[llvm] [AMDGPU] Set glc bit for nontemporal loads on GFX10/11 (PR #89739)

Jay Foad via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Apr 25 02:10:11 PDT 2024

jayfoad wrote:

> Correction/Question: I suppose in all these comments, HIT_EVICT is actually HIT_LRU? I did not find any mention of HIT_EVICT in the MI300 Coherence guide. HIT_LRU makes sense, and it will certainly impact RCCL. HIT_EVICT, if it existed, would not have much of an impact on anything.

I have not read the MI300 Coherence guide but that's based on GFX9 right? And this issue is about GFX10/11. GFX10 definitely does have HIT_EVICT as a read policy for L0 and GL1.


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