[llvm] [BOLT] Support instrumentation hook via DT_FINI_ARRAY (PR #67348)

Vladislav Khmelevsky via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 5 09:01:34 PDT 2023

yota9 wrote:

> Instead of doing this, I simply run the instrumented binary in the tests and verify the generated profile makes sense. I feel this should be enough because it implicitly verifies the fini function was hooked correctly. What do you think?

Thanks, I would check the test a bit later. But in BOLT we are trying to avoid runtime tests where it is possible, for example because there are no aarch64 tests machines right now. I'm OK with adding both runtime and non-runtime tests, but I think runtime-only for this case is not enough, sorry :(


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