[llvm] Fix parsing out-of-order ValueInfos (PR #73239)

Teresa Johnson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 30 14:28:42 PST 2023

teresajohnson wrote:

> > I am not really familiar with devirtualization part of the summary but is the real bug that there should not be two `^4` in the same module?
> > Maybe we should correctly error out instead of assertion in this case.
> This might be a bug (actually I think the problem is in one-guid-one-id approach in asm printer). However it seems that asm parser also contains a bug, because it can't really handle out of order ids.

I just sent https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/73997 for the fix to the AsmWriter.

I agree, though, that it would be good to make the parser more flexible to handle out of order ids. I think your change also handles that case (i.e. non-repeated but simply out of order ids). Can you update this patch to reflect that it is just for that issue, and the test case as well?


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