[llvm] [libcxx] Add pre-commit hooks and git config for libc++ & git-clang-format. (PR #73798)

Mark de Wever via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Dec 9 04:43:31 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Jump up to the root directory of the repository
+for arg in "$@"
+  if [ "$arg" = "--force" ]; then
+    FORCE=1
+  fi
+git_repo_path="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+cd "$git_repo_path"
+# Set up git-clang-format config so that it formats files without extensions as needed by libc++
+function check_formatting_config() {
+  # Set the desired git config key and value
+  # Get the actual value of the config key
+  ACTUAL_VALUE=$(git config --local --get $CONFIG_KEY)
+  # Check if the actual value is the same as the desired value
+  if [[ "$ACTUAL_VALUE" == "$CONFIG_VALUE" ]]; then
+      echo "The git config value for $CONFIG_KEY is correctly set to $CONFIG_VALUE"
+  elif [[ "$ACTION_VALUE" != "" ]] && [[ "$ALLOW_DIFFERENT" -eq 1 ]]; then
+    echo "The git config value for $CONFIG_KEY is set to $ACTUAL_VALUE, but $CONFIG_VALUE is allowed."
+  else
+      echo "Setting up git-clang-format config for libc++..."
+      # Prompt the user to set the git config key to the desired value
+      echo "Git config key $CONFIG_KEY is not set or incorrect."
+      read -p "Would you like to set it to $CONFIG_VALUE [Y/n]? " -n $FORCE -r
+      echo
+      if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+      then
+          git config --local $CONFIG_KEY "$CONFIG_VALUE"
+          echo "Git config key $CONFIG_KEY has been set to $CONFIG_VALUE"
+      else
+          echo "No changes were made to the git config."
+      fi
+  fi
+# Check for an installation of git-clang-format
+function check_clang_format() {
+  # Check if git-clang-format is installed
+  GIT_CLANG_FORMAT_COMMAND="git-clang-format"
+  if command -v $GIT_CLANG_FORMAT_COMMAND >/dev/null 2>&1; then
mordante wrote:

This allows every version of clang-format right? Not sure how we can force the latest stable clang-format here.


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