
+                                 void *&BaseDevAccessiblePtr,
+                                 size_t &BaseSize) const override {
+    return false;
+  }
+  Error dataUnlockImpl(void *HstPtr) override { return Plugin::success(); }
+  /// This plugin should not setup the device environment or memory pool.
+  virtual bool shouldSetupDeviceEnvironment() const override { return false; };
+  virtual bool shouldSetupDeviceMemoryPool() const override { return false; };
+  /// Device memory limits are currently not applicable to the MPI plugin.
+  Error getDeviceStackSize(uint64_t &Value) override {
+    Value = 0;
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  Error setDeviceStackSize(uint64_t Value) override {
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  Error getDeviceHeapSize(uint64_t &Value) override {
+    Value = 0;
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  Error setDeviceHeapSize(uint64_t Value) override { return Plugin::success(); }
+  /// Device interoperability. Not supported by MPI right now.
+  Error initAsyncInfoImpl(AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) override {
+    return Plugin::error("initAsyncInfoImpl not supported");
+  }
+  /// This plugin does not support interoperability.
+  Error initDeviceInfoImpl(__tgt_device_info *DeviceInfo) override {
+    return Plugin::error("initDeviceInfoImpl not supported");
+  }
+  /// Print information about the device.
+  Error obtainInfoImpl(InfoQueueTy &Info) override {
+    // TODO: Add more information about the device.
+    Info.add("MPI plugin");
+    Info.add("MPI OpenMP Device Number", DeviceId);
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  Error getQueue(AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper,
+                 MPIEventQueuePtr &Queue) {
+    Queue = AsyncInfoWrapper.getQueueAs<MPIEventQueuePtr>();
+    if (!Queue) {
+      // There was no queue; get a new one.
+      if (auto Err = MPIEventQueueManager.getResource(Queue))
+        return Err;
+      // Modify the AsyncInfoWrapper to hold the new queue.
+      AsyncInfoWrapper.setQueueAs<MPIEventQueuePtr>(Queue);
+    }
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  using MPIEventQueueManagerTy =
+      GenericDeviceResourceManagerTy<MPIResourceRef<MPIEventQueue>>;
+  using MPIEventManagerTy =
+      GenericDeviceResourceManagerTy<MPIResourceRef<EventTy>>;
+  MPIEventQueueManagerTy MPIEventQueueManager;
+  MPIEventManagerTy MPIEventManager;
+  EventSystemTy &EventSystem;
+  /// Grid values for the MPI plugin.
+  static constexpr GV MPIGridValues = {
+      1, // GV_Slot_Size
+      1, // GV_Warp_Size
+      1, // GV_Max_Teams
+      1, // GV_Default_Num_Teams
+      1, // GV_SimpleBufferSize
+      1, // GV_Max_WG_Size
+      1, // GV_Default_WG_Size
+  };
+Error MPIKernelTy::launchImpl(GenericDeviceTy &GenericDevice,
+                              uint32_t NumThreads, uint64_t NumBlocks,
+                              KernelArgsTy &KernelArgs, void *Args,
+                              AsyncInfoWrapperTy &AsyncInfoWrapper) const {
+  MPIDeviceTy &MPIDevice = static_cast<MPIDeviceTy &>(GenericDevice);
+  MPIEventQueuePtr Queue = nullptr;
+  if (auto Err = MPIDevice.getQueue(AsyncInfoWrapper, Queue))
+    return Err;
+  uint32_t NumArgs = KernelArgs.NumArgs;
+  // Copy explicit Args to a buffer with event-managed lifetime.
+  // This is necessary because host addresses are not accessible on the MPI
+  // device and the Args buffer lifetime is not compatible with the lifetime of
+  // the Execute Event
+  void *TgtArgs = std::malloc(sizeof(void *) * NumArgs);
+  std::memcpy(TgtArgs, *static_cast<void **>(Args), sizeof(void *) * NumArgs);
+  EventDataHandleTy DataHandle(TgtArgs, &std::free);
+  auto Event = EventSystem.createEvent(OriginEvents::execute,
+                                       GenericDevice.getDeviceId(), DataHandle,
+                                       NumArgs, (void *)Func);
+  if (Event.empty())
+    return Plugin::error("Failed to create execute event");
+  Queue->push_back(Event);
+  return Plugin::success();
+/// Class implementing the MPI plugin.
+struct MPIPluginTy : GenericPluginTy {
+  MPIPluginTy() : GenericPluginTy(getTripleArch()) {}
+  /// This class should not be copied.
+  MPIPluginTy(const MPIPluginTy &) = delete;
+  MPIPluginTy(MPIPluginTy &&) = delete;
+  /// Initialize the plugin and return the number of devices.
+  Expected<int32_t> initImpl() override {
+    ompt::connectLibrary();
+    EventSystem.initialize();
+    return EventSystem.getNumWorkers();
+  }
+  Error deinitImpl() override {
+    EventSystem.deinitialize();
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  /// Create a MPI device.
+  GenericDeviceTy *createDevice(GenericPluginTy &Plugin, int32_t DeviceId,
+                                int32_t NumDevices) override {
+    return new MPIDeviceTy(Plugin, DeviceId, NumDevices, EventSystem);
+  }
+  GenericGlobalHandlerTy *createGlobalHandler() override {
+    return new MPIGlobalHandlerTy();
+  }
+  /// Get the ELF code to recognize the compatible binary images.
+  uint16_t getMagicElfBits() const override { return ELF::EM_X86_64; }
jhuber6 wrote:

We don't have any active build bots for aarch64 / powerpc either as far as I know. I wouldn't worry about it, if it works on one CPU target it's likely to work on another, and if it doesn't then we can triage it.

Also, does this MPI plugin potentially support offloading to different kind of CPUs. Like could you use this to launch some kind of AArch64 job from an x86 machine? 


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