[llvm] [clang] [MemProf] Expand optimization scope to internal linakge function (PR #73236)

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Mon Nov 27 19:10:26 PST 2023

lifengxiang1025 wrote:

> @lifengxiang1025 thanks for flagging this issue. I think it's best to not rely on unique-internal-linkage-name here. Instead we should extend the logic in RawMemProfReader.cpp to include "filename;" if the function is internal linkage as expected by IRPGOFuncName. Can you try this approach?
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/c0fe0719df457b0992606b0f2a235719a5bbfd54/llvm/lib/ProfileData/RawMemProfReader.cpp#L509-L510

I don't find how to get linkage type in dwarf. It seems dwarf don't record linkage type. And the linkage type between thin compile and link step can change also.


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