[llvm] Introduce paged vector (PR #66430)

Vassil Vassilev via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 2 03:41:17 PDT 2023

vgvassilev wrote:

> > Looks like this causes a compile-time regression: https://llvm-compile-time-tracker.com/compare.php?from=abcaebfe3aacb13d46be5e949fd6ed9b4321e2f6&to=4ae51570806ba5c5fcabe6d6dcbe52e3a5d5453b&stat=instructions%3Au About 0.5% at `O0`.
> It is probably the change in the `SourceManager.cpp` in non-modules mode that caused it. IIUC, this is a ~memory regression and probably comes by the larger page/slab that we allocate~. Looks like the instruction count increased and the branching increased. Could it be the indexing operation:
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/f99bd296108756e9824b179761fb5a40807af66f/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/PagedVector.h#L82-L95
> Would adding an `LLVM_UNLIKELY` in the if-stmt condition help us?

@ktf could you take a look at this?


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