[llvm] 56cadac - [Workflow] Expand code-format-helper.py error reporting (#69686)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 26 19:13:24 PDT 2023

Author: Ryan Prichard
Date: 2023-10-26T19:13:20-07:00
New Revision: 56cadac85b02f52ba3e6a84f2cdd73e3b43070ac

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/56cadac85b02f52ba3e6a84f2cdd73e3b43070ac
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/56cadac85b02f52ba3e6a84f2cdd73e3b43070ac.diff

LOG: [Workflow] Expand code-format-helper.py error reporting (#69686)

* Consider the darker/clang-format command to have failed if the exit
   code is non-zero, regardless of the stdout/stderr output.
* Propagate stderr from the formatter command to the script's
   caller (and into the GitHub log).
* On success, dump stdout to the caller, so it ends up in GitHub's log.
   I'm not sure what this would ever be, but if it exists, it should be
* Just before the script exits, if any formatter failed, print a line
   showing which formatters failed.




diff  --git a/llvm/utils/git/code-format-helper.py b/llvm/utils/git/code-format-helper.py
index 742fa5a2eeb9456..c45bb4d935d478a 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/git/code-format-helper.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/git/code-format-helper.py
@@ -36,10 +36,8 @@ def format_run(
     ) -> str | None:
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def pr_comment_text(self, 
diff : str) -> str:
+    def pr_comment_text_for_
diff (self, 
diff : str) -> str:
         return f"""
 :warning: {self.friendly_name}, {self.name} found issues in your code. :warning:
@@ -73,39 +71,40 @@ def find_comment(
                 return comment
         return None
-    def update_pr(self, 
diff : str, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
+    def update_pr(
+        self, comment_text: str, args: argparse.Namespace, create_new: bool
+    ) -> None:
         repo = github.Github(args.token).get_repo(args.repo)
         pr = repo.get_issue(args.issue_number).as_pull_request()
-        existing_comment = self.find_comment(pr)
-        pr_text = self.pr_comment_text(
diff )
-        if existing_comment:
-            existing_comment.edit(pr_text)
-        else:
-            pr.as_issue().create_comment(pr_text)
-    def update_pr_success(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
-        repo = github.Github(args.token).get_repo(args.repo)
-        pr = repo.get_issue(args.issue_number).as_pull_request()
+        comment_text = self.comment_tag + "\n\n" + comment_text
         existing_comment = self.find_comment(pr)
         if existing_comment:
-            existing_comment.edit(
-                f"""
-:white_check_mark: With the latest revision this PR passed the {self.friendly_name}.
-            )
+            existing_comment.edit(comment_text)
+        elif create_new:
+            pr.as_issue().create_comment(comment_text)
     def run(self, changed_files: list[str], args: argparse.Namespace) -> bool:
diff  = self.format_run(changed_files, args)
-        if 
diff :
-            self.update_pr(
diff , args)
+        if 
diff  is None:
+            comment_text = f"""
+:white_check_mark: With the latest revision this PR passed the {self.friendly_name}.
+            self.update_pr(comment_text, args, create_new=False)
+            return True
+        elif len(
diff ) > 0:
+            comment_text = self.pr_comment_text_for_
diff (
diff )
+            self.update_pr(comment_text, args, create_new=True)
             return False
-            self.update_pr_success(args)
-            return True
+            # The formatter failed but didn't output a 
diff  (e.g. some sort of
+            # infrastructure failure).
+            comment_text = f"""
+:warning: The {self.friendly_name} failed without printing a 
diff . Check the logs for stderr output. :warning:
+            self.update_pr(comment_text, args, create_new=False)
+            return False
 class ClangFormatHelper(FormatHelper):
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ def libcxx_excluded_files(self) -> list[str]:
     def should_be_excluded(self, path: str) -> bool:
         if path in self.libcxx_excluded_files:
-            print(f"Excluding file {path}")
+            print(f"{self.name}: Excluding file {path}")
             return True
         return False
@@ -152,12 +151,15 @@ def format_run(
         print(f"Running: {' '.join(cf_cmd)}")
         self.cf_cmd = cf_cmd
         proc = subprocess.run(cf_cmd, capture_output=True)
+        sys.stdout.write(proc.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
-        # formatting needed
-        if proc.returncode == 1:
+        if proc.returncode != 0:
+            # formatting needed, or the command otherwise failed
+            print(f"error: {self.name} exited with code {proc.returncode}")
             return proc.stdout.decode("utf-8")
-        return None
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write(proc.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
+            return None
 class DarkerFormatHelper(FormatHelper):
@@ -193,12 +195,15 @@ def format_run(
         print(f"Running: {' '.join(darker_cmd)}")
         self.darker_cmd = darker_cmd
         proc = subprocess.run(darker_cmd, capture_output=True)
+        sys.stdout.write(proc.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
-        # formatting needed
-        if proc.returncode == 1:
+        if proc.returncode != 0:
+            # formatting needed, or the command otherwise failed
+            print(f"error: {self.name} exited with code {proc.returncode}")
             return proc.stdout.decode("utf-8")
-        return None
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write(proc.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
+            return None
 ALL_FORMATTERS = (DarkerFormatHelper(), ClangFormatHelper())
@@ -236,9 +241,11 @@ def format_run(
     if args.changed_files:
         changed_files = args.changed_files.split(",")
-    exit_code = 0
+    failed_formatters = []
     for fmt in ALL_FORMATTERS:
         if not fmt.run(changed_files, args):
-            exit_code = 1
+            failed_formatters.append(fmt.name)
-    sys.exit(exit_code)
+    if len(failed_formatters) > 0:
+        print(f"error: some formatters failed: {' '.join(failed_formatters)}")
+        sys.exit(1)


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