[llvm] [InstCombine] Fold (X / C) < X and (X >> C) < X into X > 0 (PR #85555)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Mar 17 12:23:27 PDT 2024

goldsteinn wrote:

> I have modified the code to work with all predicates for `udiv`/`lshr` and unsigned predicates for `sdiv`, however I believe that `ashr` does not work with this type of fold. As you can see [here](https://alive2.llvm.org/ce/z/cVMB9e), the only two predicates that it does work with are `slt` and `sge`. Should I include these two folds for `ashr` or should I ignore it altogether and only focus on the other 3 instructions?

Think made a mistake when merging your updates.


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