[flang] [llvm] [flang][OpenMP] Decompose compound constructs, do recursive lowering (PR #90098)

Sergio Afonso via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 7 04:58:06 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@
+//===- ConstructDecompositionT.h -- Decomposing compound constructs -------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Given a compound construct with a set of clauses, generate the list of
+// constituent leaf constructs, each with a list of clauses that apply to it.
+// Note: Clauses that are not originally present, but that are implied by the
+// OpenMP spec are materialized, and are present in the output.
+// Note: Composite constructs will also be broken up into leaf constructs.
+// If composite constructs require processing as a whole, the lists of clauses
+// for each leaf constituent should be merged.
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/ClauseT.h"
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMP.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include <list>
+#include <optional>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <variant>
+static inline llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::omp::Directive> getWorksharing() {
+  static llvm::omp::Directive worksharing[] = {
+      llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_do,     llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_for,
+      llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_scope,  llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_sections,
+      llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_single, llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_workshare,
+  };
+  return worksharing;
+static inline llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::omp::Directive> getWorksharingLoop() {
+  static llvm::omp::Directive worksharingLoop[] = {
+      llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_do,
+      llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_for,
+  };
+  return worksharingLoop;
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Container, typename Predicate>
+typename std::remove_reference_t<Container>::iterator
+find_unique(Container &&container, Predicate &&pred) {
+  auto first = std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), pred);
+  if (first == container.end())
+    return first;
+  auto second = std::find_if(std::next(first), container.end(), pred);
+  if (second == container.end())
+    return first;
+  return container.end();
+} // namespace detail
+namespace tomp {
+// ClauseType - Either instance of ClauseT, or a type derived from ClauseT.
+// This is the clause representation in the code using this infrastructure.
+// HelperType - A class that implements two member functions:
+//   // Return the base object of the given object, if any.
+//   std::optional<Object> getBaseObject(const Object &object) const
+//   // Return the iteration variable of the outermost loop associated
+//   // with the construct being worked on, if any.
+//   std::optional<Object> getLoopIterVar() const
+template <typename ClauseType, typename HelperType>
+struct ConstructDecompositionT {
+  using ClauseTy = ClauseType;
+  using TypeTy = typename ClauseTy::TypeTy;
+  using IdTy = typename ClauseTy::IdTy;
+  using ExprTy = typename ClauseTy::ExprTy;
+  using HelperTy = HelperType;
+  using ObjectTy = tomp::ObjectT<IdTy, ExprTy>;
+  using ClauseSet = std::unordered_set<const ClauseTy *>;
+  ConstructDecompositionT(uint32_t ver, HelperType &hlp,
+                          llvm::omp::Directive dir,
+                          llvm::ArrayRef<ClauseTy> clauses)
+      : version(ver), construct(dir), helper(hlp) {
+    for (const ClauseTy &clause : clauses)
+      nodes.push_back(&clause);
+    bool success = split();
+    if (!success)
+      return;
+    // Copy the individual leaf directives with their clauses to the
+    // output list. Copy by value, since we don't own the storage
+    // with the input clauses, and the internal representation uses
+    // clause addresses.
+    for (auto &leaf : leafs) {
+      output.push_back({leaf.id});
+      auto &out = output.back();
+      for (const ClauseTy *c : leaf.clauses)
+        out.clauses.push_back(*c);
+    }
+  }
+  tomp::ListT<DirectiveWithClauses<ClauseType>> output;
+  bool split();
+  struct LeafReprInternal {
+    llvm::omp::Directive id = llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_unknown;
+    tomp::type::ListT<const ClauseTy *> clauses;
+  };
+  LeafReprInternal *findDirective(llvm::omp::Directive dirId) {
+    auto found = llvm::find_if(
+        leafs, [&](const LeafReprInternal &leaf) { return leaf.id == dirId; });
+    return found != leafs.end() ? &*found : nullptr;
+  }
+  ClauseSet *findClausesWith(const ObjectTy &object) {
+    if (auto found = syms.find(object.id()); found != syms.end())
+      return &found->second;
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  template <typename S>
+  ClauseTy *makeClause(llvm::omp::Clause clauseId, S &&specific) {
+    implicit.push_back(ClauseTy{clauseId, std::move(specific)});
+    return &implicit.back();
+  }
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const ObjectTy &object, const ClauseTy *);
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const tomp::ObjectListT<IdTy, ExprTy> &objects,
+                          const ClauseTy *);
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const TypeTy &item, const ClauseTy *);
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const ExprTy &item, const ClauseTy *);
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const tomp::clause::MapT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &item,
+                          const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename U>
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const std::optional<U> &item, const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename U>
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const tomp::ListT<U> &item, const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename... U, size_t... Is>
+  void addClauseSymsToMap(const std::tuple<U...> &item, const ClauseTy *,
+                          std::index_sequence<Is...> = {});
+  template <typename U>
+  std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>>, void>
+  addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item, const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename U>
+  std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::EmptyTrait::value, void>
+  addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item, const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename U>
+  std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::IncompleteTrait::value, void>
+  addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item, const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename U>
+  std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::WrapperTrait::value, void>
+  addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item, const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename U>
+  std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::TupleTrait::value, void>
+  addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item, const ClauseTy *);
+  template <typename U>
+  std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::UnionTrait::value, void>
+  addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item, const ClauseTy *);
+  // Apply a clause to the only directive that allows it. If there are no
+  // directives that allow it, or if there is more that one, do not apply
+  // anything and return false, otherwise return true.
+  bool applyToUnique(const ClauseTy *node);
+  // Apply a clause to the first directive in given range that allows it.
+  // If such a directive does not exist, return false, otherwise return true.
+  template <typename Iterator>
+  bool applyToFirst(const ClauseTy *node, llvm::iterator_range<Iterator> range);
+  // Apply a clause to the innermost directive that allows it. If such a
+  // directive does not exist, return false, otherwise return true.
+  bool applyToInnermost(const ClauseTy *node);
+  // Apply a clause to the outermost directive that allows it. If such a
+  // directive does not exist, return false, otherwise return true.
+  bool applyToOutermost(const ClauseTy *node);
+  template <typename Predicate>
+  bool applyIf(const ClauseTy *node, Predicate shouldApply);
+  bool applyToAll(const ClauseTy *node);
+  template <typename Clause>
+  bool applyClause(Clause &&clause, const ClauseTy *node);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::CollapseT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::PrivateT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool
+  applyClause(const tomp::clause::FirstprivateT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+              const ClauseTy *);
+  bool
+  applyClause(const tomp::clause::LastprivateT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+              const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::SharedT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::DefaultT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool
+  applyClause(const tomp::clause::ThreadLimitT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+              const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::OrderT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::AllocateT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::ReductionT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::IfT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::LinearT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  bool applyClause(const tomp::clause::NowaitT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+                   const ClauseTy *);
+  uint32_t version;
+  llvm::omp::Directive construct;
+  HelperType &helper;
+  ListT<LeafReprInternal> leafs;
+  tomp::ListT<const ClauseTy *> nodes;
+  std::list<ClauseTy> implicit; // Container for materialized implicit clauses.
+                                // Inserting must preserve element addresses.
+  std::unordered_map<IdTy, ClauseSet> syms;
+  std::unordered_set<IdTy> mapBases;
+// Deduction guide
+template <typename ClauseType, typename HelperType>
+ConstructDecompositionT(uint32_t, HelperType &, llvm::omp::Directive,
+                        llvm::ArrayRef<ClauseType>)
+    -> ConstructDecompositionT<ClauseType, HelperType>;
+template <typename C, typename H>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(const ObjectTy &object,
+                                                       const ClauseTy *node) {
+  syms[object.id()].insert(node);
+template <typename C, typename H>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(
+    const tomp::ObjectListT<IdTy, ExprTy> &objects, const ClauseTy *node) {
+  for (auto &object : objects)
+    syms[object.id()].insert(node);
+template <typename C, typename H>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(const TypeTy &item,
+                                                       const ClauseTy *node) {
+  // Nothing to do for types.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(const ExprTy &item,
+                                                       const ClauseTy *node) {
+  // Nothing to do for expressions.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(
+    const tomp::clause::MapT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &item,
+    const ClauseTy *node) {
+  auto &objects = std::get<tomp::ObjectListT<IdTy, ExprTy>>(item.t);
+  addClauseSymsToMap(objects, node);
+  for (auto &object : objects) {
+    if (auto base = helper.getBaseObject(object))
+      mapBases.insert(base->id());
+  }
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(
+    const std::optional<U> &item, const ClauseTy *node) {
+  if (item)
+    addClauseSymsToMap(*item, node);
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(
+    const tomp::ListT<U> &item, const ClauseTy *node) {
+  for (auto &s : item)
+    addClauseSymsToMap(s, node);
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename... U, size_t... Is>
+void ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(
+    const std::tuple<U...> &item, const ClauseTy *node,
+    std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
+  (void)node; // Silence strange warning from GCC.
+  (addClauseSymsToMap(std::get<Is>(item), node), ...);
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>>, void>
+ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item,
+                                                  const ClauseTy *node) {
+  // Nothing to do for enums.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::EmptyTrait::value, void>
+ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item,
+                                                  const ClauseTy *node) {
+  // Nothing to do for an empty class.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::IncompleteTrait::value, void>
+ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item,
+                                                  const ClauseTy *node) {
+  // Nothing to do for an incomplete class (they're empty).
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::WrapperTrait::value, void>
+ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item,
+                                                  const ClauseTy *node) {
+  addClauseSymsToMap(item.v, node);
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::TupleTrait::value, void>
+ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item,
+                                                  const ClauseTy *node) {
+  constexpr size_t tuple_size =
+      std::tuple_size_v<llvm::remove_cvref_t<decltype(item.t)>>;
+  addClauseSymsToMap(item.t, node, std::make_index_sequence<tuple_size>{});
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename U>
+std::enable_if_t<llvm::remove_cvref_t<U>::UnionTrait::value, void>
+ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::addClauseSymsToMap(U &&item,
+                                                  const ClauseTy *node) {
+  std::visit([&](auto &&s) { addClauseSymsToMap(s, node); }, item.u);
+// Apply a clause to the only directive that allows it. If there are no
+// directives that allow it, or if there is more that one, do not apply
+// anything and return false, otherwise return true.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyToUnique(const ClauseTy *node) {
+  auto unique = detail::find_unique(leafs, [=](const auto &dirInfo) {
+    return llvm::omp::isAllowedClauseForDirective(dirInfo.id, node->id,
+                                                  version);
+  });
+  if (unique != leafs.end()) {
+    unique->clauses.push_back(node);
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+// Apply a clause to the first directive in given range that allows it.
+// If such a directive does not exist, return false, otherwise return true.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename Iterator>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyToFirst(
+    const ClauseTy *node, llvm::iterator_range<Iterator> range) {
+  if (range.empty())
+    return false;
+  for (auto &leaf : range) {
+    if (!llvm::omp::isAllowedClauseForDirective(leaf.id, node->id, version))
+      continue;
+    leaf.clauses.push_back(node);
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+// Apply a clause to the innermost directive that allows it. If such a
+// directive does not exist, return false, otherwise return true.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyToInnermost(const ClauseTy *node) {
+  return applyToFirst(node, llvm::reverse(leafs));
+// Apply a clause to the outermost directive that allows it. If such a
+// directive does not exist, return false, otherwise return true.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyToOutermost(const ClauseTy *node) {
+  return applyToFirst(node, llvm::iterator_range(leafs));
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename Predicate>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyIf(const ClauseTy *node,
+                                            Predicate shouldApply) {
+  bool applied = false;
+  for (auto &leaf : leafs) {
+    if (!llvm::omp::isAllowedClauseForDirective(leaf.id, node->id, version))
+      continue;
+    if (!shouldApply(leaf))
+      continue;
+    leaf.clauses.push_back(node);
+    applied = true;
+  }
+  return applied;
+template <typename C, typename H>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyToAll(const ClauseTy *node) {
+  return applyIf(node, [](auto) { return true; });
+template <typename C, typename H>
+template <typename Clause>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyClause(Clause &&clause,
+                                                const ClauseTy *node) {
+  // The default behavior is to find the unique directive to which the
+  // given clause may be applied. If there are no such directives, or
+  // if there are multiple ones, flag an error.
+  // From "OpenMP Application Programming Interface", Version 5.2:
+  // S Some clauses are permitted only on a single leaf construct of the
+  // S combined or composite construct, in which case the effect is as if
+  // S the clause is applied to that specific construct. (p339, 31-33)
+  if (applyToUnique(node))
+    return true;
+  return false;
+// [5.2:93:20-21]
+// Directives: distribute, do, for, loop, simd, taskloop
+// [5.2:339:35]
+// (35) The collapse clause is applied once to the combined or composite
+// construct.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyClause(
+    const tomp::clause::CollapseT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+    const ClauseTy *node) {
+  // Apply "collapse" to the innermost directive. If it's not one that
+  // allows it flag an error.
+  if (!leafs.empty()) {
+    auto &last = leafs.back();
+    if (llvm::omp::isAllowedClauseForDirective(last.id, node->id, version)) {
+      last.clauses.push_back(node);
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+// [5.2:111:5-7]
+// Directives: distribute, do, for, loop, parallel, scope, sections, simd,
+// single, target, task, taskloop, teams
+// [5.2:340:1-2]
+// (1) The effect of the 1 private clause is as if it is applied only to the
+// innermost leaf construct that permits it.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyClause(
+    const tomp::clause::PrivateT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+    const ClauseTy *node) {
+  return applyToInnermost(node);
+// [5.2:112:5-7]
+// Directives: distribute, do, for, parallel, scope, sections, single, target,
+// task, taskloop, teams
+// [5.2:340:3-20]
+// (3) The effect of the firstprivate clause is as if it is applied to one or
+// more leaf constructs as follows:
+//  (5) To the distribute construct if it is among the constituent constructs;
+//  (6) To the teams construct if it is among the constituent constructs and the
+//      distribute construct is not;
+//  (8) To a worksharing construct that accepts the clause if one is among the
+//      constituent constructs;
+//  (9) To the taskloop construct if it is among the constituent constructs;
+// (10) To the parallel construct if it is among the constituent constructs and
+//      neither a taskloop construct nor a worksharing construct that accepts
+//      the clause is among them;
+// (12) To the target construct if it is among the constituent constructs and
+//      the same list item neither appears in a lastprivate clause nor is the
+//      base variable or base pointer of a list item that appears in a map
+//      clause.
+// (15) If the parallel construct is among the constituent constructs and the
+// effect is not as if the firstprivate clause is applied to it by the above
+// rules, then the effect is as if the shared clause with the same list item is
+// applied to the parallel construct.
+// (17) If the teams construct is among the constituent constructs and the
+// effect is not as if the firstprivate clause is applied to it by the above
+// rules, then the effect is as if the shared clause with the same list item is
+// applied to the teams construct.
+template <typename C, typename H>
+bool ConstructDecompositionT<C, H>::applyClause(
+    const tomp::clause::FirstprivateT<TypeTy, IdTy, ExprTy> &clause,
+    const ClauseTy *node) {
+  bool applied = false;
+  // [5.2:340:3-6]
+  auto hasDistribute = findDirective(llvm::omp::OMPD_distribute);
skatrak wrote:

Nit: Maybe rather than "hasXyz" it would be better to name these variables "xyzLeaf", just because when used they currently look like they should be booleans rather than pointers to structures.


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