[llvm] [llvm] Revise IDE folder structure (PR #89741)

Michael Kruse via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 24 04:30:22 PDT 2024

Meinersbur wrote:

> I see a benefit in renaming folders like "Tools" and "Tests" to "LLVM Tests" and "LLVM Tools", but I really don't think having folders within folders is a good UI for regular projects: it'll mean extra clicking in the solution explorer just to get to the file you want (a process which is already a bit suboptimal as it is), for no real added benefit when you can just make the folders top-level and named to distinguish subprojects.

Having the suprojects in subfolders allows you to unload these projects from the VS IDE solution (including LLVM itself) without re-running cmake. It remembers which folders are expanded or collapsed after reloading or even rerunning cmake so if you prefer subprojects expanded there is only one additional click per subproject you will ever need to do. Usually, you only expand those you are actually working on in which case this means less clutter in the project view.


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