[compiler-rt] Add aligned_alloc to macOS tsan interceptors (PR #79198)

Chris Apple via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 23 19:02:21 PST 2024

cjappl wrote:

It turns out the test I wrote works both before and after the change to the code. This means that `aligned_alloc` was already being properly intercepted in this block:


It appears that when `aligned_alloc` is called, it calls the intercepted `__sanitizer_mz_memalign` for the sanitizer zone, and is able to do it's magic.

At the minimum, this means the test case I proposed is useless. At a higher level it could mean this PR should be closed. Is there any value in this call being intercepted directly for MacOS if we catch it another way? Is there a test I can write to prove that it's valuable?


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