[llvm] [AMDGPU] Detect kills in register sets when trying to form V_CMPX instructions. (PR #68293)

Carl Ritson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Oct 6 02:30:32 PDT 2023

perlfu wrote:

> > Can you just drop kill flags without prejudice? We shouldn't really need them anymore at this point
> I am not sure about that.

In the general case we still use kill flags after this point in SIShrinkInstructions and SIPreEmitPeephole.
More specifically can we drop kill flags from anything used by V_CMPX?
I would say "yes", but I think that is basically what this patch is trying to do?

Perhaps Matt is suggesting that we permute all the sub and super registers of the registers which are passed to clearKillFlags, and call clearKillFlags on those as well.


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