[llvm] Warn on align directive with non-zero fill value in virtual sections (PR #66792)
Matthias Braun via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 22 14:51:48 PDT 2023
MatzeB wrote:
Hey this seems to produce a lot of invalid warnings for me. Example on a linux x86-64 system:
$ cat hello.cpp
template<typename T> struct C { static T comdat_global; };
template<typename T> T C<T>::comdat_global;
void* use = (void*)&C<int>::comdat_global;
Results in:
$ clang -S hello.cpp && clang -Wall -c hello.s
hello.s:6:14: warning: ignoring non-zero fill value in SHT_NOBITS section '.bss._ZN1CIiE13comdat_globalE'
.p2align 2, 0x0
it seems this just checks for the presence of fill-expression but not if it is actually non-zero...
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