[llvm] [llvm-readobj][AArch64][ELF][PAC] Support ELF AUTH constants (PR #72713)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 5 01:25:26 PST 2023

@@ -1643,6 +1646,11 @@ enum {
+// ARM note types
+enum {
jh7370 wrote:

I think I have a few (small) concerns with this:
1) It's potentially possible (admittedly unlikely) that the name could be specified for something different in the future, so you'd have to modify existing sites to use a different name.
2) Giving it a name means people will search for the string in the docs and not find it, potentially causing confusion in the future.

I don't know who is in charge of those docs, but is it possible to update them to specifically name the NT_* value? That would resolve my concern.


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