[llvm] [Orc][examples] Fix lljit-with-remote-debugging test failure (PR #74764)

Thomas Preud'homme via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 18 09:19:12 PST 2023

RoboTux wrote:

> Stefan's change was to the testcase. I was proposing to change `LLJIT` itself, though now that I've taken a look I can see that it wouldn't have made a difference here: The testcase triple was being used to construct the target (via `JITTargetMachineBuilder`) and that's why the empty triple was causing a "no target" error. Normally the target is constructed using the `ExecutionSession`'s target triple, and LLVM optimizations and CodeGen will happily process a module with an empty triple.

Oh right, I didn't realize LLJITWithRemoteDebugging is a test only binary. My bad.


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