[llvm] [KnownBitsTest] Common up isCorrect and isOptimal. NFC. (PR #89585)

Paul Kirth via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 24 11:14:27 PDT 2024

ilovepi wrote:

we're getting an assertion failure with this patch. I bisected it to this patch. I'm including a reproducer (not reduced) and my bisect script.


I bisected with 
git bisect good a2692ac23f1421097f0d51c7325045ed38db6408b
git bisect bad d3f6a88a1fb36f94c71940514e576821c6cc3ade
git bisect run bisect.sh
Note if you want to use the bisect script you may need to update paths. The `.cpp` and other `.sh` are from the generated reproducer, so should work if you update the path to clang in the script.

I have creduce running now, so I can probably post a smaller reproducer in a while.

In the meantime, can you revert this until a fix is ready?


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