[clang] [llvm] [SpecialCaseList] Use glob by default (PR #74809)

Fangrui Song via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 15 15:48:38 PDT 2024

MaskRay wrote:

> CC @llvm/clang-vendors
> > I [announced this change on discourse](https://discourse.llvm.org/t/use-glob-instead-of-regex-for-specialcaselists/71666?u=ellishg) last year.
> "Use glob instead of regex for SpecialCaseLists" doesn't mean anything for anyone not actively working on the relevant code. An announcement would be titled something like "Syntax change for -fsanitize-ignorelist"... and it would be posted when the change actually happened.

Apologies. This could have been better handled. I've also seen a report of `[cfi-vcall|cfi-nvcall|cfi-icall]` from Chromium. Now I re-checked, https://reviews.llvm.org/D154014 did mention `[cfi-vcall|cfi-icall]`. Grepping `\|` (and `^\[.*\|` for section names) in `*san_ignorelist.txt` files is probably good enough to know whether you affected.


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