[lld] [llvm] [RISCV] Add an instruction PrettyPrinter to llvm-objdump (PR #90093)

Craig Topper via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 26 10:22:52 PDT 2024

https://github.com/topperc updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/90093

>From 04aad553976a09105a6a1475c6f65dbcb8df844e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Craig Topper <craig.topper at sifive.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 09:38:34 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [RISCV] Add an instruction PrettyPrinter to llvm-objdump

This prints the opcode bytes in the same order as GNU objdump without
a space between them.
 lld/test/ELF/riscv-branch.s              |   16 +-
 lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s                |   16 +-
 lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s           |   24 +-
 lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s                 |   16 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/XTHeadVdot-valid.s    |   28 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/align.s               |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-cjal.s       |    2 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32d.s      |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32f.s      |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32i.s      |   70 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv64i.s      |   16 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/nop-slide.s           |   22 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-pushpop.s      |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-rvc.s          |   20 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rv32e-invalid.s       |   64 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/add.s             |  118 +--
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/and.s             |   12 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/clip.s            |   24 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/compare.s         |  166 ++--
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/convert.s         |   86 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/div.s             |   32 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/ext.s             |   24 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fadd.s            |   24 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fcompare.s        |   50 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fdiv.s            |   12 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmacc.s           |   96 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fminmax.s         |   16 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmul.s            |   16 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmv.s             |    6 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fothers.s         |   26 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/freduction.s      |   26 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fsub.s            |   28 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/load.s            |  128 +--
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/macc.s            |   60 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mask.s            |   52 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/minmax.s          |   32 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mul.s             |   64 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mv.s              |   18 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/or.s              |   12 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/others.s          |   48 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/reduction.s       |   42 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/shift.s           |   86 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sign-injection.s  |   24 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/snippet.s         |   24 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/store.s           |   84 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sub.s             |  100 +--
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/vsetvl.s          |   50 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xor.s             |   16 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvcp.s          |   56 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfnrclip.s     |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfwmacc.s      |    2 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvqmacc.s       |   16 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbb.s            |   14 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbc.s            |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfmin.s        |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfwma.s        |   16 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkb.s            |   18 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkg.s            |    4 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkned.s          |   26 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvknh.s           |    6 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksed.s          |    8 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksh.s           |    6 +-
 llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvlsseg.s         | 1026 +++++++++++-----------
 llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp |   50 ++
 64 files changed, 1625 insertions(+), 1575 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-branch.s b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-branch.s
index dbf39dc0bb8f25..1a2b446b5a43b3 100644
--- a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-branch.s
+++ b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-branch.s
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+4 --defsym bar=_start -o %t.rv64
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-32
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-64
-# CHECK-32: 63 02 00 00     beqz    zero, 0x110b8
-# CHECK-32: e3 1e 00 fe     bnez    zero, 0x110b4
-# CHECK-64: 63 02 00 00     beqz    zero, 0x11124
-# CHECK-64: e3 1e 00 fe     bnez    zero, 0x11120
+# CHECK-32: 00000263     beqz    zero, 0x110b8
+# CHECK-32: fe001ee3     bnez    zero, 0x110b4
+# CHECK-64: 00000263     beqz    zero, 0x11124
+# CHECK-64: fe001ee3     bnez    zero, 0x11120
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0xffe --defsym bar=_start+4-0x1000 -o %t.rv32.limits
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0xffe --defsym bar=_start+4-0x1000 -o %t.rv64.limits
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS-32 %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS-64 %s
-# LIMITS-32:      e3 0f 00 7e     beqz    zero, 0x120b2
-# LIMITS-32-NEXT: 63 10 00 80     bnez    zero, 0x100b8
-# LIMITS-64:      e3 0f 00 7e     beqz    zero, 0x1211e
-# LIMITS-64-NEXT: 63 10 00 80     bnez    zero, 0x10124
+# LIMITS-32:      7e000fe3     beqz    zero, 0x120b2
+# LIMITS-32-NEXT: 80001063     bnez    zero, 0x100b8
+# LIMITS-64:      7e000fe3     beqz    zero, 0x1211e
+# LIMITS-64-NEXT: 80001063     bnez    zero, 0x10124
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0x1000 --defsym bar=_start+4-0x1002 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR-RANGE %s
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0x1000 --defsym bar=_start+4-0x1002 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR-RANGE %s
diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s
index 5fef156df0bb77..fbf7cd7083c6ba 100644
--- a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s
+++ b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+8 --defsym bar=_start -o %t.rv64
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32 | FileCheck %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64 | FileCheck %s
-# CHECK:      97 00 00 00     auipc   ra, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: e7 80 80 00     jalr    0x8(ra)
-# CHECK:      97 00 00 00     auipc   ra, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: e7 80 80 ff     jalr    -0x8(ra)
+# CHECK:      09700000     auipc   ra, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 0e780800     jalr    0x8(ra)
+# CHECK:      09700000     auipc   ra, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: fe78080f     jalr    -0x8(ra)
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000800 -o %t.rv32.limits
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000800 -o %t.rv64.limits
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
-# LIMITS:      97 f0 ff 7f     auipc   ra, 0x7ffff
-# LIMITS-NEXT: e7 80 f0 7f     jalr    0x7ff(ra)
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 97 00 00 80     auipc   ra, 0x80000
-# LIMITS-NEXT: e7 80 00 80     jalr    -0x800(ra)
+# LIMITS:      79fff07f     auipc   ra, 0x7ffff
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 7ef0807f     jalr    0x7ff(ra)
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 89000070     auipc   ra, 0x80000
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 8e008070     jalr    -0x800(ra)
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff800 --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000801 -o %t
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff800 --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000801 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | \
diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s
index 85861432db0bdf..66a9d4af82e9e8 100644
--- a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s
+++ b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=0 --defsym bar=42 -o %t.rv64
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32 | FileCheck %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64 | FileCheck %s
-# CHECK:      37 05 00 00     lui     a0, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: 13 05 05 00     mv      a0, a0
-# CHECK-NEXT: 23 20 a5 00     sw      a0, 0x0(a0)
-# CHECK-NEXT: b7 05 00 00     lui     a1, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: 93 85 a5 02     addi    a1, a1, 0x2a
-# CHECK-NEXT: 23 a5 b5 02     sw      a1, 0x2a(a1)
+# CHECK:      03705000     lui     a0, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 01305050     mv      a0, a0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 02320a50     sw      a0, 0x0(a0)
+# CHECK-NEXT: 0b705000     lui     a1, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 09385a52     addi    a1, a1, 0x2a
+# CHECK-NEXT: 023a5b52     sw      a1, 0x2a(a1)
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=0x7ffff800 -o %t.rv32.limits
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=0xffffffff7ffff800 -o %t.rv64.limits
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
-# LIMITS:      37 f5 ff 7f     lui     a0, 0x7ffff
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 13 05 f5 7f     addi    a0, a0, 0x7ff
-# LIMITS-NEXT: a3 2f a5 7e     sw      a0, 0x7ff(a0)
-# LIMITS-NEXT: b7 05 00 80     lui     a1, 0x80000
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 93 85 05 80     addi    a1, a1, -0x800
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 23 a0 b5 80     sw      a1, -0x800(a1)
+# LIMITS:      73fff57f     lui     a0, 0x7ffff
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 71f5053f     addi    a0, a0, 0x7ff
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 7aa52f3e     sw      a0, 0x7ff(a0)
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 8b000570     lui     a1, 0x80000
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 89058530     addi    a1, a1, -0x800
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 82b5a030     sw      a1, -0x800(a1)
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=0x7ffff800 --defsym bar=0xffffffff7ffff7ff -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix ERROR %s
 # ERROR: relocation R_RISCV_HI20 out of range: 524288 is not in [-524288, 524287]; references 'foo'
diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s
index cd3b842aad6089..ee35667815482a 100644
--- a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s
+++ b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+4 --defsym bar=_start -o %t.rv64
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-32
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-64
-# CHECK-32: 6f 00 40 00    j   0x110b8
-# CHECK-32: ef f0 df ff    jal 0x110b4
-# CHECK-64: 6f 00 40 00    j   0x11124
-# CHECK-64: ef f0 df ff    jal 0x11120
+# CHECK-32: 064000f0    j   0x110b8
+# CHECK-32: fedff0ff    jal 0x110b4
+# CHECK-64: 064000f0    j   0x11124
+# CHECK-64: fedff0ff    jal 0x11120
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0xffffe --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100000 -o %t.rv32.limits
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0xffffe --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100000 -o %t.rv64.limits
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS-32 %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS-64 %s
-# LIMITS-32:      6f f0 ff 7f j   0x1110b2
-# LIMITS-32-NEXT: ef 00 00 80 jal 0xfff110b8
-# LIMITS-64:      6f f0 ff 7f j   0x11111e
-# LIMITS-64-NEXT: ef 00 00 80 jal 0xfffffffffff11124
+# LIMITS-32:      76fff0ff j   0x1110b2
+# LIMITS-32-NEXT: 8e0000f0 jal 0xfff110b8
+# LIMITS-64:      76fff0ff j   0x11111e
+# LIMITS-64-NEXT: 8e0000f0 jal 0xfffffffffff11124
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0x100000 --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100002 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR-RANGE %s
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0x100000 --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100002 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR-RANGE %s
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/XTHeadVdot-valid.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/XTHeadVdot-valid.s
index 2e00bd1cac3eeb..ab411dfac7308a 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/XTHeadVdot-valid.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/XTHeadVdot-valid.s
@@ -12,82 +12,82 @@ th.vmaqau.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqau.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x4a,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 4a 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 884a640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqau.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqau.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x4a,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 4a 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a4a640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqau.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqau.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c45640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqau.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqau.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e45640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqa.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqa.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x4a,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 4a 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 804a640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqa.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqa.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x4a,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 4a 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 824a640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqa.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqa.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8445640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqa.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqa.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8645640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqasu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqasu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x4a,0x90]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 4a 90 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 904a640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqasu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqasu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x4a,0x92]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 4a 92 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 924a640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqasu.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqasu.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x94]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 94 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9445640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqasu.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqasu.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x96]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 96 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9645640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqaus.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqaus.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x9c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 9c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9c45640b <unknown>
 th.vmaqaus.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: th.vmaqaus.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x0b,0x64,0x45,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'xtheadvdot' (T-Head Vector Extensions for Dot){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0b 64 45 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e45640b <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/align.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/align.s
index 2eb7186d0de959..32cc071b613cb3 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/align.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/align.s
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ test:
 # The behavior is the same as GNU assembler.
 	.p2align 4, 1
-# RELAX-INST:  01 01
-# RELAX-INST:  01 01
+# RELAX-INST:  0101
+# RELAX-INST:  0101
-# C-EXT-INST:  01 01
+# C-EXT-INST:  0101
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-cjal.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-cjal.s
index 31b9c30c2b016c..d55586b005c7b4 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-cjal.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-cjal.s
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # c.jal is an rv32 only instruction.
 jal ra, 2046
-# CHECK-BYTES: fd 2f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 2ffd
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ: jal 0x7fe
 # CHECK-ALIAS: jal 2046
 # CHECK-INST: c.jal 2046
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32d.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32d.s
index bebc78ef86907c..c41a0889286249 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32d.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32d.s
@@ -43,22 +43,22 @@
 # Tests double precision floating point instructions available in rv32 and in rv64.
 fld ft0, 64(sp)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 06 20
+# CHECK-BYTES: 2006
 # CHECK-ALIAS: fld ft0, 64(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.fldsp ft0, 64(sp)
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x06,0x20]
 fsd ft0, 64(sp)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 82 a0
+# CHECK-BYTES: a082
 # CHECK-ALIAS: fsd ft0, 64(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.fsdsp ft0, 64(sp)
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x82,0xa0]
 fld fs0, 248(s0)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 60 3c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 3c60
 # CHECK-ALIAS: fld fs0, 248(s0)
 # CHECK-INST: c.fld fs0, 248(s0)
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x60,0x3c]
 fsd fs0, 248(s0)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 60 bc
+# CHECK-BYTES: bc60
 # CHECK-ALIAS: fsd fs0, 248(s0)
 # CHECK-INST: c.fsd fs0, 248(s0)
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x60,0xbc]
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32f.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32f.s
index 3f0c69fb989323..afe15c598bb65e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32f.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32f.s
@@ -21,22 +21,22 @@
 # Instructions that are 32 bit only.
 flw ft0, 124(sp)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 76 70
+# CHECK-BYTES: 7076
 # CHECK-ALIAS: flw     ft0, 124(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.flwsp ft0, 124(sp)
 # CHECK:  # encoding: [0x76,0x70]
 fsw ft0, 124(sp)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 82 fe
+# CHECK-BYTES: fe82
 # CHECK-ALIAS: fsw ft0, 124(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.fswsp ft0, 124(sp)
 # CHECK:  # encoding: [0x82,0xfe]
 flw fs0, 124(s0)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 60 7c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 7c60
 # CHECK-ALIAS: flw fs0, 124(s0)
 # CHECK-INST: c.flw fs0, 124(s0)
 # CHECK:  # encoding:  [0x60,0x7c]
 fsw fs0, 124(s0)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 60 fc
+# CHECK-BYTES: fc60
 # CHECK-ALIAS: fsw fs0, 124(s0)
 # CHECK-INST: c.fsw fs0, 124(s0)
 # CHECK:  # encoding:  [0x60,0xfc]
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32i.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32i.s
index b4fd72a0f81c4d..a75bea32ac0cf1 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32i.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv32i.s
@@ -20,121 +20,121 @@
 # RUN:   | llvm-objdump  --triple=riscv64 --mattr=+c --no-print-imm-hex -d -M no-aliases - \
 # RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefixes=CHECK-BYTES,CHECK-INST,CHECK-INSTOBJ64 %s
-# CHECK-BYTES: 2e 85
+# CHECK-BYTES: 852e
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv a0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: c.mv a0, a1
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x2e,0x85]
 addi a0, a1, 0
-# CHECK-BYTES: e0 1f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 1fe0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK-INST: c.addi4spn s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0xe0,0x1f]
 addi s0, sp, 1020
-# CHECK-BYTES: e0 5f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 5fe0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: lw s0, 124(a5)
 # CHECK-INST: c.lw s0, 124(a5)
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0xe0,0x5f]
 lw s0, 124(a5)
-# CHECK-BYTES: e0 df
+# CHECK-BYTES: dfe0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: sw s0, 124(a5)
 # CHECK-INST: c.sw s0, 124(a5)
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0xe0,0xdf]
 sw s0, 124(a5)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 01 00
+# CHECK-BYTES: 0001
 # CHECK-INST: c.nop
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x01,0x00]
-# CHECK-BYTES: 81 10
+# CHECK-BYTES: 1081
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi ra, ra, -32
 # CHECK-INST: c.addi ra, -32
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x81,0x10]
 addi ra, ra, -32
-# CHECK-BYTES: 85 50
+# CHECK-BYTES: 5085
 # CHECK-ALIAS: li ra, -31
 # CHECK-INST: c.li ra, -31
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x85,0x50]
 li ra, -31
-# CHECK-BYTES: 39 71
+# CHECK-BYTES: 7139
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi sp, sp, -64
 # CHECK-INST: c.addi16sp sp, -64
 # CHECK:  # encoding: [0x39,0x71]
 addi sp, sp, -64
-# CHECK-BYTES: fd 61
+# CHECK-BYTES: 61fd
 # CHECK-ALIAS: lui gp, 31
 # CHECK-INST: c.lui gp, 31
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0xfd,0x61]
 lui gp, 31
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d 80
+# CHECK-BYTES: 807d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: srli s0, s0, 31
 # CHECK-INST: c.srli s0, 31
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x7d,0x80]
 srli s0, s0, 31
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d 84
+# CHECK-BYTES: 847d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: srai s0, s0, 31
 # CHECK-INST: c.srai s0, 31
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x7d,0x84]
 srai s0, s0, 31
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d 88
+# CHECK-BYTES: 887d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: andi s0, s0, 31
 # CHECK-INST: c.andi s0, 31
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x7d,0x88]
 andi s0, s0, 31
-# CHECK-BYTES: 1d 8c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8c1d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: sub s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.sub s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x1d,0x8c]
 sub s0, s0, a5
-# CHECK-BYTES: 3d 8c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8c3d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: xor s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.xor s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x3d,0x8c]
 xor s0, s0, a5
-# CHECK-BYTES: 3d 8c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8c3d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: xor s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.xor s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x3d,0x8c]
 xor s0, a5, s0
-# CHECK-BYTES: 5d 8c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8c5d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: or s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.or s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x5d,0x8c]
 or s0, s0, a5
-# CHECK-BYTES: 45 8c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8c45
 # CHECK-ALIAS: or s0, s0, s1
 # CHECK-INST: c.or s0, s1
 # CHECK:  # encoding: [0x45,0x8c]
 or  s0, s1, s0
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d 8c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8c7d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: and s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.and s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x7d,0x8c]
 and s0, s0, a5
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d 8c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8c7d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: and s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.and s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x7d,0x8c]
 and s0, a5, s0
-# CHECK-BYTES: 01 b0
+# CHECK-BYTES: b001
 # CHECK-ALIASASM: j -2048
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ32: j 0xfffff826
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ64: j 0xfffffffffffff826
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ and s0, a5, s0
 # CHECK:  # encoding: [0x01,0xb0]
 jal zero, -2048
-# CHECK-BYTES: 01 d0
+# CHECK-BYTES: d001
 # CHECK-ALIASASM: beqz s0, -256
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ32: beqz s0, 0xffffff28
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ64: beqz s0, 0xffffffffffffff28
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ jal zero, -2048
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x01,0xd0]
 beq s0, zero, -256
-# CHECK-BYTES: 01 d0
+# CHECK-BYTES: d001
 # CHECK-ALIASASM: beqz s0, -256
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ32: beqz s0, 0xffffff2a
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ64: beqz s0, 0xffffffffffffff2a
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ beq s0, zero, -256
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x01,0xd0]
 beq zero, s0, -256
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d ec
+# CHECK-BYTES: ec7d
 # CHECK-ALIASASM: bnez s0, 254
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ32: bnez s0, 0x12a
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ64: bnez s0, 0x12a
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ beq zero, s0, -256
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x7d,0xec]
 bne s0, zero, 254
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d ec
+# CHECK-BYTES: ec7d
 # CHECK-ALIASASM: bnez s0, 254
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ32: bnez s0, 0x12c
 # CHECK-ALIASOBJ64: bnez s0, 0x12c
@@ -184,67 +184,67 @@ bne s0, zero, 254
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x7d,0xec]
 bne zero, s0, 254
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7e 04
+# CHECK-BYTES: 047e
 # CHECK-ALIAS: slli s0, s0, 31
 # CHECK-INST: c.slli s0, 31
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x7e,0x04]
 slli s0, s0, 31
-# CHECK-BYTES: fe 50
+# CHECK-BYTES: 50fe
 # CHECK-ALIAS: lw ra, 252(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.lwsp  ra, 252(sp)
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0xfe,0x50]
 lw ra, 252(sp)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 82 80
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8082
 # CHECK-INST: c.jr ra
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x82,0x80]
 jalr zero, 0(ra)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 92 80
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8092
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv ra, tp
 # CHECK-INST: c.mv ra, tp
 # CHECK:  # encoding: [0x92,0x80]
 add ra, zero, tp
-# CHECK-BYTES: 92 80
+# CHECK-BYTES: 8092
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv ra, tp
 # CHECK-INST: c.mv ra, tp
 # CHECK:  # encoding: [0x92,0x80]
 add ra, tp, zero
-# CHECK-BYTES: 02 90
+# CHECK-BYTES: 9002
 # CHECK-ALIAS: ebreak
 # CHECK-INST: c.ebreak
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x02,0x90]
-# CHECK-BYTES: 02 94
+# CHECK-BYTES: 9402
 # CHECK-ALIAS: jalr s0
 # CHECK-INST: c.jalr s0
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x02,0x94]
 jalr ra, 0(s0)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 3e 94
+# CHECK-BYTES: 943e
 # CHECK-ALIAS: add s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.add s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x3e,0x94]
 add s0, a5, s0
-# CHECK-BYTES: 3e 94
+# CHECK-BYTES: 943e
 # CHECK-ALIAS: add s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.add s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x3e,0x94]
 add s0, s0, a5
-# CHECK-BYTES: 82 df
+# CHECK-BYTES: df82
 # CHECK-ALIAS: sw zero, 252(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.swsp zero, 252(sp)
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x82,0xdf]
 sw zero, 252(sp)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 00 00
+# CHECK-BYTES: 0000
 # CHECK-ALIAS: unimp
 # CHECK-INST: c.unimp
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x00,0x00]
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv64i.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv64i.s
index 55d24f0d41c05e..ab5b24307cd1af 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv64i.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/compress-rv64i.s
@@ -11,49 +11,49 @@
 # Tests compressed instructions available in rv64 and not in rv32.
-# CHECK-BYTES: e0 7f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 7fe0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: ld s0, 248(a5)
 # CHECK-INST: c.ld s0, 248(a5)
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0xe0,0x7f]
 ld s0, 248(a5)
-# CHECK-BYTES: a0 e3
+# CHECK-BYTES: e3a0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: sd s0, 64(a5)
 # CHECK-INST: c.sd s0, 64(a5)
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0xa0,0xe3]
 sd s0, 64(a5)
-# CHECK-BYTES: 7d 22
+# CHECK-BYTES: 227d
 # CHEACK-ALIAS: addiw tp, tp, 31
 # CHECK-INST: c.addiw  tp, 31
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x7d,0x22]
 addiw tp, tp, 31
-# CHECK-BYTES: 1d 9c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 9c1d
 # CHEACK-ALIAS: subw s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.subw s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x1d,0x9c]
 subw s0, s0, a5
-# CHECK-BYTES: 3d 9c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 9c3d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addw s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.addw s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x3d,0x9c]
 addw s0, s0, a5
-# CHECK-BYTES: 3d 9c
+# CHECK-BYTES: 9c3d
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addw s0, s0, a5
 # CHECK-INST: c.addw s0, a5
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0x3d,0x9c]
 addw s0, a5, s0
-# CHECK-BYTES: ee 70
+# CHECK-BYTES: 70ee
 # CHECK-ALIAS: ld ra, 248(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.ldsp ra, 248(sp)
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0xee,0x70]
 ld ra, 248(sp)
-# CHECK-BYTES: a2 e0
+# CHECK-BYTES: e0a2
 # CHECK-ALIAS: sd s0, 64(sp)
 # CHECK-INST: c.sdsp s0, 64(sp)
 # CHECK: # encoding: [0xa2,0xe0]
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/nop-slide.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/nop-slide.s
index f280d6e521e3c2..4dc888b3ba7775 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/nop-slide.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/nop-slide.s
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
 auipc a0, 0
 # CHECK-RVC-NORELAX: 0000000000000000 <.text>:
-# CHECK-RVC-NORELAX-NEXT: 0: 00 00        	unimp
-# CHECK-RVC-NORELAX-NEXT: 2: 01 00        	nop
-# CHECK-RVC-NORELAX-NEXT: 4: 17 05 00 00  	auipc	a0, 0x0
+# CHECK-RVC-NORELAX-NEXT: 0: 0000      	unimp
+# CHECK-RVC-NORELAX-NEXT: 2: 0001      	nop
+# CHECK-RVC-NORELAX-NEXT: 4: 00000517  	auipc	a0, 0x0
 # CHECK-RVC-RELAX: 0000000000000000 <.text>:
-# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   0: 01 00        	nop
-# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   2: 00 01        	addi	s0, sp, 0x80
-# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   4: 00 17        	addi	s0, sp, 0x3a0
-# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   6: 05 00        	c.nop	0x1
-# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   8: 00           	<unknown>
+# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   0: 0001      	nop
+# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   2: 0100      	addi	s0, sp, 0x80
+# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   4: 1700      	addi	s0, sp, 0x3a0
+# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   6: 0005      	c.nop	0x1
+# CHECK-RVC-RELAX-NEXT:   8: 00        	<unknown>
 # CHECK: 0000000000000000 <.text>:
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0: 00 00        	<unknown>
-# CHECK-NEXT: 2: 00 00        	<unknown>
-# CHECK-NEXT: 4: 17 05 00 00  	auipc	a0, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 0: 0000      	<unknown>
+# CHECK-NEXT: 2: 0000      	<unknown>
+# CHECK-NEXT: 4: 00000517  	auipc	a0, 0x0
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-pushpop.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-pushpop.s
index c830d16e590bae..9c61b5dab5f3b1 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-pushpop.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-pushpop.s
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 call foo
 # CHECK-INST: addi s0, sp, 1020
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 04 c1 3f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 3fc10413
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 addi s0, sp, 1020
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ call bar
 .option rvc
 # CHECK-INST: .option rvc
 # CHECK-INST: c.addi4spn s0, sp, 1020
-# CHECK-BYTES: e0 1f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 1fe0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 addi s0, sp, 1020
 .option pop     # Pop relax=true, rvc=false
 # CHECK-INST: .option pop
 # CHECK-INST: addi s0, sp, 1020
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 04 c1 3f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 3fc10413
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 addi s0, sp, 1020
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ call bar
 call baz
 # CHECK-INST: addi s0, sp, 1020
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 04 c1 3f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 3fc10413
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 addi s0, sp, 1020
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-rvc.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-rvc.s
index 00c8ea167bcdfd..894fbab562d70a 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-rvc.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/option-rvc.s
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
 # RUN:   | llvm-objdump  --triple=riscv64 --mattr=+c --no-print-imm-hex -d -M no-aliases - \
 # RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefixes=CHECK-BYTES,CHECK-INST %s
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 85 05 00
+# CHECK-BYTES: 00058513
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv a0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: addi a0, a1, 0
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x13,0x85,0x05,0x00]
 addi a0, a1, 0
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 04 c1 3f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 3fc10413
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK-INST: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x13,0x04,0xc1,0x3f]
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: .option rvc
 .option rvc
-# CHECK-BYTES: 2e 85
+# CHECK-BYTES: 852e
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv a0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: c.mv a0, a1
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x2e,0x85]
 addi a0, a1, 0
-# CHECK-BYTES: e0 1f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 1fe0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK-INST: c.addi4spn s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0xe0,0x1f]
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: .option norvc
 .option norvc
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 85 05 00
+# CHECK-BYTES: 00058513
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv a0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: addi a0, a1, 0
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x13,0x85,0x05,0x00]
 addi a0, a1, 0
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 04 c1 3f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 3fc10413
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK-INST: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x13,0x04,0xc1,0x3f]
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: .option rvc
 .option rvc
-# CHECK-BYTES: 2e 85
+# CHECK-BYTES: 852e
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv a0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: c.mv a0, a1
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x2e,0x85]
 addi a0, a1, 0
-# CHECK-BYTES: e0 1f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 1fe0
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK-INST: c.addi4spn s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0xe0,0x1f]
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: .option norvc
 .option norvc
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 85 05 00
+# CHECK-BYTES: 00058513
 # CHECK-ALIAS: mv a0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: addi a0, a1, 0
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x13,0x85,0x05,0x00]
 addi a0, a1, 0
-# CHECK-BYTES: 13 04 c1 3f
+# CHECK-BYTES: 3fc10413
 # CHECK-ALIAS: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK-INST: addi s0, sp, 1020
 # CHECK: # encoding:  [0x13,0x04,0xc1,0x3f]
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rv32e-invalid.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rv32e-invalid.s
index 9c19d3f40bcff7..95dc156f250a3e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rv32e-invalid.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rv32e-invalid.s
@@ -11,100 +11,100 @@
 # are rejected for RV32E/RV64E, when both assembling and disassembling.
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 18 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00001837 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x16, 1
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 28 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 000028b7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x17, 2
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 39 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00003937 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x18, 3
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 49 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 000049b7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x19, 4
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 5a 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00005a37 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x20, 5
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 6a 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00006ab7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x21, 6
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 7b 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00007b37 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x22, 7
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 8b 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00008bb7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x23, 8
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 9c 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00009c37 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x24, 9
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 ac 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0000acb7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x25, 10
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 bd 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0000bd37 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x26, 11
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 cd 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0000cdb7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x27, 12
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 de 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0000de37 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x28, 13
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 ee 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0000eeb7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x29, 14
-# CHECK-DIS: 37 ff 00 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0000ff37 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x30, 15
-# CHECK-DIS: b7 0f 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00010fb7 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:5: error: invalid operand for instruction
 lui x31, 16
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 18 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00011817 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc a6, 17
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 28 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00012897 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc a7, 18
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 39 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00013917 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s2, 19
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 49 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00014997 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s3, 20
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 5a 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00015a17 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s4, 21
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 6a 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00016a97 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s5, 22
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 7b 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00017b17 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s6, 23
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 8b 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00018b97 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s7, 24
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 9c 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00019c17 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s8, 25
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 ac 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0001ac97 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s9, 26
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 bd 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0001bd17 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s10, 27
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 cd 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0001cd97 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc s11, 28
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 de 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0001de17 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc t3, 29
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 ee 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0001ee97 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc t4, 30
-# CHECK-DIS: 17 ff 01 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 0001ff17 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc t5, 31
-# CHECK-DIS: 97 0f 02 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-DIS: 00020f97 <unknown>
 # CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:7: error: invalid operand for instruction
 auipc t6, 32
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/add.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/add.s
index 89cef5dc0a4cb1..ebfe50f2d95829 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/add.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/add.s
@@ -12,352 +12,352 @@ vadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 004a0457 <unknown>
 vadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 024a0457 <unknown>
 vadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00454457 <unknown>
 vadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02454457 <unknown>
 vadd.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vadd.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0047b457 <unknown>
 vadd.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vadd.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0247b457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c04a2457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c24a2457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0456457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2456457 <unknown>
 vwadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c44a2457 <unknown>
 vwadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c64a2457 <unknown>
 vwadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4456457 <unknown>
 vwadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6456457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xd0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a d0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d04a2457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xd2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a d2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d24a2457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xd0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 d0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d0456457 <unknown>
 vwaddu.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwaddu.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xd2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 d2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d2456457 <unknown>
 vwadd.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xd4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a d4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d44a2457 <unknown>
 vwadd.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xd6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a d6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d64a2457 <unknown>
 vwadd.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xd4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 d4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d4456457 <unknown>
 vwadd.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwadd.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xd6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 d6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d6456457 <unknown>
 vadc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vadc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 404a0457 <unknown>
 vadc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vadc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x02,0x4a,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 02 4a 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 404a0257 <unknown>
 vadc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vadc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x44,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 44 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40440457 <unknown>
 vadc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vadc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40454457 <unknown>
 vadc.vim v8, v4, 15, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vadc.vim v8, v4, 15, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4047b457 <unknown>
 vmadc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 444a0457 <unknown>
 vmadc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x02,0x4a,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 02 4a 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 444a0257 <unknown>
 vmadc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x44,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 44 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44440457 <unknown>
 vmadc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44454457 <unknown>
 vmadc.vim v8, v4, 15, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vim v8, v4, 15, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4447b457 <unknown>
 vmadc.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 464a0457 <unknown>
 vmadc.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46454457 <unknown>
 vmadc.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmadc.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4647b457 <unknown>
 vsaddu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsaddu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 804a0457 <unknown>
 vsaddu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vsaddu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 824a0457 <unknown>
 vsaddu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsaddu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80454457 <unknown>
 vsaddu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vsaddu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82454457 <unknown>
 vsaddu.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsaddu.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8047b457 <unknown>
 vsaddu.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vsaddu.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8247b457 <unknown>
 vsadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 844a0457 <unknown>
 vsadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vsadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 864a0457 <unknown>
 vsadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84454457 <unknown>
 vsadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vsadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86454457 <unknown>
 vsadd.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsadd.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8447b457 <unknown>
 vsadd.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vsadd.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8647b457 <unknown>
 vaadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vaadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 244a2457 <unknown>
 vaadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vaadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 264a2457 <unknown>
 vaadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vaadd.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24456457 <unknown>
 vaadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vaadd.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26456457 <unknown>
 vaaddu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vaaddu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 204a2457 <unknown>
 vaaddu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vaaddu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 224a2457 <unknown>
 vaaddu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vaaddu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20456457 <unknown>
 vaaddu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vaaddu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22456457 <unknown>
 vwcvt.x.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwcvt.x.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x40,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 40 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4406457 <unknown>
 vwcvt.x.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwcvt.x.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x40,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 40 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6406457 <unknown>
 vwcvtu.x.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwcvtu.x.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x40,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 40 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0406457 <unknown>
 vwcvtu.x.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwcvtu.x.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x40,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 40 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2406457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/and.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/and.s
index 894263fe01524b..b1182c175a5d41 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/and.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/and.s
@@ -12,34 +12,34 @@ vand.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vand.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 244a0457 <unknown>
 vand.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vand.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 264a0457 <unknown>
 vand.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vand.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24454457 <unknown>
 vand.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vand.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26454457 <unknown>
 vand.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vand.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2447b457 <unknown>
 vand.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vand.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2647b457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/clip.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/clip.s
index f4fb2c576b30ae..70c23d8ec0b1db 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/clip.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/clip.s
@@ -12,70 +12,70 @@ vnclipu.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnclipu.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xb8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a b8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b84a0457 <unknown>
 vnclipu.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vnclipu.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xba]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a ba <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ba4a0457 <unknown>
 vnclipu.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnclipu.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xb8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 b8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b8454457 <unknown>
 vnclipu.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vnclipu.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xba]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 ba <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ba454457 <unknown>
 vnclipu.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnclipu.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xb8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f b8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b84fb457 <unknown>
 vnclipu.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vnclipu.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xba]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f ba <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ba4fb457 <unknown>
 vnclip.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnclip.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xbc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a bc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bc4a0457 <unknown>
 vnclip.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vnclip.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xbe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a be <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be4a0457 <unknown>
 vnclip.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnclip.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xbc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 bc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bc454457 <unknown>
 vnclip.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vnclip.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xbe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 be <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be454457 <unknown>
 vnclip.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnclip.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xbc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f bc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bc4fb457 <unknown>
 vnclip.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vnclip.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xbe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f be <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be4fb457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/compare.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/compare.s
index fe7c1144a3c027..b1b9518a1d5ac7 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/compare.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/compare.s
@@ -12,367 +12,367 @@ vmslt.vv v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vv v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x00,0x4a,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 00 4a 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c4a0057 <unknown>
 vmseq.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 604a0457 <unknown>
 vmseq.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 624a0457 <unknown>
 vmseq.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60454457 <unknown>
 vmseq.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62454457 <unknown>
 vmseq.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6047b457 <unknown>
 vmseq.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6247b457 <unknown>
 vmsne.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 644a0457 <unknown>
 vmsne.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 664a0457 <unknown>
 vmsne.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64454457 <unknown>
 vmsne.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66454457 <unknown>
 vmsne.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6447b457 <unknown>
 vmsne.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6647b457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 684a0457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a4a0457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68454457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a454457 <unknown>
 vmslt.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c4a0457 <unknown>
 vmslt.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e4a0457 <unknown>
 vmslt.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c454457 <unknown>
 vmslt.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e454457 <unknown>
 vmsleu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x70]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 70 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 704a0457 <unknown>
 vmsleu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 724a0457 <unknown>
 vmsleu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x70]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 70 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 70454457 <unknown>
 vmsleu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 72454457 <unknown>
 vmsleu.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x70]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 70 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7047b457 <unknown>
 vmsleu.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7247b457 <unknown>
 vmsle.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x74]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 74 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 744a0457 <unknown>
 vmsle.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 764a0457 <unknown>
 vmsle.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x74]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 74 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 74454457 <unknown>
 vmsle.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 76454457 <unknown>
 vmsle.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x74]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 74 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7447b457 <unknown>
 vmsle.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7647b457 <unknown>
 vmsgtu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgtu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x78]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 78 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 78454457 <unknown>
 vmsgtu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgtu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x7a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 7a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7a454457 <unknown>
 vmsgtu.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgtu.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x78]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 78 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7847b457 <unknown>
 vmsgtu.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgtu.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x7a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 7a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7a47b457 <unknown>
 vmsgt.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgt.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x7c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 7c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7c454457 <unknown>
 vmsgt.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgt.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x7e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 7e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7e454457 <unknown>
 vmsgt.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgt.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x7c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 7c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7c47b457 <unknown>
 vmsgt.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgt.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x7e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 7e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7e47b457 <unknown>
 vmsgtu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 684a0457 <unknown>
 vmsgtu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a4a0457 <unknown>
 vmsgt.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c4a0457 <unknown>
 vmsgt.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e4a0457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x70]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 70 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 704a0457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 724a0457 <unknown>
 vmsge.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x74]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 74 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 744a0457 <unknown>
 vmsge.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 764a0457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vi v8, v4, 16, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x70]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 70 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7047b457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vi v8, v4, 16
 # CHECK-INST: vmsleu.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7247b457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vi v8, v4, 0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vv v8, v4, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x42,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 42 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64420457 <unknown>
 vmsltu.vi v8, v4, 0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsne.vv v8, v4, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x42,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 42 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66420457 <unknown>
 vmslt.vi v8, v4, 16, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x74]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 74 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7447b457 <unknown>
 vmslt.vi v8, v4, 16
 # CHECK-INST: vmsle.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7647b457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vi v8, v4, 16, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgtu.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x78]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 78 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7847b457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vi v8, v4, 16
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgtu.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x7a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 7a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7a47b457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vi v8, v4, 0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vv v8, v4, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x42,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 42 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60420457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vi v8, v4, 0
 # CHECK-INST: vmseq.vv v8, v4, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x42,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 42 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62420457 <unknown>
 vmsge.vi v8, v4, 16, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgt.vi v8, v4, 0xf, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x7c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 7c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7c47b457 <unknown>
 vmsge.vi v8, v4, 16
 # CHECK-INST: vmsgt.vi v8, v4, 0xf
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x7e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 7e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7e47b457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vx v8, v4, a0
@@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ vmsgeu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x84,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 6a <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 84 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a454457 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 76842457 <unknown>
 vmsge.vx v0, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vx v0, v4, a0
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ vmsge.vx v0, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x40,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x20,0x00,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 40 45 6e <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 20 00 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e454057 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 76002057 <unknown>
 vmsge.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vx v8, v4, a0
@@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ vmsge.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x84,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 6e <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 84 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e454457 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 76842457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ vmsgeu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x68]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x80,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 68 <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 80 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68454457 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e802457 <unknown>
 vmsge.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ vmsge.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x80,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 6c <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 80 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c454457 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e802457 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vx v0, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vx v2, v4, a0
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ vmsgeu.vx v0, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x41,0x45,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x20,0x01,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 41 45 6a <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 20 01 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a454157 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62012057 <unknown>
 vmsge.vx v0, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vx v2, v4, a0
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ vmsge.vx v0, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x41,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x20,0x01,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 41 45 6e <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 20 01 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e454157 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62012057 <unknown>
 vmsgeu.vx v9, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-INST: vmsltu.vx v2, v4, a0
@@ -447,10 +447,10 @@ vmsgeu.vx v9, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xd7,0x24,0x90,0x62]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xd7,0xa4,0x24,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 41 45 6a <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 21 01 62 <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d7 24 90 62 <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d7 a4 24 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a454157 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62012157 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 629024d7 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a24a4d7 <unknown>
 vmsge.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-INST: vmslt.vx v2, v4, a0
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ vmsge.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t, v2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x80,0x62]
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x24,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 41 45 6e <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 21 01 62 <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 80 62 <unknown>
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 24 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e454157 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62012157 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62802457 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a242457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/convert.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/convert.s
index 28c0a0fa837e23..269c86cef4738d 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/convert.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/convert.s
@@ -15,256 +15,256 @@ vfcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x40,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 40 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48401457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x40,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 40 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a401457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x40,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 40 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48409457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x40,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 40 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a409457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x41,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 41 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48411457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x41,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 41 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a411457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.f.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.f.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x41,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 41 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48419457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.f.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.f.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x41,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 41 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a419457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x43,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 43 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48431457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x43,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 43 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a431457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x43,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 43 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48439457 <unknown>
 vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x43,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 43 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a439457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x44,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 44 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48441457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x44,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 44 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a441457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x44,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 44 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48449457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x44,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 44 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a449457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x45,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 45 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48451457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.f.xu.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x45,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 45 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a451457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.f.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.f.x.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x45,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 45 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48459457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.f.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.f.x.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x45,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 45 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a459457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.f.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.f.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x46,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 46 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48461457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.f.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.f.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x46,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 46 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a461457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x47,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 47 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48471457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x47,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 47 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a471457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x47,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 47 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48479457 <unknown>
 vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x47,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 47 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a479457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.xu.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.xu.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x48,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 48 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48481457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x12,0x48,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 12 48 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48481257 <unknown>
 vfncvt.xu.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.xu.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x48,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 48 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a481457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.x.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.x.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x48,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 48 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48489457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.x.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.x.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x48,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 48 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a489457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.f.xu.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.f.xu.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x49,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 49 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48491457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.f.xu.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.f.xu.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x49,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 49 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a491457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.f.x.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.f.x.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x49,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 49 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48499457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.f.x.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.f.x.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x49,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 49 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a499457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.f.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.f.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 484a1457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.f.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.f.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a4a1457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x4a,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 4a 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 484a9457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x4a,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 4a 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a4a9457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4b,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4b 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 484b1457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4b,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4b 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a4b1457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x4b,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 4b 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 484b9457 <unknown>
 vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x4b,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 4b 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a4b9457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/div.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/div.s
index 229124c671c60b..aca04375f61ee2 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/div.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/div.s
@@ -12,94 +12,94 @@ vdivu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vdivu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 804a2457 <unknown>
 vdivu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vdivu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 824a2457 <unknown>
 vdivu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vdivu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80456457 <unknown>
 vdivu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vdivu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82456457 <unknown>
 vdiv.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vdiv.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 844a2457 <unknown>
 vdiv.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vdiv.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 864a2457 <unknown>
 vdiv.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vdiv.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84456457 <unknown>
 vdiv.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vdiv.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86456457 <unknown>
 vremu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vremu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 884a2457 <unknown>
 vremu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vremu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a4a2457 <unknown>
 vremu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vremu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88456457 <unknown>
 vremu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vremu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a456457 <unknown>
 vrem.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrem.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c4a2457 <unknown>
 vrem.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vrem.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e4a2457 <unknown>
 vrem.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrem.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c456457 <unknown>
 vrem.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vrem.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e456457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/ext.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/ext.s
index 80cadc09610402..3bf1351d77a78e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/ext.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/ext.s
@@ -12,70 +12,70 @@ vzext.vf2 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vzext.vf2 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x43,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 43 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48432457 <unknown>
 vzext.vf2 v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vzext.vf2 v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x43,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 43 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a432457 <unknown>
 vsext.vf2 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsext.vf2 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x43,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 43 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4843a457 <unknown>
 vsext.vf2 v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsext.vf2 v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x43,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 43 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a43a457 <unknown>
 vzext.vf4 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vzext.vf4 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x42,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 42 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48422457 <unknown>
 vzext.vf4 v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vzext.vf4 v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x42,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 42 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a422457 <unknown>
 vsext.vf4 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsext.vf4 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x42,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 42 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4842a457 <unknown>
 vsext.vf4 v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsext.vf4 v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x42,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 42 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a42a457 <unknown>
 vzext.vf8 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vzext.vf8 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x41,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 41 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48412457 <unknown>
 vzext.vf8 v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vzext.vf8 v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x41,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 41 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a412457 <unknown>
 vsext.vf8 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsext.vf8 v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x41,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 41 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4841a457 <unknown>
 vsext.vf8 v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsext.vf8 v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x41,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 41 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a41a457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fadd.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fadd.s
index 60ffaf62ca6ba1..890b2c0ad68bcf 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fadd.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fadd.s
@@ -15,70 +15,70 @@ vfadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 004a1457 <unknown>
 vfadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 024a1457 <unknown>
 vfadd.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfadd.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00455457 <unknown>
 vfadd.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfadd.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02455457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c04a1457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c24a1457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0455457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2455457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xd0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a d0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d04a1457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xd2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a d2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d24a1457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.wf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.wf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xd0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 d0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d0455457 <unknown>
 vfwadd.wf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfwadd.wf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xd2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 d2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d2455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fcompare.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fcompare.s
index 11dd7e05467b41..3903bbdab65005 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fcompare.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fcompare.s
@@ -15,148 +15,148 @@ vmfeq.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfeq.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 604a1457 <unknown>
 vmfeq.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmfeq.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 624a1457 <unknown>
 vmfeq.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfeq.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60455457 <unknown>
 vmfeq.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vmfeq.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62455457 <unknown>
 vmfne.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfne.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x70]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 70 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 704a1457 <unknown>
 vmfne.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmfne.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 724a1457 <unknown>
 vmfne.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfne.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x70]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 70 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 70455457 <unknown>
 vmfne.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vmfne.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 72455457 <unknown>
 vmflt.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmflt.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c4a1457 <unknown>
 vmflt.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmflt.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e4a1457 <unknown>
 vmflt.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmflt.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c455457 <unknown>
 vmflt.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vmflt.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e455457 <unknown>
 vmfle.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfle.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 644a1457 <unknown>
 vmfle.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmfle.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 664a1457 <unknown>
 vmfle.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfle.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64455457 <unknown>
 vmfle.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vmfle.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66455457 <unknown>
 vmfgt.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfgt.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x74]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 74 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 74455457 <unknown>
 vmfgt.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vmfgt.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 76455457 <unknown>
 vmfge.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfge.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x7c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 7c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7c455457 <unknown>
 vmfge.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vmfge.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x7e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 7e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7e455457 <unknown>
 vmfgt.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmflt.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c4a1457 <unknown>
 vmfgt.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmflt.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e4a1457 <unknown>
 vmfge.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfle.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 644a1457 <unknown>
 vmfge.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmfle.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 664a1457 <unknown>
 vmfeq.vv v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmfeq.vv v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x10,0x4a,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 10 4a 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 604a1057 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fdiv.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fdiv.s
index 7eb048f3cd584c..aa3aae5841a224 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fdiv.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fdiv.s
@@ -15,34 +15,34 @@ vfdiv.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfdiv.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 804a1457 <unknown>
 vfdiv.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfdiv.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 824a1457 <unknown>
 vfdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80455457 <unknown>
 vfdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82455457 <unknown>
 vfrdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfrdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84455457 <unknown>
 vfrdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfrdiv.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmacc.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmacc.s
index 129455901b9343..8ca43da809617e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmacc.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmacc.s
@@ -15,286 +15,286 @@ vfmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xb0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a b0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b04a1457 <unknown>
 vfmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xb2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a b2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b24a1457 <unknown>
 vfmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xb0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 b0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b0455457 <unknown>
 vfmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xb2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 b2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b2455457 <unknown>
 vfnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xb4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a b4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b44a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xb6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a b6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b64a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xb4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 b4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b4455457 <unknown>
 vfnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xb6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 b6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b6455457 <unknown>
 vfmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xb8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a b8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b84a1457 <unknown>
 vfmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xba]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a ba <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ba4a1457 <unknown>
 vfmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xb8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 b8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b8455457 <unknown>
 vfmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xba]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 ba <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ba455457 <unknown>
 vfnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xbc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a bc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bc4a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xbe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a be <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be4a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xbc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 bc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bc455457 <unknown>
 vfnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xbe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 be <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be455457 <unknown>
 vfmadd.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmadd.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a04a1457 <unknown>
 vfmadd.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmadd.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a24a1457 <unknown>
 vfmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0455457 <unknown>
 vfmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2455457 <unknown>
 vfnmadd.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmadd.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a44a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmadd.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmadd.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a64a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4455457 <unknown>
 vfnmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmadd.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6455457 <unknown>
 vfmsub.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsub.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a84a1457 <unknown>
 vfmsub.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsub.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aa4a1457 <unknown>
 vfmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8455457 <unknown>
 vfmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aa455457 <unknown>
 vfnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac4a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae4a1457 <unknown>
 vfnmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac455457 <unknown>
 vfnmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfnmsub.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae455457 <unknown>
 vfwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xf0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a f0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f04a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xf2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a f2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f24a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xf0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 f0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f0455457 <unknown>
 vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xf2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 f2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f2455457 <unknown>
 vfwnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xf4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a f4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f44a1457 <unknown>
 vfwnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xf6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a f6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f64a1457 <unknown>
 vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xf4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 f4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f4455457 <unknown>
 vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xf6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 f6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f6455457 <unknown>
 vfwmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xf8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a f8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f84a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xfa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a fa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fa4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xf8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 f8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f8455457 <unknown>
 vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xfa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 fa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fa455457 <unknown>
 vfwnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc455457 <unknown>
 vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fminmax.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fminmax.s
index c8aab38e1fc8bf..f7e85ed31c33d8 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fminmax.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fminmax.s
@@ -15,46 +15,46 @@ vfmin.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmin.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x10]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 10 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 104a1457 <unknown>
 vfmin.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfmin.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x12]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 12 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 124a1457 <unknown>
 vfmin.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmin.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x10]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 10 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 10455457 <unknown>
 vfmin.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfmin.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x12]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 12 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 12455457 <unknown>
 vfmax.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmax.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x18]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 18 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 184a1457 <unknown>
 vfmax.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfmax.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x1a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 1a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1a4a1457 <unknown>
 vfmax.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmax.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x18]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 18 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 18455457 <unknown>
 vfmax.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfmax.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x1a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 1a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1a455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmul.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmul.s
index 42c37932043cb8..9cd6e528775044 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmul.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmul.s
@@ -15,46 +15,46 @@ vfmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x90]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 90 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 904a1457 <unknown>
 vfmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x92]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 92 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 924a1457 <unknown>
 vfmul.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfmul.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x90]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 90 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 90455457 <unknown>
 vfmul.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfmul.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x92]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 92 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 92455457 <unknown>
 vfwmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e04a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e24a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmul.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmul.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0455457 <unknown>
 vfwmul.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmul.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmv.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmv.s
index a5b814f130fbfd..2534b5171b3e75 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmv.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fmv.s
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ vfmv.v.f v8, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfmv.v.f v8, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x05,0x5e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 05 5e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5e055457 <unknown>
 vfmv.f.s fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfmv.f.s fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x15,0x40,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 15 40 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42401557 <unknown>
 vfmv.s.f v8, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfmv.s.f v8, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42055457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fothers.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fothers.s
index 451f6ca39ccc09..997115f96bd9dc 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fothers.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fothers.s
@@ -13,76 +13,76 @@ vfsqrt.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsqrt.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x40,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 40 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c401457 <unknown>
 vfsqrt.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfsqrt.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x40,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 40 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e401457 <unknown>
 vfrsqrt7.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfrsqrt7.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x42,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 42 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c421457 <unknown>
 vfrsqrt7.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfrsqrt7.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x42,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 42 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e421457 <unknown>
 vfrec7.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfrec7.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x42,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 42 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c429457 <unknown>
 vfrec7.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfrec7.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x42,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 42 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e429457 <unknown>
 vfclass.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfclass.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x48,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 48 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c481457 <unknown>
 vfclass.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfclass.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x48,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 48 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e481457 <unknown>
 vfmerge.vfm v8, v4, fa0, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vfmerge.vfm v8, v4, fa0, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x5c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 5c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5c455457 <unknown>
 vfslide1up.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfslide1up.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x38]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 38 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 38455457 <unknown>
 vfslide1up.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfslide1up.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x3a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 3a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3a455457 <unknown>
 vfslide1down.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfslide1down.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x3c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 3c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3c455457 <unknown>
 vfslide1down.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfslide1down.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x3e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 3e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3e455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/freduction.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/freduction.s
index fca64372b15f2d..12326942e6e886 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/freduction.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/freduction.s
@@ -15,76 +15,76 @@ vfredosum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfredosum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c4a1457 <unknown>
 vfredosum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfredosum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e4a1457 <unknown>
 vfredusum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfredusum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 044a1457 <unknown>
 vfredusum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfredusum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 064a1457 <unknown>
 vfredmax.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfredmax.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x1c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 1c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1c4a1457 <unknown>
 vfredmax.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfredmax.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x1e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 1e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1e4a1457 <unknown>
 vfredmin.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfredmin.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x14]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 14 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 144a1457 <unknown>
 vfredmin.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfredmin.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x16]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 16 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 164a1457 <unknown>
 vfwredosum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwredosum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwredosum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfwredosum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwredusum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwredusum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c44a1457 <unknown>
 vfwredusum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfwredusum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c64a1457 <unknown>
 vfredosum.vs v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfredosum.vs v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x10,0x4a,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 10 4a 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c4a1057 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fsub.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fsub.s
index a8f2bc6260b9e6..62ff2e744c7830 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fsub.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/fsub.s
@@ -15,82 +15,82 @@ vfsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 084a1457 <unknown>
 vfsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0a4a1457 <unknown>
 vfsub.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsub.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08455457 <unknown>
 vfsub.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfsub.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0a455457 <unknown>
 vfrsub.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfrsub.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x9c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 9c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9c455457 <unknown>
 vfrsub.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfrsub.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e455457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c84a1457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ca4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8455457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ca455457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xd8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a d8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d84a1457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xda]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a da <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: da4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.wf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.wf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xd8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 d8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d8455457 <unknown>
 vfwsub.wf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfwsub.wf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xda]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 da <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: da455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/load.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/load.s
index 23357df88d3fe9..3c251a3a8d75b9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/load.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/load.s
@@ -12,382 +12,382 @@ vlm.v v0, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlm.v v0, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x00,0xb5,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 00 b5 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02b50007 <unknown>
 vlm.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlm.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02b50407 <unknown>
 vle8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00050407 <unknown>
 vle8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02050407 <unknown>
 vle16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00055407 <unknown>
 vle16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02055407 <unknown>
 vle32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00056407 <unknown>
 vle32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02056407 <unknown>
 vle64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00057407 <unknown>
 vle64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02057407 <unknown>
 vle8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x01]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 01 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 01050407 <unknown>
 vle8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x03]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 03 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 03050407 <unknown>
 vle16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x01]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 01 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 01055407 <unknown>
 vle16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x03]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 03 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 03055407 <unknown>
 vle32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x01]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 01 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 01056407 <unknown>
 vle32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x03]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 03 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 03056407 <unknown>
 vle64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x01]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 01 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 01057407 <unknown>
 vle64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x03]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 03 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 03057407 <unknown>
 vlse8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlse8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b50407 <unknown>
 vlse8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlse8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab50407 <unknown>
 vlse16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlse16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b55407 <unknown>
 vlse16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlse16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab55407 <unknown>
 vlse32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlse32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b56407 <unknown>
 vlse32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlse32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab56407 <unknown>
 vlse64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlse64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b57407 <unknown>
 vlse64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlse64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab57407 <unknown>
 vluxei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04450407 <unknown>
 vluxei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06450407 <unknown>
 vluxei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04455407 <unknown>
 vluxei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06455407 <unknown>
 vluxei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04456407 <unknown>
 vluxei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06456407 <unknown>
 vluxei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04457407 <unknown>
 vluxei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06457407 <unknown>
 vloxei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c450407 <unknown>
 vloxei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e450407 <unknown>
 vloxei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c455407 <unknown>
 vloxei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e455407 <unknown>
 vloxei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c456407 <unknown>
 vloxei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e456407 <unknown>
 vloxei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c457407 <unknown>
 vloxei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e457407 <unknown>
 vl1re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl1re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x85,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 85 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02850407 <unknown>
 vl1re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl1re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x85,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 85 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02855407 <unknown>
 vl1re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl1re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x85,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 85 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02856407 <unknown>
 vl1re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl1re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x85,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 85 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02857407 <unknown>
 vl2re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl2re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x85,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 85 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22850407 <unknown>
 vl2re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl2re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x85,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 85 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22855407 <unknown>
 vl2re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl2re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x85,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 85 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22856407 <unknown>
 vl2re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl2re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x85,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 85 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22857407 <unknown>
 vl4re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl4re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x85,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 85 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62850407 <unknown>
 vl4re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl4re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x85,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 85 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62855407 <unknown>
 vl4re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl4re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x85,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 85 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62856407 <unknown>
 vl4re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl4re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x85,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 85 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62857407 <unknown>
 vl8re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl8re8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x85,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 85 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2850407 <unknown>
 vl8re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl8re16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x85,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 85 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2855407 <unknown>
 vl8re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl8re32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x85,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 85 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2856407 <unknown>
 vl8re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vl8re64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x85,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 85 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2857407 <unknown>
 vlm.v v0, 0(a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlm.v v0, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x00,0xb5,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 00 b5 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02b50007 <unknown>
 vle8.v v8, 0(a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vle8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02050407 <unknown>
 vle8ff.v v8, 0(a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vle8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x01]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 01 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 01050407 <unknown>
 vlse16.v v8, 0(a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlse16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b55407 <unknown>
 vluxei32.v v8, 0(a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06456407 <unknown>
 vloxei64.v v8, 0(a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e457407 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/macc.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/macc.s
index 0662620b455a6c..ffdc2d64692960 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/macc.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/macc.s
@@ -12,178 +12,178 @@ vmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xb4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a b4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b44a2457 <unknown>
 vmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xb6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a b6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b64a2457 <unknown>
 vmacc.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmacc.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xb4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 b4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b4456457 <unknown>
 vmacc.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmacc.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xb6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 b6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b6456457 <unknown>
 vnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xbc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a bc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bc4a2457 <unknown>
 vnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsac.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xbe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a be <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be4a2457 <unknown>
 vnmsac.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsac.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xbc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 bc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bc456457 <unknown>
 vnmsac.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsac.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xbe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 be <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be456457 <unknown>
 vmadd.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmadd.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a44a2457 <unknown>
 vmadd.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmadd.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a64a2457 <unknown>
 vmadd.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmadd.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4456457 <unknown>
 vmadd.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmadd.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6456457 <unknown>
 vnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac4a2457 <unknown>
 vnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsub.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae4a2457 <unknown>
 vnmsub.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsub.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac456457 <unknown>
 vnmsub.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vnmsub.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae456457 <unknown>
 vwmaccu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xf0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a f0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f04a2457 <unknown>
 vwmaccu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xf2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a f2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f24a2457 <unknown>
 vwmaccu.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccu.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xf0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 f0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f0456457 <unknown>
 vwmaccu.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccu.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xf2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 f2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f2456457 <unknown>
 vwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xf4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a f4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f44a2457 <unknown>
 vwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwmacc.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xf6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a f6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f64a2457 <unknown>
 vwmacc.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmacc.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xf4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 f4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f4456457 <unknown>
 vwmacc.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwmacc.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xf6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 f6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f6456457 <unknown>
 vwmaccsu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccsu.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc4a2457 <unknown>
 vwmaccsu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccsu.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe4a2457 <unknown>
 vwmaccsu.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccsu.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc456457 <unknown>
 vwmaccsu.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccsu.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe456457 <unknown>
 vwmaccus.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccus.vx v8, a0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xf8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 f8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f8456457 <unknown>
 vwmaccus.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vwmaccus.vx v8, a0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xfa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 fa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fa456457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mask.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mask.s
index c0691b97f1d92e..c0dd44b6fc6781 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mask.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mask.s
@@ -12,154 +12,154 @@ vmand.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmand.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 664a2457 <unknown>
 vmnand.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmnand.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 764a2457 <unknown>
 vmandn.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmandn.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 624a2457 <unknown>
 vmxor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmxor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e4a2457 <unknown>
 vmor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6a4a2457 <unknown>
 vmnor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmnor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x7a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 7a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7a4a2457 <unknown>
 vmorn.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmorn.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x72]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 72 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 724a2457 <unknown>
 vmxnor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmxnor.mm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x7e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 7e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7e4a2457 <unknown>
 vcpop.m a2, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vcpop.m a2, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x26,0x48,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 26 48 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40482657 <unknown>
 vcpop.m a2, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vcpop.m a2, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x26,0x48,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 26 48 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42482657 <unknown>
 vfirst.m a2, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfirst.m a2, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa6,0x48,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a6 48 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4048a657 <unknown>
 vfirst.m a2, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfirst.m a2, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa6,0x48,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a6 48 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4248a657 <unknown>
 vmsbf.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbf.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x40,0x50]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 40 50 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5040a457 <unknown>
 vmsbf.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbf.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x40,0x52]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 40 52 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5240a457 <unknown>
 vmsif.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsif.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x41,0x50]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 41 50 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5041a457 <unknown>
 vmsif.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmsif.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x41,0x52]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 41 52 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5241a457 <unknown>
 vmsof.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmsof.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x41,0x50]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 41 50 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 50412457 <unknown>
 vmsof.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmsof.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x41,0x52]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 41 52 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 52412457 <unknown>
 viota.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: viota.m v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x48,0x50]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 48 50 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 50482457 <unknown>
 viota.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: viota.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x48,0x52]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 48 52 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 52482457 <unknown>
 vid.v v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vid.v v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x08,0x50]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 08 50 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5008a457 <unknown>
 vid.v v8
 # CHECK-INST: vid.v v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa4,0x08,0x52]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a4 08 52 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5208a457 <unknown>
 vmmv.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmmv.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x42,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 42 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66422457 <unknown>
 vmclr.m v8
 # CHECK-INST: vmclr.m v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x84,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 84 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e842457 <unknown>
 vmset.m v8
 # CHECK-INST: vmset.m v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x84,0x7e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 84 7e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7e842457 <unknown>
 vmnot.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmnot.m v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x42,0x76]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 42 76 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 76422457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/minmax.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/minmax.s
index 4eaf897b84c4e5..70fe040f07f9b1 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/minmax.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/minmax.s
@@ -12,94 +12,94 @@ vminu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vminu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x10]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 10 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 104a0457 <unknown>
 vminu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vminu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x12]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 12 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 124a0457 <unknown>
 vminu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vminu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x10]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 10 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 10454457 <unknown>
 vminu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vminu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x12]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 12 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 12454457 <unknown>
 vmin.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmin.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x14]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 14 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 144a0457 <unknown>
 vmin.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmin.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x16]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 16 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 164a0457 <unknown>
 vmin.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmin.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x14]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 14 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 14454457 <unknown>
 vmin.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmin.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x16]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 16 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 16454457 <unknown>
 vmaxu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmaxu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x18]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 18 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 184a0457 <unknown>
 vmaxu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmaxu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x1a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 1a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1a4a0457 <unknown>
 vmaxu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmaxu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x18]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 18 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 18454457 <unknown>
 vmaxu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmaxu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x1a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 1a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1a454457 <unknown>
 vmax.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmax.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x1c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 1c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1c4a0457 <unknown>
 vmax.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmax.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x1e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 1e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1e4a0457 <unknown>
 vmax.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmax.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x1c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 1c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1c454457 <unknown>
 vmax.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmax.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x1e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 1e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1e454457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mul.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mul.s
index 9f7d6182d80f4b..2782ea683f9cd9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mul.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mul.s
@@ -12,190 +12,190 @@ vmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x94]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 94 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 944a2457 <unknown>
 vmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x96]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 96 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 964a2457 <unknown>
 vmul.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmul.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x94]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 94 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 94456457 <unknown>
 vmul.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmul.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x96]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 96 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 96456457 <unknown>
 vmulh.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmulh.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x9c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 9c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9c4a2457 <unknown>
 vmulh.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmulh.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e4a2457 <unknown>
 vmulh.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmulh.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x9c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 9c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9c456457 <unknown>
 vmulh.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmulh.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e456457 <unknown>
 vmulhu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x90]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 90 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 904a2457 <unknown>
 vmulhu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x92]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 92 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 924a2457 <unknown>
 vmulhu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x90]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 90 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 90456457 <unknown>
 vmulhu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x92]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 92 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 92456457 <unknown>
 vmulhsu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhsu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x98]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 98 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 984a2457 <unknown>
 vmulhsu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhsu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x9a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 9a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9a4a2457 <unknown>
 vmulhsu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhsu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x98]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 98 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 98456457 <unknown>
 vmulhsu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmulhsu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x9a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 9a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9a456457 <unknown>
 vwmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec4a2457 <unknown>
 vwmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee4a2457 <unknown>
 vwmul.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmul.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec456457 <unknown>
 vwmul.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwmul.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee456457 <unknown>
 vwmulu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e04a2457 <unknown>
 vwmulu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e24a2457 <unknown>
 vwmulu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0456457 <unknown>
 vwmulu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2456457 <unknown>
 vwmulsu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulsu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e84a2457 <unknown>
 vwmulsu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulsu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ea4a2457 <unknown>
 vwmulsu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulsu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8456457 <unknown>
 vwmulsu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwmulsu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ea456457 <unknown>
 vsmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsmul.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x9c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 9c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9c4a0457 <unknown>
 vsmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vsmul.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e4a0457 <unknown>
 vsmul.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsmul.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x9c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 9c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9c454457 <unknown>
 vsmul.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vsmul.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e454457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mv.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mv.s
index cd02aa94d18ebf..f96e14932ead6e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mv.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/mv.s
@@ -12,52 +12,52 @@ vmv.v.v v8, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmv.v.v v8, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x0a,0x5e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 0a 5e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5e0a0457 <unknown>
 vmv.v.x v8, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmv.v.x v8, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x05,0x5e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 05 5e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5e054457 <unknown>
 vmv.v.i v8, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vmv.v.i v8, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x07,0x5e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 07 5e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5e07b457 <unknown>
 vmv.x.s a2, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmv.x.s a2, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x26,0x40,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 26 40 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42402657 <unknown>
 vmv.s.x v8, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmv.s.x v8, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42056457 <unknown>
 vmv1r.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmv1r.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x34,0x40,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 34 40 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e403457 <unknown>
 vmv2r.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmv2r.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x40,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 40 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e40b457 <unknown>
 vmv4r.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vmv4r.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x41,0x9e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 41 9e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9e41b457 <unknown>
 vmv8r.v v8, v24
 # CHECK-INST: vmv8r.v v8, v24
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x83,0x9f]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 83 9f <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 9f83b457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/or.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/or.s
index ef281fe80bd491..306d7ae814423f 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/or.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/or.s
@@ -12,34 +12,34 @@ vor.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vor.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 284a0457 <unknown>
 vor.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vor.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2a4a0457 <unknown>
 vor.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vor.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28454457 <unknown>
 vor.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vor.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2a454457 <unknown>
 vor.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vor.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2847b457 <unknown>
 vor.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vor.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2a47b457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/others.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/others.s
index d1845e0bb23842..cc16a8774b82d2 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/others.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/others.s
@@ -12,142 +12,142 @@ vmerge.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmerge.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x5c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 5c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5c4a0457 <unknown>
 vmerge.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmerge.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x5c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 5c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5c454457 <unknown>
 vmerge.vim v8, v4, 15, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmerge.vim v8, v4, 15, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x5c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 5c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5c47b457 <unknown>
 vslideup.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vslideup.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x38]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 38 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 38454457 <unknown>
 vslideup.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vslideup.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x3a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 3a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3a454457 <unknown>
 vslideup.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vslideup.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x38]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 38 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 384fb457 <unknown>
 vslideup.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vslideup.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x3a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 3a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3a4fb457 <unknown>
 vslidedown.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vslidedown.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x3c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 3c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3c454457 <unknown>
 vslidedown.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vslidedown.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x3e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 3e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3e454457 <unknown>
 vslidedown.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vslidedown.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x3c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 3c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3c4fb457 <unknown>
 vslidedown.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vslidedown.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x3e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 3e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3e4fb457 <unknown>
 vslide1up.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vslide1up.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x38]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 38 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 38456457 <unknown>
 vslide1up.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vslide1up.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x3a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 3a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3a456457 <unknown>
 vslide1down.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vslide1down.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x3c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 3c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3c456457 <unknown>
 vslide1down.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vslide1down.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x3e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 3e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3e456457 <unknown>
 vrgather.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrgather.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x30]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 30 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 304a0457 <unknown>
 vrgather.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vrgather.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x32]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 32 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 324a0457 <unknown>
 vrgather.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrgather.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x30]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 30 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 30454457 <unknown>
 vrgather.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vrgather.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x32]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 32 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 32454457 <unknown>
 vrgather.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrgather.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x30]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 30 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 304fb457 <unknown>
 vrgather.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vrgather.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x32]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 32 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 324fb457 <unknown>
 vrgatherei16.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrgatherei16.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x38]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 38 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 384a0457 <unknown>
 vrgatherei16.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vrgatherei16.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x3a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 3a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 3a4a0457 <unknown>
 vcompress.vm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vcompress.vm v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x5e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 5e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5e4a2457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/reduction.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/reduction.s
index 2172589b7c38ea..006f54d9b545d9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/reduction.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/reduction.s
@@ -12,124 +12,124 @@ vredsum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredsum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 004a2457 <unknown>
 vredsum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredsum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 024a2457 <unknown>
 vredmaxu.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredmaxu.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x18]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 18 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 184a2457 <unknown>
 vredmaxu.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredmaxu.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x1a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 1a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1a4a2457 <unknown>
 vredmax.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredmax.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x1c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 1c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1c4a2457 <unknown>
 vredmax.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredmax.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x1e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 1e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 1e4a2457 <unknown>
 vredminu.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredminu.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x10]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 10 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 104a2457 <unknown>
 vredminu.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredminu.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x12]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 12 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 124a2457 <unknown>
 vredmin.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredmin.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x14]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 14 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 144a2457 <unknown>
 vredmin.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredmin.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x16]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 16 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 164a2457 <unknown>
 vredand.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredand.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 044a2457 <unknown>
 vredand.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredand.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 064a2457 <unknown>
 vredor.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredor.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 084a2457 <unknown>
 vredor.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredor.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0a4a2457 <unknown>
 vredxor.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredxor.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c4a2457 <unknown>
 vredxor.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vredxor.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e4a2457 <unknown>
 vwredsumu.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwredsumu.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c04a0457 <unknown>
 vwredsumu.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwredsumu.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c24a0457 <unknown>
 vwredsum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwredsum.vs v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c44a0457 <unknown>
 vwredsum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwredsum.vs v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c64a0457 <unknown>
 vredsum.vs v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vredsum.vs v0, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x20,0x4a,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 20 4a 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 004a2057 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/shift.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/shift.s
index 8a2e82f3c8fe9e..017e12499dc2bc 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/shift.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/shift.s
@@ -12,256 +12,256 @@ vsll.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsll.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x94]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 94 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 944a0457 <unknown>
 vsll.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vsll.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x96]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 96 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 964a0457 <unknown>
 vsll.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsll.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x94]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 94 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 94454457 <unknown>
 vsll.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vsll.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x96]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 96 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 96454457 <unknown>
 vsll.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsll.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x94]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 94 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 944fb457 <unknown>
 vsll.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vsll.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x96]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 96 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 964fb457 <unknown>
 vsrl.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsrl.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a04a0457 <unknown>
 vsrl.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vsrl.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a24a0457 <unknown>
 vsrl.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsrl.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0454457 <unknown>
 vsrl.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vsrl.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2454457 <unknown>
 vsrl.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsrl.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a04fb457 <unknown>
 vsrl.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vsrl.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a24fb457 <unknown>
 vsra.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsra.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a44a0457 <unknown>
 vsra.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vsra.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a64a0457 <unknown>
 vsra.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsra.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4454457 <unknown>
 vsra.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vsra.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6454457 <unknown>
 vsra.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsra.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a44fb457 <unknown>
 vsra.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vsra.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a64fb457 <unknown>
 vnsrl.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnsrl.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xb0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a b0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b04a0457 <unknown>
 vnsrl.wv v4, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnsrl.wv v4, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x02,0x4a,0xb0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 02 4a b0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b04a0257 <unknown>
 vnsrl.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vnsrl.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xb2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a b2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b24a0457 <unknown>
 vnsrl.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnsrl.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xb0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 b0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b0454457 <unknown>
 vnsrl.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vnsrl.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xb2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 b2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b2454457 <unknown>
 vnsrl.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnsrl.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xb0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f b0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b04fb457 <unknown>
 vnsrl.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vnsrl.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xb2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f b2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b24fb457 <unknown>
 vnsra.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnsra.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xb4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a b4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b44a0457 <unknown>
 vnsra.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vnsra.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xb6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a b6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b64a0457 <unknown>
 vnsra.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnsra.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xb4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 b4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b4454457 <unknown>
 vnsra.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vnsra.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xb6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 b6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b6454457 <unknown>
 vnsra.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnsra.wi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xb4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f b4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b44fb457 <unknown>
 vnsra.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vnsra.wi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xb6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f b6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b64fb457 <unknown>
 vssrl.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssrl.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a84a0457 <unknown>
 vssrl.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vssrl.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aa4a0457 <unknown>
 vssrl.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssrl.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8454457 <unknown>
 vssrl.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vssrl.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aa454457 <unknown>
 vssrl.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssrl.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a84fb457 <unknown>
 vssrl.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vssrl.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aa4fb457 <unknown>
 vssra.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssra.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac4a0457 <unknown>
 vssra.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vssra.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae4a0457 <unknown>
 vssra.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssra.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac454457 <unknown>
 vssra.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vssra.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae454457 <unknown>
 vssra.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssra.vi v8, v4, 31, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac4fb457 <unknown>
 vssra.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vssra.vi v8, v4, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae4fb457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sign-injection.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sign-injection.s
index 96d37c42d208cf..23e9be868a4286 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sign-injection.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sign-injection.s
@@ -15,70 +15,70 @@ vfsgnj.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnj.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 204a1457 <unknown>
 vfsgnj.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnj.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 224a1457 <unknown>
 vfsgnj.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnj.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20455457 <unknown>
 vfsgnj.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnj.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22455457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjn.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjn.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 244a1457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjn.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjn.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 264a1457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjn.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjn.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24455457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjn.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjn.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26455457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjx.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjx.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 284a1457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjx.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjx.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2a4a1457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjx.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjx.vf v8, v4, fa0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28455457 <unknown>
 vfsgnjx.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-INST: vfsgnjx.vf v8, v4, fa0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V'{{.*}}'Zve32f' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2a455457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/snippet.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/snippet.s
index c032e468deded9..c3e57e193f8457 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/snippet.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/snippet.s
@@ -6,27 +6,27 @@
     vsetvli a3, a0, e16,m4,ta,ma  # vtype = 16-bit integer vectors
-# CHECK-INST: d7 76 a5 0c    vsetvli a3, a0, e16, m4, ta, ma
+# CHECK-INST: 0ca576d7 vsetvli a3, a0, e16, m4, ta, ma
     vle16.v v4, (a1)              # Get 16b vector
-# CHECK-INST: 07 d2 05 02    vle16.v   v4, (a1)
+# CHECK-INST: 0205d207 vle16.v v4, (a1)
     slli t1, a3, 1                # Multiply length by two bytes/element
-# CHECK-INST: 13 93 16 00    slli    t1, a3, 0x1
+# CHECK-INST: 00169313 slli t1, a3, 0x1
     add a1, a1, t1                # Bump pointer
-# CHECK-INST: b3 85 65 00    add     a1, a1, t1
+# CHECK-INST: 006585b3 add a1, a1, t1
     vwmul.vx v8, v4, x10          # 32b in <v8--v15>
-# CHECK-INST: 57 64 45 ee    vwmul.vx        v8, v4, a0
+# CHECK-INST: ee456457 vwmul.vx v8, v4, a0
     vsetvli x0, a0, e32,m8,ta,ma  # Operate on 32b values
-# CHECK-INST: 57 70 35 0d    vsetvli zero, a0, e32, m8, ta, ma
+# CHECK-INST: 0d357057 vsetvli zero, a0, e32, m8, ta, ma
     vsrl.vi v8, v8, 3
-# CHECK-INST: 57 b4 81 a2    vsrl.vi v8, v8, 0x3
+# CHECK-INST: a281b457 vsrl.vi v8, v8, 0x3
     vse32.v v8, (a2)              # Store vector of 32b
-# CHECK-INST: 27 64 06 02    vse32.v   v8, (a2)
+# CHECK-INST: 02066427 vse32.v v8, (a2)
     slli t1, a3, 2                # Multiply length by four bytes/element
-# CHECK-INST: 13 93 26 00    slli    t1, a3, 0x2
+# CHECK-INST: 00269313 slli t1, a3, 0x2
     add a2, a2, t1                # Bump pointer
-# CHECK-INST: 33 06 66 00    add     a2, a2, t1
+# CHECK-INST: 00660633 add a2, a2, t1
     sub a0, a0, a3                # Decrement count
-# CHECK-INST: 33 05 d5 40    sub     a0, a0, a3
+# CHECK-INST: 40d50533 sub a0, a0, a3
     bnez a0, loop                 # Any more?
-# CHECK-INST: e3 1a 05 fc    bnez    a0, 0x0
+# CHECK-INST: fc051ae3 bnez a0, 0x0
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/store.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/store.s
index a38f19f266fa9f..c6a34705fa4a63 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/store.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/store.s
@@ -12,250 +12,250 @@ vsm.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsm.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02b50c27 <unknown>
 vse8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vse8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00050c27 <unknown>
 vse8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vse8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02050c27 <unknown>
 vse16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vse16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00055c27 <unknown>
 vse16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vse16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02055c27 <unknown>
 vse32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vse32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00056c27 <unknown>
 vse32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vse32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02056c27 <unknown>
 vse64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vse64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00057c27 <unknown>
 vse64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vse64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02057c27 <unknown>
 vsse8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsse8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b50c27 <unknown>
 vsse8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vsse8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab50c27 <unknown>
 vsse16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsse16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b55c27 <unknown>
 vsse16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vsse16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab55c27 <unknown>
 vsse32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsse32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b56c27 <unknown>
 vsse32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vsse32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab56c27 <unknown>
 vsse64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsse64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b57c27 <unknown>
 vsse64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vsse64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x06]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 06 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 06457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e457c27 <unknown>
 vs1r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vs1r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x85,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 85 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02850c27 <unknown>
 vs2r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vs2r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x85,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 85 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22850c27 <unknown>
 vs4r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vs4r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x85,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 85 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62850c27 <unknown>
 vs8r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vs8r.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x85,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 85 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2850c27 <unknown>
 vsm.v v24, 0(a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsm.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x02]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 02 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 02b50c27 <unknown>
 vse8.v v24, 0(a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vse8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00050c27 <unknown>
 vsse16.v v24, 0(a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsse16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08b55c27 <unknown>
 vsuxei8.v v24, 0(a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 04 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxei32.v v24, 0(a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c456c27 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sub.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sub.s
index 3cc75ae730e7ee..6a637d9207eebe 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sub.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/sub.s
@@ -12,298 +12,298 @@ vsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 084a0457 <unknown>
 vsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0a4a0457 <unknown>
 vsub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x08]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 08 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 08454457 <unknown>
 vsub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vsub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x0a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 0a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0a454457 <unknown>
 vrsub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrsub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c454457 <unknown>
 vrsub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vrsub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e454457 <unknown>
 vrsub.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrsub.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0c47b457 <unknown>
 vrsub.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vrsub.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0e47b457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c84a2457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ca4a2457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8456457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ca456457 <unknown>
 vwsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc4a2457 <unknown>
 vwsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce4a2457 <unknown>
 vwsub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc456457 <unknown>
 vwsub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce456457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xd8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a d8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d84a2457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xda]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a da <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: da4a2457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xd8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 d8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d8456457 <unknown>
 vwsubu.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwsubu.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xda]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 da <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: da456457 <unknown>
 vwsub.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.wv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xdc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a dc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: dc4a2457 <unknown>
 vwsub.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.wv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0xde]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a de <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: de4a2457 <unknown>
 vwsub.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.wx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xdc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 dc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: dc456457 <unknown>
 vwsub.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vwsub.wx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0xde]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 de <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: de456457 <unknown>
 vsbc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vsbc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 484a0457 <unknown>
 vsbc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vsbc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x02,0x4a,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 02 4a 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 484a0257 <unknown>
 vsbc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vsbc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x44,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 44 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48440457 <unknown>
 vsbc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vsbc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48454457 <unknown>
 vmsbc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbc.vvm v8, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c4a0457 <unknown>
 vmsbc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbc.vvm v4, v4, v20, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x02,0x4a,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 02 4a 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c4a0257 <unknown>
 vmsbc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x44,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 44 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c440457 <unknown>
 vmsbc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbc.vxm v8, v4, a0, v0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c454457 <unknown>
 vmsbc.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbc.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e4a0457 <unknown>
 vmsbc.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vmsbc.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e454457 <unknown>
 vssubu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssubu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 884a0457 <unknown>
 vssubu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vssubu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a4a0457 <unknown>
 vssubu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssubu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88454457 <unknown>
 vssubu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vssubu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a454457 <unknown>
 vssub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c4a0457 <unknown>
 vssub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vssub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e4a0457 <unknown>
 vssub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c454457 <unknown>
 vssub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vssub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e454457 <unknown>
 vasub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vasub.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c4a2457 <unknown>
 vasub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vasub.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e4a2457 <unknown>
 vasub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vasub.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c456457 <unknown>
 vasub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vasub.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e456457 <unknown>
 vasubu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vasubu.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 284a2457 <unknown>
 vasubu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vasubu.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x24,0x4a,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 24 4a 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2a4a2457 <unknown>
 vasubu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vasubu.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28456457 <unknown>
 vasubu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vasubu.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x64,0x45,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 64 45 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2a456457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/vsetvl.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/vsetvl.s
index 69a48d24f19078..c9197d8917a472 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/vsetvl.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/vsetvl.s
@@ -13,149 +13,149 @@ vsetvli a2, a0, 0x224
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, 548
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x45,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 45 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22457657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, 0xd0
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, 0xd1
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m2, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x15,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 15 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d157657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, 0x50
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, ta, mu
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x05]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 05 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 05057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, 0x90
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, tu, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x09]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 09 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 09057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, 144
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, tu, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x09]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 09 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 09057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32,  m1,  ta,  ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m2, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m2, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x15,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 15 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d157657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m4, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m4, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x25,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 25 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d257657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m8, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m8, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x35,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 35 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d357657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, mf2, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, mf2, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x75,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 75 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d757657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, mf4, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, mf4, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x65,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 65 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d657657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, mf8, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, mf8, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x55,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 55 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d557657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x0d]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 0d <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0d057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, tu, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, tu, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x09]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 09 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 09057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, ta, mu
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, ta, mu
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x05]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 05 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 05057657 <unknown>
 vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1, tu, mu
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvli a2, a0, e32, m1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x05,0x01]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 05 01 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 01057657 <unknown>
 vsetvl a2, a0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: vsetvl a2, a0, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0xb5,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 b5 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80b57657 <unknown>
 # reserved filed: vlmul[2:0]=4, vsew[2:0]=0b1xx, non-zero bits 8/9/10.
 vsetivli a2, 0, 0x224
 # CHECK-INST: vsetivli a2, 0, 548
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x40,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 40 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2407657 <unknown>
 vsetivli a2, 0, 0xd0
 # CHECK-INST: vsetivli a2, 0, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x00,0xcd]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 00 cd <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cd007657 <unknown>
 vsetivli a2, 15, 0xd0
 # CHECK-INST: vsetivli a2, 15, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xf6,0x07,0xcd]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 f6 07 cd <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cd07f657 <unknown>
 vsetivli a2, 15, 208
 # CHECK-INST: vsetivli a2, 15, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xf6,0x07,0xcd]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 f6 07 cd <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cd07f657 <unknown>
 vsetivli a2, 0, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetivli a2, 0, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x76,0x00,0xcd]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 76 00 cd <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cd007657 <unknown>
 vsetivli a2, 15, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetivli a2, 15, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xf6,0x07,0xcd]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 f6 07 cd <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cd07f657 <unknown>
 vsetivli a2, 31, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-INST: vsetivli a2, 31, e32, m1, ta, ma
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xf6,0x0f,0xcd]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 f6 0f cd <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cd0ff657 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xor.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xor.s
index 5ea0f694e0d640..572388ed2267a0 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xor.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xor.s
@@ -12,46 +12,46 @@ vxor.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vxor.vv v8, v4, v20, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c4a0457 <unknown>
 vxor.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: vxor.vv v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x04,0x4a,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 04 4a 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e4a0457 <unknown>
 vxor.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vxor.vx v8, v4, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c454457 <unknown>
 vxor.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vxor.vx v8, v4, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x44,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 44 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e454457 <unknown>
 vxor.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vxor.vi v8, v4, 15, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c47b457 <unknown>
 vxor.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-INST: vxor.vi v8, v4, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x47,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 47 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e47b457 <unknown>
 vnot.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vnot.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c4fb457 <unknown>
 vnot.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vnot.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb4,0x4f,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b4 4f 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e4fb457 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvcp.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvcp.s
index a137311f575a56..4298bf7a7b7ae2 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvcp.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvcp.s
@@ -21,166 +21,166 @@ sf.vc.x 0x3, 0xf, 0x1f, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.x 3, 15, 31, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xdb,0xcf,0xf5,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: db cf f5 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ef5cfdb <unknown>
 sf.vc.i 0x3, 0xf, 0x1f, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.i 3, 15, 31, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xdb,0xbf,0xf7,0x0e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: db bf f7 0e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0ef7bfdb <unknown>
 sf.vc.vv 0x3, 0x1f, v2, v1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.vv 3, 31, v2, v1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xdb,0x8f,0x20,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: db 8f 20 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e208fdb <unknown>
 sf.vc.xv 0x3, 0x1f, v2, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.xv 3, 31, v2, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xdb,0xcf,0x25,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: db cf 25 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e25cfdb <unknown>
 sf.vc.iv 0x3, 0x1f, v2, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.iv 3, 31, v2, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xdb,0xbf,0x27,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: db bf 27 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e27bfdb <unknown>
 sf.vc.fv 0x1, 0x1f, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.fv 1, 31, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xdb,0xdf,0x25,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: db df 25 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e25dfdb <unknown>
 sf.vc.vvv 0x3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.vvv 3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x80,0x20,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 80 20 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae20805b <unknown>
 sf.vc.xvv 0x3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.xvv 3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xc0,0x25,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b c0 25 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae25c05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.ivv 0x3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.ivv 3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xb0,0x27,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b b0 27 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae27b05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.fvv 0x1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.fvv 1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xd0,0x25,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b d0 25 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae25d05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.vvw 0x3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.vvw 3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x80,0x20,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 80 20 fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe20805b <unknown>
 sf.vc.xvw 0x3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.xvw 3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xc0,0x25,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b c0 25 fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe25c05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.ivw 0x3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.ivw 3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xb0,0x27,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b b0 27 fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe27b05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.fvw 0x1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.fvw 1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xd0,0x25,0xfe]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b d0 25 fe <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fe25d05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.x 0x3, 0xf, v0, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.x 3, 15, v0, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xc0,0xf5,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b c0 f5 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0cf5c05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.i 0x3, 0xf, v0, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.i 3, 15, v0, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xb0,0xf7,0x0c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b b0 f7 0c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 0cf7b05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.vv 0x3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.vv 3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x80,0x20,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 80 20 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c20805b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.xv 0x3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.xv 3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xc0,0x25,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b c0 25 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c25c05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.iv 0x3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.iv 3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xb0,0x27,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b b0 27 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c27b05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.fv 0x1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.fv 1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xd0,0x25,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b d0 25 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c25d05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.vvv 0x3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.vvv 3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x80,0x20,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 80 20 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac20805b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.xvv 0x3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.xvv 3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xc0,0x25,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b c0 25 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac25c05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.ivv 0x3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.ivv 3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xb0,0x27,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b b0 27 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac27b05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.fvv 0x1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.fvv 1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xd0,0x25,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b d0 25 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac25d05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.vvw 0x3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.vvw 3, v0, v2, v1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x80,0x20,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 80 20 fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc20805b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.xvw 0x3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.xvw 3, v0, v2, a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xc0,0x25,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b c0 25 fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc25c05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.ivw 0x3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.ivw 3, v0, v2, 15
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xb0,0x27,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b b0 27 fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc27b05b <unknown>
 sf.vc.v.fvw 0x1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vc.v.fvw 1, v0, v2, fa1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0xd0,0x25,0xfc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvcp' (SiFive Custom Vector Coprocessor Interface Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b d0 25 fc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fc25d05b <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfnrclip.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfnrclip.s
index d8b184659ac4a7..7508d44bc916b6 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfnrclip.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfnrclip.s
@@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ sf.vfnrclip.xu.f.qf v4, v8, fa2
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vfnrclip.xu.f.qf v4, v8, fa2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x52,0x86,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvfnrclipxfqf' (SiFive FP32-to-int8 Ranged Clip Instructions)
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 52 86 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a86525b <unknown>
 sf.vfnrclip.xu.f.qf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vfnrclip.xu.f.qf v4, v8, fa2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x52,0x86,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvfnrclipxfqf' (SiFive FP32-to-int8 Ranged Clip Instructions)
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 52 86 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8886525b <unknown>
 sf.vfnrclip.x.f.qf v4, v8, fa2
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vfnrclip.x.f.qf v4, v8, fa2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x52,0x86,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvfnrclipxfqf' (SiFive FP32-to-int8 Ranged Clip Instructions)
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 52 86 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e86525b <unknown>
 sf.vfnrclip.x.f.qf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vfnrclip.x.f.qf v4, v8, fa2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x52,0x86,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvfnrclipxfqf' (SiFive FP32-to-int8 Ranged Clip Instructions)
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 52 86 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c86525b <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfwmacc.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfwmacc.s
index ba054fff2bd87e..a9843c350fc805 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfwmacc.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvfwmacc.s
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ sf.vfwmacc.4x4x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vfwmacc.4x4x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x14,0x42,0xf3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvfwmaccqqq' (SiFive Matrix Multiply Accumulate Instruction and 4-by-4))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 14 42 f3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f342145b <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvqmacc.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvqmacc.s
index ba19f218448699..81703c847d74e2 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvqmacc.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/xsfvqmacc.s
@@ -12,46 +12,46 @@ sf.vqmaccu.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmaccu.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xb3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccdod' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (2-by-8 and 8-by-2))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 b3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b342245b <unknown>
 sf.vqmacc.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmacc.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xb7]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccdod' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (2-by-8 and 8-by-2))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 b7 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b742245b <unknown>
 sf.vqmaccus.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmaccus.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xbb]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccdod' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (2-by-8 and 8-by-2))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 bb <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bb42245b <unknown>
 sf.vqmaccsu.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmaccsu.2x8x2 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xbf]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccdod' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (2-by-8 and 8-by-2))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 bf <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: bf42245b <unknown>
 sf.vqmaccu.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmaccu.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xf3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccqoq' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (4-by-8 and 8-by-4))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 f3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f342245b <unknown>
 sf.vqmacc.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmacc.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xf7]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccqoq' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (4-by-8 and 8-by-4))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 f7 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f742245b <unknown>
 sf.vqmaccus.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmaccus.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xfb]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccqoq' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (4-by-8 and 8-by-4))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 fb <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: fb42245b <unknown>
 sf.vqmaccsu.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-INST: sf.vqmaccsu.4x8x4 v8, v4, v20
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x5b,0x24,0x42,0xff]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'XSfvqmaccqoq' (SiFive Int8 Matrix Multiplication Instructions (4-by-8 and 8-by-4))
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5b 24 42 ff <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ff42245b <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbb.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbb.s
index 04e5ad6e03f718..d9d1f6f42d3255 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbb.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbb.s
@@ -12,40 +12,40 @@ vbrev.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vbrev.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x25,0x95,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbb' (Vector basic bit-manipulation instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 25 95 48   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48952557 <unknown>
 vclz.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vclz.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x25,0x96,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbb' (Vector basic bit-manipulation instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 25 96 48   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48962557 <unknown>
 vcpop.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vcpop.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x25,0x97,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbb' (Vector basic bit-manipulation instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 25 97 48   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48972557 <unknown>
 vctz.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vctz.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa5,0x96,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbb' (Vector basic bit-manipulation instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a5 96 48   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4896a557 <unknown>
 vwsll.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsll.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x05,0x94,0xd4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbb' (Vector basic bit-manipulation instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 05 94 d4   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d4940557 <unknown>
 vwsll.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsll.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x45,0x95,0xd4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbb' (Vector basic bit-manipulation instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 45 95 d4   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d4954557 <unknown>
 vwsll.vi v10, v9, 29, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vwsll.vi v10, v9, 29, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb5,0x9e,0xd4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbb' (Vector basic bit-manipulation instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b5 9e d4   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d49eb557 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbc.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbc.s
index b32349a2db1335..0eb02d153b79b6 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbc.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvbc.s
@@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ vclmul.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-INST: vclmul.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x25,0x94,0x32]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbc' (Vector Carryless Multiplication){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 25 94 32   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 32942557 <unknown>
 vclmul.vx v10, v9, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vclmul.vx v10, v9, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x65,0x95,0x32]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbc' (Vector Carryless Multiplication){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 65 95 32   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 32956557 <unknown>
 vclmulh.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-INST: vclmulh.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x25,0x94,0x36]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbc' (Vector Carryless Multiplication){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 25 94 36   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 36942557 <unknown>
 vclmulh.vx v10, v9, a0
 # CHECK-INST: vclmulh.vx v10, v9, a0
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x65,0x95,0x36]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvbc' (Vector Carryless Multiplication){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 65 95 36   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 36956557 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfmin.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfmin.s
index 1cbe027ef26cc2..7965c2482b0027 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfmin.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfmin.s
@@ -20,23 +20,23 @@
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvtbf16.f.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x4e,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfmin' (Vector BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 4e 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 484e9457 <unknown>
 vfncvtbf16.f.f.w v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfncvtbf16.f.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x4e,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfmin' (Vector BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 4e 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a4e9457 <unknown>
 vfncvtbf16.f.f.w v8, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x46,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfmin' (Vector BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 46 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48469457 <unknown>
 vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v v8, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v v8, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x94,0x46,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfmin' (Vector BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 94 46 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4a469457 <unknown>
 vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v v8, v4
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfwma.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfwma.s
index 5a30d9f19ab62d..330dee58d83609 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfwma.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvfbfwma.s
@@ -20,25 +20,25 @@
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmaccbf16.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfwma' (Vector BF16 widening mul-add){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmaccbf16.vv v8, v20, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmaccbf16.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x14,0x4a,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfwma' (Vector BF16 widening mul-add){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 14 4a ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee4a1457 <unknown>
 vfwmaccbf16.vv v8, v20, v4
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmaccbf16.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfwma' (Vector BF16 widening mul-add){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec455457 <unknown>
 vfwmaccbf16.vf v8, fa0, v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vfwmaccbf16.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x54,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvfbfwma' (Vector BF16 widening mul-add){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 54 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee455457 <unknown>
 vfwmaccbf16.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # Check scalar half FP load/store/move included in this extension.
@@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ vfwmaccbf16.vf v8, fa0, v4
 # CHECK-INST: flh ft0, 12(a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x10,0xc5,0x00]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zfh' (Half-Precision Floating-Point) or 'Zfhmin' (Half-Precision Floating-Point Minimal) or 'Zfbfmin' (Scalar BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 10 c5 00 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 00c51007 <unknown>
 flh f0, 12(a0)
 # CHECK-INST: fsh ft6, 2047(s4)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xa7,0x1f,0x6a,0x7e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zfh' (Half-Precision Floating-Point) or 'Zfhmin' (Half-Precision Floating-Point Minimal) or 'Zfbfmin' (Scalar BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a7 1f 6a 7e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 7e6a1fa7 <unknown>
 fsh f6, 2047(s4)
 # CHECK-INST: fmv.x.h a2, fs7
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x53,0x86,0x0b,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zfh' (Half-Precision Floating-Point) or 'Zfhmin' (Half-Precision Floating-Point Minimal) or 'Zfbfmin' (Scalar BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 53 86 0b e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e40b8653 <unknown>
 fmv.x.h a2, fs7
 # CHECK-INST: fmv.h.x ft1, a6
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0xd3,0x00,0x08,0xf4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zfh' (Half-Precision Floating-Point) or 'Zfhmin' (Half-Precision Floating-Point Minimal) or 'Zfbfmin' (Scalar BF16 Converts){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: d3 00 08 f4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: f40800d3 <unknown>
 fmv.h.x ft1, a6
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkb.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkb.s
index ae2dec18d33ca5..1833ba860c900a 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkb.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkb.s
@@ -12,52 +12,52 @@ vandn.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vandn.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x05,0x94,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 05 94 04   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04940557 <unknown>
 vandn.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vandn.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x45,0x95,0x04]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 45 95 04   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 04954557 <unknown>
 vbrev8.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vbrev8.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x25,0x94,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 25 94 48   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48942557 <unknown>
 vrev8.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrev8.v v10, v9, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xa5,0x94,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 a5 94 48   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4894a557 <unknown>
 vrol.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrol.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x05,0x94,0x54]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 05 94 54   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 54940557 <unknown>
 vrol.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vrol.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x45,0x95,0x54]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 45 95 54   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 54954557 <unknown>
 vror.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vror.vv v10, v9, v8, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x05,0x94,0x50]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 05 94 50   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 50940557 <unknown>
 vror.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vror.vx v10, v9, a0, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0x45,0x95,0x50]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 45 95 50   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 50954557 <unknown>
 vror.vi v10, v9, 33, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vror.vi v10, v9, 33, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x57,0xb5,0x90,0x54]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkb' (Vector Bit-manipulation used in Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 57 b5 90 54   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 5490b557 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkg.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkg.s
index f2016bc116b656..48b84659e0aedf 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkg.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkg.s
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ vghsh.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-INST: vghsh.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x94,0xb2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkg' (Vector GCM instructions for Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 94 b2   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b2942577 <unknown>
 vgmul.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vgmul.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x98,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkg' (Vector GCM instructions for Cryptography){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 98 a2   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a298a577 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkned.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkned.s
index e51a9cc562f126..bee3d74ee88dcb 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkned.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvkned.s
@@ -12,76 +12,76 @@ vaesdf.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesdf.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x90,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 90 a2   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a290a577 <unknown>
 vaesdf.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesdf.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x90,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 90 a6   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a690a577 <unknown>
 vaesef.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesef.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x91,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 91 a2   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a291a577 <unknown>
 vaesef.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesef.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x91,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 91 a6   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a691a577 <unknown>
 vaesdm.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesdm.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x90,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 90 a2   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2902577 <unknown>
 vaesdm.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesdm.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x90,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 90 a6   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6902577 <unknown>
 vaesem.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesem.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x91,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 91 a2   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2912577 <unknown>
 vaesem.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesem.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x91,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 91 a6   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6912577 <unknown>
 vaeskf1.vi v10, v9, 1
 # CHECK-INST: vaeskf1.vi v10, v9, 1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x90,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 90 8a   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a90a577 <unknown>
 vaeskf1.vi v10, v9, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vaeskf1.vi v10, v9, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x9f,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 9f 8a   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8a9fa577 <unknown>
 vaeskf2.vi v10, v9, 2
 # CHECK-INST: vaeskf2.vi v10, v9, 2
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x91,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 91 aa   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aa912577 <unknown>
 vaeskf2.vi v10, v9, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vaeskf2.vi v10, v9, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x9f,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 9f aa   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aa9fa577 <unknown>
 vaesz.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vaesz.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x93,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvkned' (Vector AES Encryption & Decryption (Single Round)){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 93 a6   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a693a577 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvknh.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvknh.s
index aa8033a5f2170f..b16b9081f7e635 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvknh.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvknh.s
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
 vsha2ms.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-INST: vsha2ms.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x94,0xb6]
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 94 b6   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: b6942577 <unknown>
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvknha' or 'Zvknhb' (Vector SHA-2){{$}}
 vsha2ch.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-INST: vsha2ch.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x94,0xba]
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 94 ba   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ba942577 <unknown>
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvknha' or 'Zvknhb' (Vector SHA-2){{$}}
 vsha2cl.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-INST: vsha2cl.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x94,0xbe]
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 94 be   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: be942577 <unknown>
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvknha' or 'Zvknhb' (Vector SHA-2){{$}}
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksed.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksed.s
index 87c9713f8c653d..f7a0949272ffaa 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksed.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksed.s
@@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ vsm4k.vi v10, v9, 7
 # CHECK-INST: vsm4k.vi v10, v9, 7
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x93,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvksed' (SM4 Block Cipher Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 93 86   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8693a577 <unknown>
 vsm4k.vi v10, v9, 31
 # CHECK-INST: vsm4k.vi v10, v9, 31
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x9f,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvksed' (SM4 Block Cipher Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 9f 86   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 869fa577 <unknown>
 vsm4r.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vsm4r.vv v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x98,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvksed' (SM4 Block Cipher Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 98 a2   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2982577 <unknown>
 vsm4r.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-INST: vsm4r.vs v10, v9
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x98,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvksed' (SM4 Block Cipher Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 98 a6   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6982577 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksh.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksh.s
index 06251ff6efe5c9..ef1c654b4605fb 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksh.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvksh.s
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ vsm3c.vi v10, v9, 7
 # CHECK-INST: vsm3c.vi v10, v9, 7
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0xa5,0x93,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvksh' (SM3 Hash Function Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 a5 93 ae   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae93a577 <unknown>
 vsm3me.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-INST: vsm3me.vv v10, v9, v8
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x94,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvksh' (SM3 Hash Function Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 94 82   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82942577 <unknown>
 # vs1 is allowed to overlap, but not vs2.
 vsm3me.vv v10, v9, v10
 # CHECK-INST: vsm3me.vv v10, v9, v10
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x77,0x25,0x95,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'Zvksh' (SM3 Hash Function Instructions){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 77 25 95 82   <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82952577 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvlsseg.s b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvlsseg.s
index 9a83ea9f8721f1..65089e2261be2d 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvlsseg.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/RISCV/rvv/zvlsseg.s
@@ -13,3076 +13,3076 @@ vlseg2e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20050407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22050407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20055407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22055407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20056407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22056407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20057407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22057407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x21]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 21 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 21050407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x23]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 23 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 23050407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x21]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 21 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 21055407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x23]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 23 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 23055407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x21]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 21 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 21056407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x23]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 23 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 23056407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x21]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 21 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 21057407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x23]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 23 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 23057407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b57407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab57407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24457407 <unknown>
 vluxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg2ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e457407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40050407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42050407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40055407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42055407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40056407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42056407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40057407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42057407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x41]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 41 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 41050407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x43]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 43 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 43050407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x41]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 41 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 41055407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x43]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 43 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 43055407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x41]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 41 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 41056407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x43]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 43 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 43056407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x41]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 41 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 41057407 <unknown>
 vlseg3e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg3e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x43]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 43 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 43057407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b57407 <unknown>
 vlsseg3e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg3e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab57407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44457407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg3ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e457407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60050407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62050407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60055407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62055407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60056407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62056407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60057407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62057407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x61]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 61 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 61050407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x63]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 63 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 63050407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x61]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 61 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 61055407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x63]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 63 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 63055407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x61]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 61 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 61056407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x63]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 63 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 63056407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x61]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 61 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 61057407 <unknown>
 vlseg4e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg4e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x63]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 63 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 63057407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b57407 <unknown>
 vlsseg4e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg4e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab57407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64457407 <unknown>
 vluxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e457407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80050407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82050407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80055407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82055407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80056407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82056407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80057407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82057407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x81]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 81 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 81050407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x83]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 83 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 83050407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x81]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 81 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 81055407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x83]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 83 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 83055407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x81]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 81 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 81056407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0x83]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 83 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 83056407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x81]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 81 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 81057407 <unknown>
 vlseg5e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg5e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0x83]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 83 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 83057407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b57407 <unknown>
 vlsseg5e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg5e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab57407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84457407 <unknown>
 vluxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg5ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e457407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0050407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2050407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0055407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2055407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0056407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2056407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0057407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2057407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xa1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 a1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a1050407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xa3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 a3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a3050407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xa1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 a1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a1055407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xa3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 a3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a3055407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xa1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 a1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a1056407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xa3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 a3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a3056407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xa1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 a1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a1057407 <unknown>
 vlseg6e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg6e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xa3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 a3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a3057407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b57407 <unknown>
 vlsseg6e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg6e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab57407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4457407 <unknown>
 vluxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg6ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae457407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0050407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2050407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0055407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2055407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0056407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2056407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0057407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2057407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xc1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 c1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c1050407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xc3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 c3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c3050407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xc1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 c1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c1055407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xc3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 c3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c3055407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xc1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 c1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c1056407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xc3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 c3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c3056407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xc1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 c1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c1057407 <unknown>
 vlseg7e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg7e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xc3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 c3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c3057407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b57407 <unknown>
 vlsseg7e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg7e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab57407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4457407 <unknown>
 vluxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg7ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce457407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0050407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e8.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2050407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e16.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0055407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e16.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2055407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e32.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0056407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e32.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2056407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e64.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0057407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e64.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2057407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e8ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xe1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 e1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e1050407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e8ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0xe3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 e3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e3050407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e16ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xe1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 e1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e1055407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0xe3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 e3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e3055407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e32ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xe1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 e1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e1056407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e32ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x05,0xe3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 05 e3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e3056407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e64ff.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xe1]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 e1 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e1057407 <unknown>
 vlseg8e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg8e64ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x05,0xe3]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 05 e3 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e3057407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e8.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab50407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e16.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e16.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab55407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e32.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e32.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab56407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e64.v v8, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b57407 <unknown>
 vlsseg8e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg8e64.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab57407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6450407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6455407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6456407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4457407 <unknown>
 vluxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei8.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee450407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei32.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x64,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 64 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee456407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec457407 <unknown>
 vloxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg8ei64.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee457407 <unknown>
 vsseg2e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg2e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg2e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg2e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg2e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg2e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg2e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20057c27 <unknown>
 vsseg2e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg2e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x22]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 22 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 22057c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b57c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x24]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 24 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 24457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x26]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 26 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 26457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x2c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 2c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2c457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg2ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x2e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 2e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2e457c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x40]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 40 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 40057c27 <unknown>
 vsseg3e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg3e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x42]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 42 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 42057c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x48]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 48 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 48b57c27 <unknown>
 vssseg3e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg3e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x4a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 4a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4ab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x44]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 44 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 44457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x4c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 4c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4c457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg3ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x4e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 4e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 4e457c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x60]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 60 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 60057c27 <unknown>
 vsseg4e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg4e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x62]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 62 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 62057c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x68]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 68 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 68b57c27 <unknown>
 vssseg4e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg4e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x6a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 6a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6ab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x64]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 64 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 64457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x66]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 66 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 66457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg4ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x6e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 6e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6e457c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80057c27 <unknown>
 vsseg5e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0x82]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 82 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 82057c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x88]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 88 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 88b57c27 <unknown>
 vssseg5e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg5e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0x8a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 8a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8ab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x84]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 84 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 84457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x86]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 86 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 86457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x8c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 8c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8c457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg5ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0x8e]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 8e <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 8e457c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0xa0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 a0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a0057c27 <unknown>
 vsseg6e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg6e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0xa2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 a2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a2057c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0xa8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 a8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a8b57c27 <unknown>
 vssseg6e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg6e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0xaa]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 aa <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: aab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xa6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 a6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a6457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xac]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 ac <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ac457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg6ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xae]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 ae <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ae457c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0xc0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 c0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c0057c27 <unknown>
 vsseg7e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg7e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0xc2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 c2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c2057c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0xc8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 c8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c8b57c27 <unknown>
 vssseg7e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg7e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0xca]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 ca <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xc4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 c4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c4457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xc6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 c6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: c6457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xcc]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 cc <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: cc457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce457c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e8.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e8.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2050c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e16.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e16.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2055c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e32.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2056c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e64.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0xe0]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 e0 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e0057c27 <unknown>
 vsseg8e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg8e64.v v24, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x05,0xe2]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 05 e2 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e2057c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e8.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab50c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e16.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e16.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab55c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e32.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e32.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab56c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e64.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0xe8]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 e8 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e8b57c27 <unknown>
 vssseg8e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg8e64.v v24, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0xb5,0xea]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c b5 ea <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: eab57c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6450c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6456c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xe4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 e4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e4457c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xe6]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 e6 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: e6457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei8.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee450c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee455c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei32.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee456c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xec]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 ec <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ec457c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg8ei64.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x7c,0x45,0xee]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 7c 45 ee <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ee457c27 <unknown>
 vlseg2e8.v v8, 0(a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e8.v v8, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0x05,0x20]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 05 20 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 20050407 <unknown>
 vlseg2e16ff.v v8, 0(a0)
 # CHECK-INST: vlseg2e16ff.v v8, (a0)
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x05,0x23]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 05 23 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 23055407 <unknown>
 vlsseg2e8.v v8, 0(a0), a1
 # CHECK-INST: vlsseg2e8.v v8, (a0), a1
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x04,0xb5,0x2a]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 04 b5 2a <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 2ab50407 <unknown>
 vluxseg3ei16.v v8, 0(a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vluxseg3ei16.v v8, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x54,0x45,0x46]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 54 45 46 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 46455407 <unknown>
 vloxseg4ei64.v v8, 0(a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vloxseg4ei64.v v8, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x07,0x74,0x45,0x6c]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors) or 'Zve64x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 07 74 45 6c <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 6c457407 <unknown>
 vsseg5e32.v v24, 0(a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsseg5e32.v v24, (a0), v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x05,0x80]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 05 80 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 80056c27 <unknown>
 vssseg2e8.v v24, 0(a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vssseg2e8.v v24, (a0), a1, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x0c,0xb5,0x28]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 0c b5 28 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 28b50c27 <unknown>
 vsoxseg7ei16.v v24, 0(a0), v4
 # CHECK-INST: vsoxseg7ei16.v v24, (a0), v4
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x5c,0x45,0xce]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 5c 45 ce <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: ce455c27 <unknown>
 vsuxseg6ei32.v v24, 0(a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-INST: vsuxseg6ei32.v v24, (a0), v4, v0.t
 # CHECK-ENCODING: [0x27,0x6c,0x45,0xa4]
 # CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires the following: 'V' (Vector Extension for Application Processors), 'Zve32x' (Vector Extensions for Embedded Processors){{$}}
-# CHECK-UNKNOWN: 27 6c 45 a4 <unknown>
+# CHECK-UNKNOWN: a4456c27 <unknown>
diff --git a/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp b/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp
index 339822e4adcd05..787b63f77963ae 100644
--- a/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp
+++ b/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp
@@ -947,6 +947,53 @@ class AArch64PrettyPrinter : public PrettyPrinter {
 AArch64PrettyPrinter AArch64PrettyPrinterInst;
+class RISCVPrettyPrinter : public PrettyPrinter {
+  void printInst(MCInstPrinter &IP, const MCInst *MI, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
+                 object::SectionedAddress Address, formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
+                 StringRef Annot, MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, SourcePrinter *SP,
+                 StringRef ObjectFilename, std::vector<RelocationRef> *Rels,
+                 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) override {
+    if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
+      SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP);
+    LVP.printBetweenInsts(OS, false);
+    size_t Start = OS.tell();
+    if (LeadingAddr)
+      OS << format("%8" PRIx64 ":", Address.Address);
+    if (ShowRawInsn) {
+      size_t Pos = 0, End = Bytes.size();
+      if (Pos + 2 == End) {
+        // Compressed instruction.
+        OS << ' '
+           << format_hex_no_prefix(
+                  llvm::support::endian::read<uint16_t>(
+                      Bytes.data() + Pos, llvm::endianness::little),
+                  4);
+      } else {
+        for (; Pos + 4 <= End; Pos += 4)
+          OS << ' '
+             << format_hex_no_prefix(
+                    llvm::support::endian::read<uint32_t>(
+                        Bytes.data() + Pos, llvm::endianness::little),
+                    8);
+        if (Pos < End) {
+          OS << ' ';
+          dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(Pos), OS);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    AlignToInstStartColumn(Start, STI, OS);
+    if (MI) {
+      IP.printInst(MI, Address.Address, "", STI, OS);
+    } else
+      OS << "\t<unknown>";
+  }
+RISCVPrettyPrinter RISCVPrettyPrinterInst;
 PrettyPrinter &selectPrettyPrinter(Triple const &Triple) {
   switch(Triple.getArch()) {
@@ -967,6 +1014,9 @@ PrettyPrinter &selectPrettyPrinter(Triple const &Triple) {
   case Triple::aarch64_be:
   case Triple::aarch64_32:
     return AArch64PrettyPrinterInst;
+  case Triple::riscv32:
+  case Triple::riscv64:
+    return RISCVPrettyPrinterInst;

>From 1750e2000f39605d754f8bf967d60019f8ec37d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Craig Topper <craig.topper at sifive.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:19:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fixup! Fix mistakes in lld test updates.

 lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s      | 16 ++++++++--------
 lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s       | 16 ++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s
index fbf7cd7083c6ba..0e81e9b4710ee5 100644
--- a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s
+++ b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-call.s
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+8 --defsym bar=_start -o %t.rv64
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32 | FileCheck %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64 | FileCheck %s
-# CHECK:      09700000     auipc   ra, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0e780800     jalr    0x8(ra)
-# CHECK:      09700000     auipc   ra, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: fe78080f     jalr    -0x8(ra)
+# CHECK:      00000097     auipc   ra, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 008080e7     jalr    0x8(ra)
+# CHECK:      00000097     auipc   ra, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: ff8080e7     jalr    -0x8(ra)
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000800 -o %t.rv32.limits
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000800 -o %t.rv64.limits
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
-# LIMITS:      79fff07f     auipc   ra, 0x7ffff
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 7ef0807f     jalr    0x7ff(ra)
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 89000070     auipc   ra, 0x80000
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 8e008070     jalr    -0x800(ra)
+# LIMITS:      7ffff097     auipc   ra, 0x7ffff
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 7ff080e7     jalr    0x7ff(ra)
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 80000097     auipc   ra, 0x80000
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 800080e7     jalr    -0x800(ra)
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff800 --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000801 -o %t
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0x7ffff800 --defsym bar=_start+8-0x80000801 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | \
diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s
index 66a9d4af82e9e8..b9786f563f2872 100644
--- a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s
+++ b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-hi20-lo12.s
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=0 --defsym bar=42 -o %t.rv64
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32 | FileCheck %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64 | FileCheck %s
-# CHECK:      03705000     lui     a0, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: 01305050     mv      a0, a0
-# CHECK-NEXT: 02320a50     sw      a0, 0x0(a0)
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0b705000     lui     a1, 0x0
-# CHECK-NEXT: 09385a52     addi    a1, a1, 0x2a
-# CHECK-NEXT: 023a5b52     sw      a1, 0x2a(a1)
+# CHECK:      00000537     lui     a0, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00050513     mv      a0, a0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00a52023     sw      a0, 0x0(a0)
+# CHECK-NEXT: 000005b7     lui     a1, 0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT: 02a58593     addi    a1, a1, 0x2a
+# CHECK-NEXT: 02b5a523     sw      a1, 0x2a(a1)
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=0x7ffff800 -o %t.rv32.limits
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=0x7ffff7ff --defsym bar=0xffffffff7ffff800 -o %t.rv64.limits
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS %s
-# LIMITS:      73fff57f     lui     a0, 0x7ffff
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 71f5053f     addi    a0, a0, 0x7ff
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 7aa52f3e     sw      a0, 0x7ff(a0)
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 8b000570     lui     a1, 0x80000
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 89058530     addi    a1, a1, -0x800
-# LIMITS-NEXT: 82b5a030     sw      a1, -0x800(a1)
+# LIMITS:      7ffff537     lui     a0, 0x7ffff
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 7ff50513     addi    a0, a0, 0x7ff
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 7ea52fa3     sw      a0, 0x7ff(a0)
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 800005b7     lui     a1, 0x80000
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 80058593     addi    a1, a1, -0x800
+# LIMITS-NEXT: 80b5a023     sw      a1, -0x800(a1)
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=0x7ffff800 --defsym bar=0xffffffff7ffff7ff -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix ERROR %s
 # ERROR: relocation R_RISCV_HI20 out of range: 524288 is not in [-524288, 524287]; references 'foo'
diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s
index ee35667815482a..2129e445470661 100644
--- a/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s
+++ b/lld/test/ELF/riscv-jal.s
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+4 --defsym bar=_start -o %t.rv64
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-32
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-64
-# CHECK-32: 064000f0    j   0x110b8
-# CHECK-32: fedff0ff    jal 0x110b4
-# CHECK-64: 064000f0    j   0x11124
-# CHECK-64: fedff0ff    jal 0x11120
+# CHECK-32: 0040006f    j   0x110b8
+# CHECK-32: ffdff0ef    jal 0x110b4
+# CHECK-64: 0040006f    j   0x11124
+# CHECK-64: ffdff0ef    jal 0x11120
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0xffffe --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100000 -o %t.rv32.limits
 # RUN: ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0xffffe --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100000 -o %t.rv64.limits
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv32.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS-32 %s
 # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.rv64.limits | FileCheck --check-prefix=LIMITS-64 %s
-# LIMITS-32:      76fff0ff j   0x1110b2
-# LIMITS-32-NEXT: 8e0000f0 jal 0xfff110b8
-# LIMITS-64:      76fff0ff j   0x11111e
-# LIMITS-64-NEXT: 8e0000f0 jal 0xfffffffffff11124
+# LIMITS-32:      7ffff06f j   0x1110b2
+# LIMITS-32-NEXT: 800000ef jal 0xfff110b8
+# LIMITS-64:      7ffff06f j   0x11111e
+# LIMITS-64-NEXT: 800000ef jal 0xfffffffffff11124
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv32.o --defsym foo=_start+0x100000 --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100002 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR-RANGE %s
 # RUN: not ld.lld %t.rv64.o --defsym foo=_start+0x100000 --defsym bar=_start+4-0x100002 -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR-RANGE %s

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