[llvm] [llvm-readobj][AArch64][ELF][PAC] Support ELF AUTH constants (PR #72713)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 5 01:25:25 PST 2023

https://github.com/jh7370 commented:

Hi @kovdan01, two general process points:

1) Please avoid force pushes unless it's absolutely necessary to rebase your PR: it makes it impossible to view the changes since my previous PR, and potentially has other issues too (it's also covered by the existing LLVM review policy).
2) Please don't resolve coversations that I've initiated. I use this functionality as a checklist to ensure my comments have actually been addressed to my satisfaction, and if they're resolved, it makes it harder to track things. Please see my LLVM Discourse thread on the resolve conversation button for more details.


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