[llvm] [BOLT][DWARF] Fix out of order rangelists/loclists (PR #81645)

Alexander Yermolovich via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 13 10:46:38 PST 2024

https://github.com/ayermolo created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/81645

GCC can generate rangelists/loclists that are out of order. Fixed so that we don't assert, and instead generate partially optimized list.

>From 6688ded338d608cdfdc9767c5518243d77c1c624 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Yermolovich <ayermolo at meta.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:50:57 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] [BOLT][DWARF] Fix out of order rangelists/loclists

GCC can generate rangelists/loclists that are out of order. Fixed so that we
don't assert, and instead generate partially optimized list.
 bolt/lib/Core/DebugData.cpp                 |  45 +-
 bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-loclist-out-of-order.s | 485 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 504 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-loclist-out-of-order.s

diff --git a/bolt/lib/Core/DebugData.cpp b/bolt/lib/Core/DebugData.cpp
index 415b0310b6bac8..9d673599c754c4 100644
--- a/bolt/lib/Core/DebugData.cpp
+++ b/bolt/lib/Core/DebugData.cpp
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ template <typename DebugVector, typename ListEntry, typename DebugAddressEntry>
 static bool emitWithBase(raw_ostream &OS, const DebugVector &Entries,
                          DebugAddrWriter &AddrWriter, DWARFUnit &CU,
                          uint32_t &Index, const ListEntry BaseAddressx,
-                         const ListEntry OffsetPair, const ListEntry EndOfList,
+                         const ListEntry OffsetPair,
                          const std::function<void(uint32_t)> &Func) {
   if (Entries.size() < 2)
     return false;
@@ -241,7 +241,9 @@ static bool emitWithBase(raw_ostream &OS, const DebugVector &Entries,
     const DebugAddressEntry &Entry = Entries[Index];
     if (Entry.LowPC == 0)
-    assert(Base <= Entry.LowPC && "Entry base is higher than low PC");
+    // In case rnglists or loclists are not sorted.
+    if (Base > Entry.LowPC)
+      break;
     uint32_t StartOffset = Entry.LowPC - Base;
     uint32_t EndOffset = Entry.HighPC - Base;
     if (encodeULEB128(EndOffset, TempBuffer) > 2)
@@ -266,8 +268,6 @@ static bool emitWithBase(raw_ostream &OS, const DebugVector &Entries,
     encodeULEB128(OffsetEntry.EndOffset, OS);
-  support::endian::write(OS, static_cast<uint8_t>(EndOfList),
-                         llvm::endianness::little);
   return true;
@@ -276,19 +276,17 @@ DebugRangeListsSectionWriter::addRanges(DebugAddressRangesVector &Ranges) {
   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(WriterMutex);
-  bool WrittenStartxLength = false;
       Ranges.begin(), Ranges.end(),
       [](const DebugAddressRange &R1, const DebugAddressRange &R2) -> bool {
         return R1.LowPC < R2.LowPC;
   for (unsigned I = 0; I < Ranges.size();) {
-    WrittenStartxLength = false;
     if (emitWithBase<DebugAddressRangesVector, dwarf::RnglistEntries,
-                     DebugAddressRange>(
-            *CUBodyStream, Ranges, *AddrWriter, *CU, I,
-            dwarf::DW_RLE_base_addressx, dwarf::DW_RLE_offset_pair,
-            dwarf::DW_RLE_end_of_list, [](uint32_t Index) -> void {}))
+                     DebugAddressRange>(*CUBodyStream, Ranges, *AddrWriter, *CU,
+                                        I, dwarf::DW_RLE_base_addressx,
+                                        dwarf::DW_RLE_offset_pair,
+                                        [](uint32_t Index) -> void {}))
     const DebugAddressRange &Range = Ranges[I];
@@ -299,12 +297,11 @@ DebugRangeListsSectionWriter::addRanges(DebugAddressRangesVector &Ranges) {
     encodeULEB128(Index, *CUBodyStream);
     encodeULEB128(Range.HighPC - Range.LowPC, *CUBodyStream);
-    WrittenStartxLength = true;
-  if (WrittenStartxLength)
-    support::endian::write(*CUBodyStream,
-                           static_cast<uint8_t>(dwarf::DW_RLE_end_of_list),
-                           llvm::endianness::little);
+  support::endian::write(*CUBodyStream,
+                         static_cast<uint8_t>(dwarf::DW_RLE_end_of_list),
+                         llvm::endianness::little);
   CurrentOffset = CUBodyBuffer->size();
   return RangeEntries.size() - 1;
@@ -688,7 +685,6 @@ static void writeDWARF5LocList(uint32_t &NumberOfEntries, DIEValue &AttrInfo,
   std::vector<uint64_t> OffsetsArray;
-  bool WrittenStartxLength = false;
   auto writeExpression = [&](uint32_t Index) -> void {
     const DebugLocationEntry &Entry = LocList[Index];
     encodeULEB128(Entry.Expr.size(), LocBodyStream);
@@ -696,12 +692,11 @@ static void writeDWARF5LocList(uint32_t &NumberOfEntries, DIEValue &AttrInfo,
         reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Entry.Expr.data()), Entry.Expr.size());
   for (unsigned I = 0; I < LocList.size();) {
-    WrittenStartxLength = false;
     if (emitWithBase<DebugLocationsVector, dwarf::LoclistEntries,
-                     DebugLocationEntry>(
-            LocBodyStream, LocList, AddrWriter, CU, I,
-            dwarf::DW_LLE_base_addressx, dwarf::DW_LLE_offset_pair,
-            dwarf::DW_LLE_end_of_list, writeExpression))
+                     DebugLocationEntry>(LocBodyStream, LocList, AddrWriter, CU,
+                                         I, dwarf::DW_LLE_base_addressx,
+                                         dwarf::DW_LLE_offset_pair,
+                                         writeExpression))
     const DebugLocationEntry &Entry = LocList[I];
@@ -713,13 +708,11 @@ static void writeDWARF5LocList(uint32_t &NumberOfEntries, DIEValue &AttrInfo,
     encodeULEB128(Entry.HighPC - Entry.LowPC, LocBodyStream);
-    WrittenStartxLength = true;
-  if (WrittenStartxLength)
-    support::endian::write(LocBodyStream,
-                           static_cast<uint8_t>(dwarf::DW_LLE_end_of_list),
-                           llvm::endianness::little);
+  support::endian::write(LocBodyStream,
+                         static_cast<uint8_t>(dwarf::DW_LLE_end_of_list),
+                         llvm::endianness::little);
 void DebugLoclistWriter::addList(DIEBuilder &DIEBldr, DIE &Die,
diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-loclist-out-of-order.s b/bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-loclist-out-of-order.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..acd0bfa5bbef2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-loclist-out-of-order.s
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# REQUIRES: system-linux
+# RUN: llvm-mc -dwarf-version=5 -filetype=obj -triple x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t1.o
+# RUN: %clang %cflags -dwarf-5 %t1.o -o %t.exe -Wl,-q
+# RUN: llvm-bolt %t.exe -o %t.bolt --update-debug-sections --skip-funcs=main
+# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --show-form --verbose --debug-loclists --debug-addr %t.bolt > %t.txt
+# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --show-form --verbose --debug-info %t.bolt >> %t.txt
+# RUN: cat %t.txt | FileCheck --check-prefix=POSTCHECK %s
+## Tests to make sure BOLT handles correctly locations that are out of order, and the function is not being processed.
+# POSTCHECK:      DW_LLE_base_addressx
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_offset_pair
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_offset_pair
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_startx_length
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_end_of_list
+# POSTCHECK:      DW_LLE_base_addressx
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_offset_pair
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_offset_pair
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_end_of_list
+# POSTCHECK:      Addrs: [
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: 0x[[#%.16x,ADDR:]]
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: 0x[[#%.16x,ADDR1:]]
+# POSTCHECK:      DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+# POSTCHECK:      DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: [0x[[#ADDR1]], 0x[[#ADDR1 + 0x1a]]): DW_OP_reg3 RBX
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: [0x[[#ADDR1 + 0x1a]], 0x[[#ADDR1 + 0x1d]]): DW_OP_entry_value(DW_OP_reg5 RDI), DW_OP_stack_value
+# POSTCHECK-NEXT: [0x[[#ADDR]], 0x[[#ADDR + 0x12]]): DW_OP_reg5 RDI)
+## clang++ main.cpp -fno-inline-functions  -g2 -O2 -S
+## void use(int * x) {
+##    *x += 4;
+## }
+## int  main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+##  int x = argc;
+##  use(&x);
+##  x = x + argc;
+##  use(&x);
+##  return x;
+## }
+## Test was manually modified to re-order locations.
+  .text
+	.file	"main.cpp"
+	.globl	_Z3usePi                        # -- Begin function _Z3usePi
+	.p2align	4, 0x90
+	.type	_Z3usePi, at function
+_Z3usePi:                               # @_Z3usePi
+	.file	0 "/repro" "main.cpp" md5 0xe24a1d6afb5e23ce0028f1f33bc08cd7
+	.cfi_startproc
+# %bb.0:                                # %entry
+	#DEBUG_VALUE: use:x <- $rdi
+	.loc	0 2 8 prologue_end              # main.cpp:2:8
+	addl	$4, (%rdi)
+	.loc	0 3 1                           # main.cpp:3:1
+	retq
+	.size	_Z3usePi, .Lfunc_end0-_Z3usePi
+	.cfi_endproc
+                                        # -- End function
+	.globl	main                            # -- Begin function main
+	.p2align	4, 0x90
+	.type	main, at function
+main:                                   # @main
+	.loc	0 4 0                           # main.cpp:4:0
+	.cfi_startproc
+# %bb.0:                                # %entry
+	#DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- $edi
+	#DEBUG_VALUE: main:argv <- $rsi
+	pushq	%r14
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+	pushq	%rbx
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
+	pushq	%rax
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+	.cfi_offset %rbx, -24
+	.cfi_offset %r14, -16
+	movl	%edi, %ebx
+	.loc	0 5 7 prologue_end              # main.cpp:5:7
+	movl	%edi, 4(%rsp)
+	leaq	4(%rsp), %r14
+	.loc	0 6 3                           # main.cpp:6:3
+	movq	%r14, %rdi
+	#DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- $ebx
+	callq	_Z3usePi
+	#DEBUG_VALUE: main:argv <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi
+	.loc	0 7 5                           # main.cpp:7:5
+	addl	%ebx, 4(%rsp)
+	.loc	0 8 3                           # main.cpp:8:3
+	movq	%r14, %rdi
+	callq	_Z3usePi
+	.loc	0 9 10                          # main.cpp:9:10
+	movl	4(%rsp), %eax
+	.loc	0 9 3 epilogue_begin is_stmt 0  # main.cpp:9:3
+	addq	$8, %rsp
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
+	popq	%rbx
+	#DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edi
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+	popq	%r14
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
+	retq
+	.size	main, .Lfunc_end1-main
+	.cfi_endproc
+                                        # -- End function
+	.section	.debug_loclists,"", at progbits
+	.long	.Ldebug_list_header_end0-.Ldebug_list_header_start0 # Length
+	.short	5                               # Version
+	.byte	8                               # Address size
+	.byte	0                               # Segment selector size
+	.long	2                               # Offset entry count
+	.long	.Ldebug_loc0-.Lloclists_table_base0
+	.long	.Ldebug_loc1-.Lloclists_table_base0
+	.byte	4                               # DW_LLE_offset_pair
+	.uleb128 .Ltmp2-.Lfunc_begin0           #   starting offset
+	.uleb128 .Ltmp5-.Lfunc_begin0           #   ending offset
+	.byte	1                               # Loc expr size
+	.byte	83                              # super-register DW_OP_reg3
+	.byte	4                               # DW_LLE_offset_pair
+	.uleb128 .Ltmp5-.Lfunc_begin0           #   starting offset
+	.uleb128 .Lfunc_end1-.Lfunc_begin0      #   ending offset
+	.byte	4                               # Loc expr size
+	.byte	163                             # DW_OP_entry_value
+	.byte	1                               # 1
+	.byte	85                              # super-register DW_OP_reg5
+	.byte	159                             # DW_OP_stack_value
+	.byte	4                               # DW_LLE_offset_pair #manually moved out of order
+	.uleb128 .Lfunc_begin1-.Lfunc_begin0    #   starting offset
+	.uleb128 .Ltmp2-.Lfunc_begin0           #   ending offset
+	.byte	1                               # Loc expr size
+	.byte	85                              # super-register DW_OP_reg5
+	.byte	0                               # DW_LLE_end_of_list
+	.byte	4                               # DW_LLE_offset_pair
+	.uleb128 .Lfunc_begin1-.Lfunc_begin0    #   starting offset
+	.uleb128 .Ltmp3-.Lfunc_begin0           #   ending offset
+	.byte	1                               # Loc expr size
+	.byte	84                              # DW_OP_reg4
+	.byte	4                               # DW_LLE_offset_pair
+	.uleb128 .Ltmp3-.Lfunc_begin0           #   starting offset
+	.uleb128 .Lfunc_end1-.Lfunc_begin0      #   ending offset
+	.byte	4                               # Loc expr size
+	.byte	163                             # DW_OP_entry_value
+	.byte	1                               # 1
+	.byte	84                              # DW_OP_reg4
+	.byte	159                             # DW_OP_stack_value
+	.byte	0                               # DW_LLE_end_of_list
+	.section	.debug_abbrev,"", at progbits
+	.byte	1                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	17                              # DW_TAG_compile_unit
+	.byte	1                               # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+	.byte	37                              # DW_AT_producer
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	19                              # DW_AT_language
+	.byte	5                               # DW_FORM_data2
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	114                             # DW_AT_str_offsets_base
+	.byte	23                              # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+	.byte	16                              # DW_AT_stmt_list
+	.byte	23                              # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+	.byte	27                              # DW_AT_comp_dir
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	17                              # DW_AT_low_pc
+	.byte	27                              # DW_FORM_addrx
+	.byte	18                              # DW_AT_high_pc
+	.byte	6                               # DW_FORM_data4
+	.byte	115                             # DW_AT_addr_base
+	.byte	23                              # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+	.ascii	"\214\001"                      # DW_AT_loclists_base
+	.byte	23                              # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	2                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	46                              # DW_TAG_subprogram
+	.byte	1                               # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+	.byte	17                              # DW_AT_low_pc
+	.byte	27                              # DW_FORM_addrx
+	.byte	18                              # DW_AT_high_pc
+	.byte	6                               # DW_FORM_data4
+	.byte	64                              # DW_AT_frame_base
+	.byte	24                              # DW_FORM_exprloc
+	.byte	122                             # DW_AT_call_all_calls
+	.byte	25                              # DW_FORM_flag_present
+	.byte	110                             # DW_AT_linkage_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	58                              # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	59                              # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	63                              # DW_AT_external
+	.byte	25                              # DW_FORM_flag_present
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	3                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	5                               # DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+	.byte	0                               # DW_CHILDREN_no
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	24                              # DW_FORM_exprloc
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	58                              # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	59                              # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	73                              # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	19                              # DW_FORM_ref4
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	4                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	46                              # DW_TAG_subprogram
+	.byte	1                               # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+	.byte	17                              # DW_AT_low_pc
+	.byte	27                              # DW_FORM_addrx
+	.byte	18                              # DW_AT_high_pc
+	.byte	6                               # DW_FORM_data4
+	.byte	64                              # DW_AT_frame_base
+	.byte	24                              # DW_FORM_exprloc
+	.byte	122                             # DW_AT_call_all_calls
+	.byte	25                              # DW_FORM_flag_present
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	58                              # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	59                              # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	73                              # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	19                              # DW_FORM_ref4
+	.byte	63                              # DW_AT_external
+	.byte	25                              # DW_FORM_flag_present
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	5                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	5                               # DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+	.byte	0                               # DW_CHILDREN_no
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	34                              # DW_FORM_loclistx
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	58                              # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	59                              # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	73                              # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	19                              # DW_FORM_ref4
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	6                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	52                              # DW_TAG_variable
+	.byte	0                               # DW_CHILDREN_no
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	24                              # DW_FORM_exprloc
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	58                              # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	59                              # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	73                              # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	19                              # DW_FORM_ref4
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	7                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	72                              # DW_TAG_call_site
+	.byte	1                               # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+	.byte	127                             # DW_AT_call_origin
+	.byte	19                              # DW_FORM_ref4
+	.byte	125                             # DW_AT_call_return_pc
+	.byte	27                              # DW_FORM_addrx
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	8                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	73                              # DW_TAG_call_site_parameter
+	.byte	0                               # DW_CHILDREN_no
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	24                              # DW_FORM_exprloc
+	.byte	126                             # DW_AT_call_value
+	.byte	24                              # DW_FORM_exprloc
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	9                               # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	36                              # DW_TAG_base_type
+	.byte	0                               # DW_CHILDREN_no
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	37                              # DW_FORM_strx1
+	.byte	62                              # DW_AT_encoding
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	11                              # DW_AT_byte_size
+	.byte	11                              # DW_FORM_data1
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	10                              # Abbreviation Code
+	.byte	15                              # DW_TAG_pointer_type
+	.byte	0                               # DW_CHILDREN_no
+	.byte	73                              # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	19                              # DW_FORM_ref4
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(1)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(2)
+	.byte	0                               # EOM(3)
+	.section	.debug_info,"", at progbits
+	.long	.Ldebug_info_end0-.Ldebug_info_start0 # Length of Unit
+	.short	5                               # DWARF version number
+	.byte	1                               # DWARF Unit Type
+	.byte	8                               # Address Size (in bytes)
+	.long	.debug_abbrev                   # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
+	.byte	1                               # Abbrev [1] 0xc:0x91 DW_TAG_compile_unit
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_producer
+	.short	33                              # DW_AT_language
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_name
+	.long	.Lstr_offsets_base0             # DW_AT_str_offsets_base
+	.long	.Lline_table_start0             # DW_AT_stmt_list
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_comp_dir
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_low_pc
+	.long	.Lfunc_end1-.Lfunc_begin0       # DW_AT_high_pc
+	.long	.Laddr_table_base0              # DW_AT_addr_base
+	.long	.Lloclists_table_base0          # DW_AT_loclists_base
+	.byte	2                               # Abbrev [2] 0x27:0x17 DW_TAG_subprogram
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_low_pc
+	.long	.Lfunc_end0-.Lfunc_begin0       # DW_AT_high_pc
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_frame_base
+	.byte	87
+                                        # DW_AT_call_all_calls
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_linkage_name
+	.byte	4                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_decl_line
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+	.byte	3                               # Abbrev [3] 0x33:0xa DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	85
+	.byte	7                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.long	137                             # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	0                               # End Of Children Mark
+	.byte	4                               # Abbrev [4] 0x3e:0x47 DW_TAG_subprogram
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_low_pc
+	.long	.Lfunc_end1-.Lfunc_begin1       # DW_AT_high_pc
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_frame_base
+	.byte	87
+                                        # DW_AT_call_all_calls
+	.byte	5                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	4                               # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.long	133                             # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+	.byte	5                               # Abbrev [5] 0x4d:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	8                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	4                               # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.long	133                             # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	5                               # Abbrev [5] 0x56:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	9                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	4                               # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.long	142                             # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	6                               # Abbrev [6] 0x5f:0xb DW_TAG_variable
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	145
+	.byte	4
+	.byte	7                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	0                               # DW_AT_decl_file
+	.byte	5                               # DW_AT_decl_line
+	.long	133                             # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	7                               # Abbrev [7] 0x6a:0xd DW_TAG_call_site
+	.long	39                              # DW_AT_call_origin
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_call_return_pc
+	.byte	8                               # Abbrev [8] 0x70:0x6 DW_TAG_call_site_parameter
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	85
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_call_value
+	.byte	126
+	.byte	0
+	.byte	0                               # End Of Children Mark
+	.byte	7                               # Abbrev [7] 0x77:0xd DW_TAG_call_site
+	.long	39                              # DW_AT_call_origin
+	.byte	3                               # DW_AT_call_return_pc
+	.byte	8                               # Abbrev [8] 0x7d:0x6 DW_TAG_call_site_parameter
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_location
+	.byte	85
+	.byte	2                               # DW_AT_call_value
+	.byte	126
+	.byte	0
+	.byte	0                               # End Of Children Mark
+	.byte	0                               # End Of Children Mark
+	.byte	9                               # Abbrev [9] 0x85:0x4 DW_TAG_base_type
+	.byte	6                               # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	5                               # DW_AT_encoding
+	.byte	4                               # DW_AT_byte_size
+	.byte	10                              # Abbrev [10] 0x89:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+	.long	133                             # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	10                              # Abbrev [10] 0x8e:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+	.long	147                             # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	10                              # Abbrev [10] 0x93:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+	.long	152                             # DW_AT_type
+	.byte	9                               # Abbrev [9] 0x98:0x4 DW_TAG_base_type
+	.byte	10                              # DW_AT_name
+	.byte	6                               # DW_AT_encoding
+	.byte	1                               # DW_AT_byte_size
+	.byte	0                               # End Of Children Mark
+	.section	.debug_str_offsets,"", at progbits
+	.long	48                              # Length of String Offsets Set
+	.short	5
+	.short	0
+	.section	.debug_str,"MS", at progbits,1
+	.asciz	"clang version 19.0.0git (git at github.com:ayermolo/llvm-project.git a1e412af2bf4bf613021f72205f249ab2469f08b)" # string offset=0
+	.asciz	"main.cpp"                      # string offset=108
+	.asciz	"/repro" # string offset=117
+	.asciz	"_Z3usePi"                      # string offset=161
+	.asciz	"use"                           # string offset=170
+	.asciz	"main"                          # string offset=174
+	.asciz	"int"                           # string offset=179
+	.asciz	"x"                             # string offset=183
+	.asciz	"argc"                          # string offset=185
+	.asciz	"argv"                          # string offset=190
+	.asciz	"char"                          # string offset=195
+	.section	.debug_str_offsets,"", at progbits
+	.long	.Linfo_string0
+	.long	.Linfo_string1
+	.long	.Linfo_string2
+	.long	.Linfo_string3
+	.long	.Linfo_string4
+	.long	.Linfo_string5
+	.long	.Linfo_string6
+	.long	.Linfo_string7
+	.long	.Linfo_string8
+	.long	.Linfo_string9
+	.long	.Linfo_string10
+	.section	.debug_addr,"", at progbits
+	.long	.Ldebug_addr_end0-.Ldebug_addr_start0 # Length of contribution
+	.short	5                               # DWARF version number
+	.byte	8                               # Address size
+	.byte	0                               # Segment selector size
+	.quad	.Lfunc_begin0
+	.quad	.Lfunc_begin1
+	.quad	.Ltmp3
+	.quad	.Ltmp4
+	.ident	"clang version 19.0.0git (git at github.com:ayermolo/llvm-project.git a1e412af2bf4bf613021f72205f249ab2469f08b)"
+	.section	".note.GNU-stack","", at progbits
+	.addrsig
+	.section	.debug_line,"", at progbits

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