[llvm] [ValueTracking] isNonZero sub of ptr2int's with recursive GEP (PR #68680)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 25 09:51:02 PDT 2023

https://github.com/bipmis updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/68680

>From a1369af8df901b4cefd2e13f5e5cd8cec4f04042 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bipmis <biplob.mishra at arm.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 15:07:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Precommit tests for ValueTracking isKnownNonZero with
 recursive GEP

 .../Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll  | 337 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 337 insertions(+)

diff --git a/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll b/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
index 5227661c837347e..228b80129512443 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
@@ -424,3 +424,340 @@ T:
   br label %T
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1_PhiOperandsCommuted(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1_PhiOperandsCommuted(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ], [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %val1, %entry ], [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1_SubOperandsCommuted(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1_SubOperandsCommuted(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero2(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero2(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 -1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 -1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero3(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero3(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I_IDX:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[A_PN_I_ADD:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ 7, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I_ADD]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[A_PN_I_IDX]], 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I_PTR:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[VAL1]], i64 [[A_PN_I_ADD]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I_PTR]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[A_PN_I_ADD]], 5
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %test.val1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %val1, i64 7
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %test.val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %val1, i64 5
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_notknownNonZero1(ptr noundef %val1, i64 %val2) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_notknownNonZero1(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[VAL1]], i64 [[VAL2:%.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[TMP1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP2]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %val1, i64 %val2
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_notknownNonZero2(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_notknownNonZero2(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_VAL1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], i64 -1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[TEST_VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %test.val1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %val1, i64 -1
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %test.val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_notknownNonZero3(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_notknownNonZero3(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_VAL1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], i64 5
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[TEST_VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 -1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %test.val1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %val1, i64 5
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %test.val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 -1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool

>From 824526d2e2664090c4f95a00e776ab9d213943a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bipmis <biplob.mishra at arm.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:32:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Add additional tests as per review comments

 .../Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll  | 195 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 195 insertions(+)

diff --git a/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll b/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
index 228b80129512443..aa8c6a79ba25148 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
@@ -761,3 +761,198 @@ _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
   %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
   ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phiorcmp_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr noundef %val1, i64 %val2) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phiorcmp_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[TEST_0_I]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[VAL1]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I:%.*]] = sub i64 [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I]], [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ORVAL:%.*]] = or i64 [[RETVAL_0_I]], [[VAL2:%.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[BOOL:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[ORVAL]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[BOOL]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %orval = or i64 %retval.0.i, %val2
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %orval, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @phiorcmpmulti_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr %val1, i64 %val2, ptr %dv1, ptr %dv2) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phiorcmpmulti_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[TEST_0_I]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[VAL1]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I:%.*]] = sub i64 [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I]], [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ORVAL:%.*]] = or i64 [[RETVAL_0_I]], [[VAL2:%.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OR_COND:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[ORVAL]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[OR_COND]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_END4:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       if.then:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[DV1:%.*]], [[DV2:%.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[CLEANUP:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       if.end4:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TOBOOL:%.*]] = icmp ne i64 [[RETVAL_0_I]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[CLEANUP]]
+; CHECK:       cleanup:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[CMP]], [[IF_THEN]] ], [ [[TOBOOL]], [[IF_END4]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %orval = or i64 %retval.0.i, %val2
+  %or.cond = icmp eq i64 %orval, 0
+  br i1 %or.cond, label %if.then, label %if.end4
+  %cmp = icmp eq ptr %dv1, %dv2
+  br label %cleanup
+  %tobool = icmp ne i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  br label %cleanup
+  %retval.0 = phi i1 [ %cmp, %if.then ], [ %tobool, %if.end4 ]
+  ret i1 %retval.0
+define i1 @phi_sub_recursivePHI_maybeZero(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursivePHI_maybeZero(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[A_PN_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %a.pn.i, align 2
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %a.pn.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i64 [ %sub.ptr.sub.i, %while.end.i ], [ 0, %entry ]
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %retval.0.i, 0
+  ret i1 %bool
+define i1 @icmp_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr noundef %val1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @icmp_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(
+; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
+; CHECK:       while.end.i:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[BOOL:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
+; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[BOOL]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+  %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
+  br i1 %cmp.i, label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit, label %while.cond.i
+  %a.pn.i = phi ptr [ %test.0.i, %while.cond.i ], [ %val1, %entry ]
+  %test.0.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %a.pn.i, i64 1
+  %0 = load i8, ptr %test.0.i, align 2
+  %cmp3.not.i = icmp eq i8 %0, 0
+  br i1 %cmp3.not.i, label %while.end.i, label %while.cond.i
+  %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %test.0.i to i64
+  %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i = ptrtoint ptr %val1 to i64
+  %sub.ptr.sub.i = sub i64 %sub.ptr.lhs.cast.i, %sub.ptr.rhs.cast.i
+  %bool = icmp eq i64 %sub.ptr.sub.i, 0
+  br label %_Z9stringlenPKs.exit
+  %retval.0.i = phi i1 [ %bool, %while.end.i ], [ true, %entry ]
+  ret i1 %retval.0.i

>From f1a9596a80bfae177d34d8708d93ce1f947c3166 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bipmis <biplob.mishra at arm.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:50:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update as per review comments. Show test which fold from

 llvm/lib/Analysis/ValueTracking.cpp           | 67 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll  | 51 +++++---------
 llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub-gep.ll   | 10 +--
 3 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Analysis/ValueTracking.cpp b/llvm/lib/Analysis/ValueTracking.cpp
index f510f6a42f08c12..cfc5ba64c17bc54 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Analysis/ValueTracking.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Analysis/ValueTracking.cpp
@@ -2410,9 +2410,76 @@ static bool isNonZeroAdd(const APInt &DemandedElts, unsigned Depth,
+static bool isNonZeroSubWithRecursiveGEP(const SimplifyQuery &Q, Value *X,
+                                         Value *Y) {
+  // Handle sub(PtrtoInt(A), PtrtoInt(B))
+  // Where A is a recursive GEP for an incoming value of PHI indicating a
+  // loop. B can be a ptr/GEP.
+  // If the PHI has 2 incoming values, one of it being the recursive GEP
+  // and other a ptr at same base and at an same/higher offset than B we are
+  // only incrementing the pointer further in loop if offset of recursive GEP is
+  // greater than 0.
+  Value *A, *B;
+  // sub(PtrtoInt(A), PtrtoInt(B))
+  if (match(X, m_PtrToInt(m_Value(A))) && match(Y, m_PtrToInt(m_Value(B)))) {
+    GEPOperator *GEPA = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(A);
+    // Make sure GEPA pointer operand is a PHI. If sub(A,B) is non zero, so
+    // is sub(B,A)
+    if (!GEPA || !isa<PHINode>(GEPA->getPointerOperand())) {
+      GEPA = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(B);
+      std::swap(A, B);
+    }
+    if (!GEPA || !isa<PHINode>(GEPA->getPointerOperand()))
+      return false;
+    // Handle 2 incoming values with one being a recursive GEP.
+    auto *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(GEPA->getPointerOperand());
+    if (PN->getNumIncomingValues() == 2) {
+      // Recursive GEP in second incoming value. Always keep Recursive GEP as
+      // FirstInst
+      Value *FirstInst = nullptr, *SecondInst = nullptr;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i != 2; ++i) {
+        // Check if A is a Recursive GEP in one of the incoming values.
+        if (PN->getIncomingValue(i) == A && GEPA->getNumIndices() == 1 &&
+            isa<Constant>(GEPA->idx_begin())) {
+          FirstInst = PN->getIncomingValue(i);
+          SecondInst = PN->getIncomingValue(1 - i);
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+      if (FirstInst && SecondInst) {
+        // Other incoming node base should match the B base.
+        // SecondInstOffset >= OffsetB && FirstInstOffset > 0?
+        // SecondInstOffset <= OffsetB && FirstInstOffset < 0?
+        // Is non-zero if above are true.
+        APInt FirstInstOffset(Q.DL.getIndexTypeSizeInBits(FirstInst->getType()),
+                              0);
+        FirstInst = FirstInst->stripAndAccumulateConstantOffsets(
+            Q.DL, FirstInstOffset, /* AllowNonInbounds */ true);
+        APInt SecondInstOffset(
+            Q.DL.getIndexTypeSizeInBits(SecondInst->getType()), 0);
+        SecondInst = SecondInst->stripAndAccumulateConstantOffsets(
+            Q.DL, SecondInstOffset, /* AllowNonInbounds */ true);
+        APInt OffsetB(Q.DL.getIndexTypeSizeInBits(B->getType()), 0);
+        B = B->stripAndAccumulateConstantOffsets(Q.DL, OffsetB,
+                                                 /* AllowNonInbounds */ true);
+        if (SecondInst == B &&
+            ((SecondInstOffset.sge(OffsetB) && FirstInstOffset.sgt(0)) ||
+             (SecondInstOffset.sle(OffsetB) && FirstInstOffset.slt(0))))
+          return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
 static bool isNonZeroSub(const APInt &DemandedElts, unsigned Depth,
                          const SimplifyQuery &Q, unsigned BitWidth, Value *X,
                          Value *Y) {
+  if (isNonZeroSubWithRecursiveGEP(Q, X, Y))
+    return true;
   if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(X))
     if (C->isNullValue() && isKnownNonZero(Y, DemandedElts, Depth, Q))
       return true;
diff --git a/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll b/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
index aa8c6a79ba25148..a5573363e745aa7 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Analysis/ValueTracking/phi-known-bits.ll
@@ -437,11 +437,9 @@ define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr noundef %val1) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[CMP_I]]
   %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
@@ -478,11 +476,9 @@ define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1_PhiOperandsCommuted(ptr noundef %v
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[CMP_I]]
   %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
@@ -519,11 +515,9 @@ define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1_SubOperandsCommuted(ptr noundef %v
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[CMP_I]]
   %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
@@ -560,11 +554,9 @@ define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero2(ptr noundef %val1) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[CMP_I]]
   %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
@@ -592,21 +584,19 @@ _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
 define i1 @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero3(ptr noundef %val1) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @phi_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero3(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_VAL1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], i64 7
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1]], null
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
 ; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I_IDX:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[A_PN_I_ADD:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ 7, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I_ADD]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[A_PN_I_IDX]], 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I_PTR:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[VAL1]], i64 [[A_PN_I_ADD]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I_PTR]], align 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[TEST_VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[TEST_0_I]], align 2
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[A_PN_I_ADD]], 5
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP1]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[CMP_I]]
   %test.val1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %val1, i64 7
@@ -774,12 +764,9 @@ define i1 @phiorcmp_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr noundef %val1, i64 %val2)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[TEST_0_I]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[VAL1]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I:%.*]] = sub i64 [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I]], [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ 1, [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ORVAL:%.*]] = or i64 [[RETVAL_0_I]], [[VAL2:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[BOOL:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[ORVAL]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[BOOL]]
@@ -811,8 +798,8 @@ _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
 define i1 @phiorcmpmulti_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr %val1, i64 %val2, ptr %dv1, ptr %dv2) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @phiorcmpmulti_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
-; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_I:%.*]] = icmp ne ptr [[VAL1:%.*]], null
+; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_I]], label [[WHILE_COND_I:%.*]], label [[_Z9STRINGLENPKS_EXIT:%.*]]
 ; CHECK:       while.cond.i:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[A_PN_I:%.*]] = phi ptr [ [[TEST_0_I:%.*]], [[WHILE_COND_I]] ], [ [[VAL1]], [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TEST_0_I]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[A_PN_I]], i64 1
@@ -820,12 +807,9 @@ define i1 @phiorcmpmulti_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr %val1, i64 %val2, pt
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[TEST_0_I]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[VAL1]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I:%.*]] = sub i64 [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I]], [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ 1, [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ORVAL:%.*]] = or i64 [[RETVAL_0_I]], [[VAL2:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[OR_COND:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[ORVAL]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[OR_COND]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_END4:%.*]]
@@ -833,10 +817,9 @@ define i1 @phiorcmpmulti_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr %val1, i64 %val2, pt
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[DV1:%.*]], [[DV2:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[CLEANUP:%.*]]
 ; CHECK:       if.end4:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TOBOOL:%.*]] = icmp ne i64 [[RETVAL_0_I]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[CLEANUP]]
 ; CHECK:       cleanup:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[CMP]], [[IF_THEN]] ], [ [[TOBOOL]], [[IF_END4]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[CMP]], [[IF_THEN]] ], [ [[CMP_I]], [[IF_END4]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0]]
@@ -928,11 +911,9 @@ define i1 @icmp_sub_recursiveGEP_knownNonZero1(ptr noundef %val1) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP0]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[BOOL:%.*]] = icmp eq ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[VAL1]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z9stringlenPKs.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[BOOL]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ true, [[ENTRY]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[CMP_I]]
   %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %val1, null
diff --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub-gep.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub-gep.ll
index a8f8a82e675b026..91674b0fd50dce6 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub-gep.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub-gep.ll
@@ -386,11 +386,10 @@ define i1 @_gep_phi1(ptr noundef %str1) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP1]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp ne ptr [[TEST_0_I]], [[STR1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[_Z3FOOPKC_EXIT]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z3fooPKc.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i1 [ [[TMP2]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ false, [[LOR_LHS_FALSE_I]] ], [ false, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[RETVAL_0_I]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TOBOOL:%.*]] = phi i1 [ true, [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ false, [[LOR_LHS_FALSE_I]] ], [ false, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[TOBOOL]]
   %cmp.i = icmp eq ptr %str1, null
@@ -436,12 +435,9 @@ define i1 @_gep_phi2(ptr noundef %str1, i64 %val2) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP3_NOT_I:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[TMP1]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP3_NOT_I]], label [[WHILE_END_I:%.*]], label [[WHILE_COND_I]]
 ; CHECK:       while.end.i:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[TEST_0_I]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I:%.*]] = ptrtoint ptr [[STR1]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I:%.*]] = sub i64 [[SUB_PTR_LHS_CAST_I]], [[SUB_PTR_RHS_CAST_I]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[_Z3FOOPKC_EXIT]]
 ; CHECK:       _Z3fooPKc.exit:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[SUB_PTR_SUB_I]], [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[LOR_LHS_FALSE_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[RETVAL_0_I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ 1, [[WHILE_END_I]] ], [ 0, [[LOR_LHS_FALSE_I]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = or i64 [[RETVAL_0_I]], [[VAL2:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TOBOOL:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP2]], 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[TOBOOL]]

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