[llvm] [Spirv][HLSL] Add OpAll lowering and float vec support (PR #87952)

Nathan Gauër via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 8 07:11:21 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+; RUN: llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv-unknown-unknown %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-HLSL
+; RUN: llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv32-unknown-unknown %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-OCL
+; RUN: %if spirv-tools %{ llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv-unknown-unknown %s -o - -filetype=obj | spirv-val %}
+; RUN: %if spirv-tools %{ llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv32-unknown-unknown %s -o - -filetype=obj | spirv-val %}
+; Make sure spirv operation function calls for all are generated.
+; CHECK-HLSL: OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+; CHECK-OCL: OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL
+; CHECK: OpName %[[#all_bool_arg:]] "a"
+; CHECK: %[[#int_64:]] = OpTypeInt 64 0
+; CHECK: %[[#bool:]] = OpTypeBool
+; CHECK: %[[#int_32:]] = OpTypeInt 32 0
+; CHECK: %[[#int_16:]] = OpTypeInt 16 0
+; CHECK: %[[#float_64:]] = OpTypeFloat 64
+; CHECK: %[[#float_32:]] = OpTypeFloat 32
+; CHECK: %[[#float_16:]] = OpTypeFloat 16
+; CHECK: %[[#vec_1_4:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#bool]] 4
+; CHECK: %[[#vec_16_4:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#int_16]] 4
+; CHECK: %[[#vec_32_4:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#int_32]] 4
+; CHECK: %[[#vec_64_4:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#int_64]] 4
+; CHECK: %[[#vec_float_16_4:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#float_16]] 4
+; CHECK: %[[#vec_float_32_4:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#float_32]] 4
+; CHECK: %[[#vec_float_64_4:]] = OpTypeVector %[[#float_64]] 4
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#const_int_64:]] = OpConstant %[[#int_64]] 0
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#const_int_32:]] = OpConstant %[[#int_32]] 0
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#const_int_16:]] = OpConstant %[[#int_16]] 0
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#const_float_64:]] = OpConstant %[[#float_64]] 0
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#const_float_32:]] = OpConstant %[[#float_32:]] 0
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#const_float_16:]] = OpConstant %[[#float_16:]] 0
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#vec_zero_const_i16_4:]] = OpConstantComposite %[[#vec_16_4:]] %[[#const_int_16:]] %[[#const_int_16:]] %[[#const_int_16:]] %[[#const_int_16:]]
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#vec_zero_const_i32_4:]] = OpConstantComposite %[[#vec_32_4:]] %[[#const_int_32:]] %[[#const_int_32:]] %[[#const_int_32:]] %[[#const_int_32:]]
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#vec_zero_const_i64_4:]] = OpConstantComposite %[[#vec_64_4:]] %[[#const_int_64:]] %[[#const_int_64:]] %[[#const_int_64:]] %[[#const_int_64:]]
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#vec_zero_const_f16_4:]] = OpConstantComposite %[[#vec_float_16_4:]] %[[#const_float_16:]] %[[#const_float_16:]] %[[#const_float_16:]] %[[#const_float_16:]]
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#vec_zero_const_f32_4:]] = OpConstantComposite %[[#vec_float_32_4:]] %[[#const_float_32:]] %[[#const_float_32:]] %[[#const_float_32:]] %[[#const_float_32:]]
+; CHECK-HLSL: %[[#vec_zero_const_f64_4:]] = OpConstantComposite %[[#vec_float_64_4:]] %[[#const_float_64:]] %[[#const_float_64:]] %[[#const_float_64:]] %[[#const_float_64:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#const_int_64:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#int_64]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#const_int_32:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#int_32]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#const_int_16:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#int_16]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#const_float_64:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#float_64]] 
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#const_float_32:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#float_32:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#const_float_16:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#float_16:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#vec_zero_const_i16_4:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#vec_16_4:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#vec_zero_const_i32_4:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#vec_32_4:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#vec_zero_const_i64_4:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#vec_64_4:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#vec_zero_const_f16_4:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#vec_float_16_4:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#vec_zero_const_f32_4:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#vec_float_32_4:]]
+; CHECK-OCL: %[[#vec_zero_const_f64_4:]] = OpConstantNull %[[#vec_float_64_4:]]
+define noundef i1 @all_int64_t(i64 noundef %p0) {
+  %p0.addr = alloca i64, align 8
+  store i64 %p0, ptr %p0.addr, align 8
+  %0 = load i64, ptr %p0.addr, align 8
+  ; CHECK: %[[#]] = OpINotEqual %[[#bool:]] %[[#]] %[[#const_int_64:]]
Keenuts wrote:

nit: shall the CHECK variable for constants have a name which explains their values?
So instead of `const_int_64`, could we use `s64_0`, `u32_0`, `vec_4_s64_0`, `vec_3_f32_0`


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