[llvm] [indvars] Missing variables at Og: (PR #69920)

Felipe de Azevedo Piovezan via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 26 11:00:48 PDT 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+; RUN: opt -passes=indvars -S -o - < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Missing local variable 'Index' after loop 'Induction Variable Elimination'.
+; When adding a breakpoint at line 11, LLDB does not have information on
+; the variable. But it has info on 'Var' and 'End'.
+;  1	__attribute__((optnone)) int nop(int Param) {
+;  2	  return 0;
+;  3	}
+;  4
+;  5	void bar() {
+;  6    int End = 777;
+;  7	  int Index = 27;
+;  8	  char Var = 1;
+;  9	  for (; Index < End; ++Index)
+; 10	    ;
+; 11	  nop(Index);
+; 12	}
+; 13
+; 14	int main () {
+; 15	  bar();
+; 16	}
+; CHECK: for.cond: {{.*}}
+; CHECK:   call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 %Index.{{[0-9]+}}, metadata ![[DBG:[0-9]+]], {{.*}}
+; CHECK:   call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 %inc, metadata ![[DBG:[0-9]+]], {{.*}}
+; CHECK: for.end: {{.*}}
+; CHECK:   call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 777, metadata ![[DBG:[0-9]+]], {{.*}}
felipepiovezan wrote:

if I understand this test correctly, all of these dbg.values are for the variable `Index`, right? I think it's important that we label the first occurrence of it and check that all three of these intrinsics are referring to it (right now we allow any metadata there)


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