[llvm] [TTI][RISCV]Improve costs for whole vector reg extract/insert. (PR #80164)

Alexey Bataev via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 16 11:25:59 PST 2024

@@ -432,12 +444,19 @@ InstructionCost RISCVTTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
     // must be implemented here.
   case TTI::SK_ExtractSubvector:
+    // Extract at zero is always a subregister extract
+    if (Index == 0)
+      return TTI::TCC_Free;
     // Example sequence:
     // vsetivli     zero, 4, e8, mf2, tu, ma (ignored)
     // vslidedown.vi  v8, v9, 2
     return LT.first *
            getRISCVInstructionCost(RISCV::VSLIDEDOWN_VI, LT.second, CostKind);
   case TTI::SK_InsertSubvector:
+    if (Index == 0 && any_of(Args, UndefValue::classof))
alexey-bataev wrote:

If we know that it is a subvector insert and at least one argument is undef vector, does it really matter, which one is undef? Iа the subvector is undef - we can use the original vector, in other case - just resize the subvector to the type of the vector.


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