[llvm] [Object][COFF][NFC] Don't use inline function for COFFImportFile::printSymbolName. (PR #87195)

Jacek Caban via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 1 14:32:00 PDT 2024

cjacek wrote:

I should add `skip-precommit-approval`, I'm sorry about that. I intended to fix buildbot issue quickly and it seemed simple enough for a post-commit review. Sorry if I misjudged, I'm happy to address any feedback.

It's about `getArm64ECDemangledFunctionName` function being used in a header, that previously was inline too. This made any user of  `COFFImportFile.h` require to explicitly link to the dependent `Core` library and that was not the case for `llvm-readobj`. `Object` library (where `COFFImportFile.cpp` is implemented) already links to `Core`, so it seems fine to me. I think that for similar reasons a lot of code can't be freely moved between cpp and header files.


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