[llvm] [Object] Remove restriction universal archives having both IR and native (PR #67505)

Daniel Rodríguez Troitiño via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 2 12:47:32 PDT 2023

@@ -134,65 +140,57 @@ Expected<Slice> Slice::create(const Archive &A, LLVMContext *LLVMCtx) {
     if (Bin->isMachO()) {
       MachOObjectFile *O = cast<MachOObjectFile>(Bin);
-      if (IRFO) {
-        return createStringError(
-            std::errc::invalid_argument,
-            "archive member %s is a MachO, while previous archive member "
-            "%s was an IR LLVM object",
-            O->getFileName().str().c_str(), IRFO->getFileName().str().c_str());
-      }
-      if (MFO &&
-          std::tie(MFO->getHeader().cputype, MFO->getHeader().cpusubtype) !=
-              std::tie(O->getHeader().cputype, O->getHeader().cpusubtype)) {
+      auto ObjectCPU = getMachoCPUFromObjectFile(O);
+      if (!ObjectCPU)
+        return ObjectCPU.takeError();
+      if (CPU && CPU != *ObjectCPU) {
+        // If CPU != nullptr, one of MFO, IRFO will be != nullptr.
+        StringRef PreviousName = MFO ? MFO->getFileName() : IRFO->getFileName();
         return createStringError(
             ("archive member " + O->getFileName() + " cputype (" +
-             Twine(O->getHeader().cputype) + ") and cpusubtype(" +
-             Twine(O->getHeader().cpusubtype) +
+             Twine(ObjectCPU->first) + ") and cpusubtype(" +
+             Twine(ObjectCPU->second) +
              ") does not match previous archive members cputype (" +
-             Twine(MFO->getHeader().cputype) + ") and cpusubtype(" +
-             Twine(MFO->getHeader().cpusubtype) +
-             ") (all members must match) " + MFO->getFileName())
+             Twine(CPU->first) + ") and cpusubtype(" + Twine(CPU->second) +
+             ") (all members must match) " + PreviousName)
       if (!MFO) {
+        if (!CPU)
+          CPU.emplace(*ObjectCPU);
     } else if (Bin->isIR()) {
       IRObjectFile *O = cast<IRObjectFile>(Bin);
-      if (MFO) {
-        return createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
-                                 "archive member '%s' is an LLVM IR object, "
-                                 "while previous archive member "
-                                 "'%s' was a MachO",
-                                 O->getFileName().str().c_str(),
-                                 MFO->getFileName().str().c_str());
+      auto ObjectCPU = getMachoCPUFromTriple(O->getTargetTriple());
drodriguez wrote:

I think it will need to be `Expected<MachoCPUTy>`, but I will change it, if we want to avoid `auto`.


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